
Chap. 0 Explanation

In this world there are 6 genders. Omega [Male and Female], Alpha [Male and Female] and Beta [Male and Female]. Alpha is the superior, they have a big amount of magic since birth and when on they're in heat the magic inside their body will be out of control and they have to find someone to sleep with or take their suppressant. While they are in heat or Rut they will be in pain that they will lose their mind and can't control their own body and start attacking like a wild beast. Omega is at the middle of the pyramid. They have at least 3/4 of the Alpha's magic and some of them have more than the magic powers of an Alpha. And when they are in heat the effects are opposite to the Alpha, their sense most likely can't move like they are melting. And last is the Beta, they are like a normal citizens with a small amount of magic powers while some have none. They are in the bottom of the pyramid. If a beta was born in a family of omega and alpha there's a 0.1% that they will become an omega or alpha. They will possessed the magic powers of the omega and alpha parents. They are at the very top of the pyramid superior to the Alpha and omega. If a beta will evolved to an alpha or omega they have to experience a very strong emotion happy or sad or maybe a life and death experience. A Beta becoming an alpha or omega is a extremely rare case so they didn't teach it to the public schools only on private schools. If a Beta become an alpha or omega their heats will be less painful than the others they can also control it with their magic powers so they rarely go on heat unless if they go in heat and meet their pair they can't stop it no matter what.