
Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

They said they came from out of nowhere. There were no signs of their arrival nor there were any loud sounds. One day, Humanity woke up and was forced to accept their existence...along with the destruction they brought with them. Ashton West, a orphan and a transmigrator from Earth. He woke up in this near-apocalyptic world without anyone else to rely on aside from himself. Thankfully, he was blessed with a golden finger that came with his transmigration package! Ashton: This world needs a Hero...sadly, I can't be bothered to be one. Ashton: Surely there's someone out there who can fulfill that role. As for me? Well... "Being 'Humanity's Strongest Backer' doesn't sound so bad." *** Disclaimer: 1. Cover's not mine. Found it online and edited it. This is for temporary use. Hit me up if this is yours and want it to be taken down. 2. Don't expect perfection. It doesn't exist. 3. I'm not in a race with the other authors. I have my own update schedule. Don't worry, it's frequent enough. All your support will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for checking out my work!

Hateful_Fellow · ファンタジー
425 Chs

New Weapons

A sword, a pair of round shields, and a bow.

This was what Aria created from the purified remains of the Skydemons just now using an unfamiliar forging technique.

The sword was three feet long. It looked like an ordinary sword save for the red groove in the middle of the blade. It gleamed sharply and looked weighty.

The pair of round shields were small, there was a skull in the middle of each one and they were slightly curved.

As for the bow, its arms looked like it was made out of a spine, which is correct, it is indeed made out of two spines from skydemons, the string was a tendon and it also came with a quiver.

Before handing them to their owners though, Ashton carved a rune into them first. For the sword, the runes he added helped it become more flexible and prevent it from turning dull.

For the shield, he installed a 'couple rune' which will allow Blake to call the shield back to where he is if he dropped it or he threw it somewhere far.