
Ideas of a Psycho

[TW// Blood | Murder | Mature Content | Assault | Kidnapping | Harassment ] A long... time ago, back when the CECT war had come to a stalemate many rebel groups remained occupying and oppressing countries and their civilians. After Operation 4/5ths failed NBL a prized soldier of the New World Army found himself switching sides. Becoming more Psychotic as the times passed on. General's Family, split across the world, suffers at the hands of NBL. Or is it his fate. His young daughters, kidnapped and split across two lands of a peninsula, his wife- yet to be found. And his eldest son cut out of contact. And now with NBL's growing rebel forces it seems a war will be inevitable. Due to a lack of soldiers because of the Armies inactivity a draft was imposed on all able bodied people from the ages of 16 to 38. How will fate dictate the direction of this war. But it doesn't start. For now its just a bunch of rich kids at high school.

Yui_Ichi · ファンタジー
27 Chs

Emerald Eyes

Niko's POV

"I would like to introduce our class to our new student. Silvia Stone, she moved here from America just yesterday so please try not to stress her out too much. Come in and introduce yourself," the teacher extended a long arm signalling for her to enter.

The first thing I noticed were her long locks of her, that coiled and bounced around like loose and untamed springs. Her eyes, were deep and brown. It was almost as if I was staring into a pot of deep honey, enticing and sweet.

"Hello everyone, my name is Silvia Stone. I moved here recently. This is my first time being in the New Korean Peninsula, so please excuse me if there are certain things I do not know of," she spoke, the confident tone in her voice over taking. 

"Alright then Silvia now that you have introduced yourself please take a seat next to Niko by the window," the teacher spoke pointing to me. 

"Thank you Silvia take a seat next to Niko," the teacher pointing to the seat in front of me. The strong scent of cinnamon, honey and chocolate got stronger as she approached. It was heavy on her not suffocating yet not refreshing. Almost like a sedative.Her oxford heels clicked quietly as she approached my seat.

"Hey I'm Silvia," she extended a long arm.

But I instantly turned away from her. I wasn't a fan of strangers. Nor did I plan on becoming a fan of them anytime soon.

Time passed by very slowly. I spent majority of the lesson staring out of the large windows that overlooked the sports field and track. 

"That will be it for today's lesson. I shall see you all again tomorrow morning," the teacher finished up packing his books into a brown, leather briefcase. He picked up the dark, wide-framed glasses of his desk and slotted them into their plastic, green case. His sleeves were unevenly rolled, one at his elbow one at his wrist. His hair was filthy and unkempt, and his trousers worn-out and faded as if they had brought back from the previous decade. Although I rarely paid attention to the teachers at this school, something seemed off about this one. I never really noticed how unkept his appearance was but it was as if he was purposely trying to seem like a hobo.

"Hey, Silvia, so where did you move from?" the class president Ren Shinjiro, approached her his deep red hair falling in front of his face as he stood up.

"Well, I am from somewhere?" she looked up to face him and the gathering crowd.

"Somewhere... do you perhaps not want to state because you are from a ... lower class area" Nova Centuri scoffed putting an emphasis on the lower. "When you go to this school you either take the exam and are extremely poor or are wealthy," she continued, "you don't come from an average family in this school." Her gaze was almost engraved on Silvia.

"Then my answer to you is that I took the exam. Is there a problem with that?" she asked shooting her a glaring smile, her eyes sharp like daggers piercing right through the wall that she put up.

Giving up Nova huffed and waltzed out of the room in a poor attempt to upkeep her pride. Usually, the new girl would have to put up with or deal with Nova's persona for the rest of her time up until she finishes this school year... if she even managed to. Most people leave within the next few weeks. Some leave within a few days if their parents are wealthy enough.

Most people wouldn't be bothered by this, however I knew that this slight yet irrelevant tussle would already lead to a string of unexpected events. And I didn't like that. We never got new students in the middle of the school year. Students in our class are all rich. So who exactly was she.

"Hey Niko, did you watch the stream last night?" I could hear Nivea's voice calling towards me from within the crowd. She was like the total opposite of me. Straight, short, female, curly-haired and likes white. Sometimes I wonder if one of us was adopted.

"Why are you asking me that question, we share the same room," I sat upright my hoodie still covering my face.

"It's called trying to make the situation less tense but then again, if you were a little more social, you would know," she rolled her eyes loudly as she approached my seat laying a hand on my shoulder

"Hey Silvia, wanna get some lunch with me and Niko later?" Nivea launched up out of her seat. Nivea had already given up trying to form a conversation with me and appeared to have locked eyes on a new target. She bounced up to Silvia and comfortably sat herself in the chair in front of her. "C'mon Nikoo," she cried elongating my name in a desperate plea to get me to join her to lunch. 

Silvia didn't respond but instead continued to sit there in solitude focusing on whatever was playing on her phone screen. It seemed she had no plan of dining with us at lunch.

I looked up at her coldly not having any of it, "Nivea don't pull me into any more of your stupid shenanigans." She knew I didn't like change so why was she trying to change that. Every day, at lunch, we would sit together. At the very back table on the far left. I would sit on the middle seat facing the window and she would sit opposite me. I would get strawberry milk. She would get chocolate milk. I would eat the meat bun, she would get the plain bun. I would get the fried rice with beef, she would get boiled noodles with chicken. Why did she want to change that? Why now. She had the start of the year to change but she didn't so why now.

"Nivea-" I got up dragged her around to a corner that was dimly lit and slightly quieter than the main corridor. "I know you don't like change Niko, but haven't things changed already. If things have changed now why would they stop, it's about time you got used to society Niko," she looked pissed off. Mad, angry in some sort of way. It was hard to tell what she was trying to convey because at the same time her body seemed to be vibrating with excitement. Perhaps its the polarity in our attitudes that make it that way.

"Whatever, I'm going to lunch. You can come if you like," her shoes echoed against the hard floor as she distanced from me, travelling further down the hall.

I guess it was something I would have to get used to. After all, in a while, the sudden change will become the norm. It's best to just go back to the classroom, maybe she'll still be there.

"Silvia!" a tall brown-haired boy ran past me. His smelt strongly like strawberry marshmallows and watermelon. It was like the fragrance of summer you could say. strongly to the air behind him. His eyes were green, like a pair or prized emeralds. It was as if I was in the presence of a jewel.

"Silvia, Silvia, I had to go to every classroom just to find you. Why did you run off this morning?" the boy came zooming into our class.

Was she perhaps his girlfriend? For some reason, I felt slightly disappointed. I don't know why or what I was expecting but it certainly made me feel some way. The tall boy stared at her in discontent whilst she ignored him like he was nothing like a brick wall. I guess Nivea must've sensed the awkwardness in the room becomes barely moments after she came running back in parading about the classroom before finally settling at the new girl's desk.

"Silviaaa!" she squealed, "I thought you were gunna have lunch with me and Niko," she complained nonchalantly pulling the same face she did every time she was going to beg for something.

"Yes, actually I did," her expression changed almost instantly and she grabbed Nivea by the arm, "since I don't have any friends at this school I'm glad to have someone to eat lunch with." The two walked out comfortably hand in hand like they were best friends. I had no other option but to follow behind. If I didn't it would mean I would have no one to sit next to at lunch.

I turned back to take one last look at the classroom, and there he was. Stood alone, his expression, empty and sad. His eyes looked like they were filled with tears. I've never seen someone look so sad at being rejected for lunch. I mean I don't know why she appeared so mad at him, but if he's a straight man I guess she has reason to do so.

"Niko, hurry up or I'm not letting you sit with us." She wasn't even looking back at me but I guess it's that thing you call twin telepathy. I jogged a little trying to keep up with them.

"Anyways I'm Nivea, this is my brother Niko, we are twins if you couldn't tell," she smiled taking a seat at the usual table.

"Well, not totally, I can't really tell what Niko looks like because of that hood. And you look like complete polar opposites, so no not really-"

"Silv," the boy from earlier stood in front of our table, his broad shoulders creating a large overhanging shadow, "look at your phone I sent you a message."

"Silvia, I'm sorry I'll tell you all about it when we get home, are you still mad at me Silvia, please respond," she read aloud. At the end of the sentence, she let out a huge sigh.

"Sit," she shifted to the other side of the bench signalling for him to sit down.

Did they live together? Is that even legal? Perhaps they are siblings? No, they couldn't be. He has green eyes, she has brown eyes. "Everyone, meet Leo. I've known him since we were like eight or nine, he's a family friend I guess" she sounded frustrated and annoyed as if she was merely putting the words out.

"Hello everyone I'm Leo, or L for short." He scratched the back of his head and bit his bottom lip. His cheeks heated a bright pink. He looked kind of adorable.

"And I'm Silvia's friend and-"