
Shin's Mansion

After a few minutes of waiting, a red Ferrari came which attracted the attention of the people in the bar. A handsome man go out in the car and go straight to the bar. This was of course, Adonijah.

Some ladies tried to get close to him. However, Adonijah just push them and walk around the bar. While searching, he saw a man drinking that have similar face as his master. He walk towards them and asked,

"Hello , may I know your name?"

"Sir, this drunk man is Tony. We are his friends." answered Ivan to Adonijah.

" Are you waiting for someone?"

"Well yes."

Adonijah confirmed that they are waiting for him so he decided to tell them who is he.

"Well actually, I'm sent by Mr. Shin to pick someone called Tony here."

"Oh, so you are sent by Mr. Shin. Are you going to pick him?"

"Yes, actually, you can also go."

"Sorry but I have to reject your offer. We only accompanied Tony because we are worried about him. His girlfriend cheated on him saying that he is cheap. Well, please take care of him."

Hearing his explanation, Adonijah almost vomited blood. Calling his young master cheap!!! That was insulting!

After calming down, he glanced at Tony who was fast asleep. Like his master, Tony have white hair and the same facial structure. Even without DNA test, they could tell that he is truly the son of Nathan Shin.

They chatted with Ivan first before they carried Tony to the ferrari and go.


After a few minutes, they arrived at their mansion. There, Nathan and Samantha Shin are waiting for their arrival. With the help of the maids, they carried Tony to his new room. Because Tony was reeking of alcohol, they bathed him and changed his clothes into a pajama. After seeing that Tony fell asleep, Nathan and Samantha sleep too.

Well, uhm. I'm out of idea in this chapter so. Sorry for the cheesy lines.

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