

in a world where the rich oppresses the poor, young Ethan has gotten the power to surpass any limit in the human kind and above.

sammy_bliss888 · ファンタジー
3 Chs


Once again in taohun city the sun shine brightly the city was full of people, everyone was happy except a certain boy. Inside an alleyway in a deserted place he was lying on the floor half conscious his body tattered and bloody he had blue eyes and Raven black hair not muscular but one would be satisfied with his looks many would call him handsome but that was all there is to it, being handsome in this this world meant nothing without power. the human world had evolved it turned animals into beasts and mankind had to look for a way to evolved with it, that's when they somehow discovered what was now called the jrynge. a scientist named Harry was studying how the universe works when he stumbled upon it, it turns out that the jrynge could somehow give someone abnormal abilities some people had gain what would only be possible in fantasy novels. Harry then investigated the jrynge and found out that there were many more under the surface of the earth lying freely on the Earth's core he then extracted them and did what any human would do in his position, he sold them for a fortune, however this also had a downside, one would need Mana to activate them (Mana was now flowing freely ever since the earth had evolved) and one couldn't process more than two jrynge in the body, once the jrynge has been extracted it need to go through some stages before coming out in an orb like shape. Back on the deserted alleyway "fuck, my body hurts so much, who ever thought I would be robbed on my birthday... seems the only things they can't take from me is my life and my ewatch( a watch imbued to an individual for life used for e-banking and an inventory it is also used for communication)" .

BEEP... he took a quick glance at his watch "Ethan where are you am getting worried" after reading the message now known as Ethan brushed himself before running home "fuck am late, grandma is gonna kill me".

KNOCK KNOCK... he knocked a few times before someone opened the door she was an old lady in her late 70s with white hair and wrinkles written all over her face "Ethan what happened, quick come inside I'll treat your wounds" she dragged him inside with a worried look on her face "grandma I'm ok" Ethan said assuring her that he's fine despite the wounds and bruises all over his face "how can you be ok look at you, you have bruises and scars all over your body" she said pulling out a first aid box from the cupboard. While she was attending to his wounds Ethan was looking at the visitor they had in the room sitting there quietly as if waiting for something and for some reason Ethan's gut was telling him he wasn't here for a good reason "Ethan dear, please go up and freshen up then come down for dinner" after Ethan went upstairs to his room he went to his bathroom and wrapped himself in the warm water "finally peace and quiet" he said. After some minutes in the bath tub he got out put on his clothes, while he was doing so he heard some screaming downstairs and a loud bang which obviously was the door, he ran down and saw his grandma on the floor he quickly rushed and helped her up "grandma what happened, who did this to you was it that ugly man tell man where he is I'll beat him up" Ethan said helping her up "it's nothing Ethan I just tripped and fell" she said sitting on the couch "don't lie to me grandma how can you trip and fall you're as sturdy as an elephant" Ethan said trying to lighten her mood "haaa...ethan, the world has gone bad after the arrival of the jrynge the rich and powerful now oppresses the poor and less privileged, there is no more law for the rich, the law does not abide to them anymore they do as they please and get away with it. If only your parents were still alive we wouldn't be like this. You know you're father was a strong man and worked in the military with high rank and pride, and your mother would be by his side too bad they were wiped out because of the thing I feared the most... Power, now it's time I hand over that same power to you like I promised your father I would do once you turn 18" his grandma said pulling out a white orb from her e_watch inventory "Ethan your parents made me promise to give you this when you clock 18 which happens to be today" Ethan's grandma said showing him the white orb "it's your father's legacy, his pride and the same thing that got you this house. It is your father's legendary jrynge no one knows what his power was but everyone knew he was really strong, the government saw him as a threat so they took him out of the picture, they say he was killed by an evolved beast but I know better I knew he was too powerful to be killed by some evolved beast, your mother died from the trauma not before making me promise to give you this and hide you in plain sight so no one would find you I've already thought about it after this I'll send you off to school first thing tomorrow morning. I got you admitted into one of the best school in taohun city, it was easy after I mentioned your father's name general hedgewood they all think you're some kind of God child... Ethan you have to promise me that you will get stronger so in the future you will be able to protect yourself" she said with a worried look "I know you have a lot of questions but time is not on our side, take this it won't be hard to activate since you have your father's blood coarsing through your vein maybe it's a one touch activate system, I don't know" she said "it's a new beginning for you" she said with a smile

please guys this is my first novel so I need your opinion on it though I might make a few mistakes please inform me of any mistakes through the comments

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