
Icarus' Curiosity

Shun is an unusual person with a highly inquisitive nature; once he became curious, he may go to whatever extent was necessary to obtain the information he desired. Somehow, he ended up in the One Punch Man universe, where a city can disappear at any time. From the look of it, this world doesn't seem like the One Punch Man world he knows. How will he cope in this dangerous world ----- Something I began to write in hobby... and also promote the slightly serious'er' one

R4IN · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

2 Filler Original Chapter - Shun-kun is Bored.

Oh, by the way, nothing is planned, and everything written is what I came at the spot.

The benefit of fanfiction is you don't need to plan.


"It's as TUYU-sama said." Shun said, his lonely silhouette disappearing under the shadow of night.

Although Shun's long hair was wet due to the warm river water, he saw the stars above up close.

Shun once thought this was heaven as per the gentle atmosphere and the numerous flower in his surrounding but it lacked presence.

A day has passed, and a week has passed... In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed. It was exactly the time when he plucked all the flowers in the surrounding.

The once heaven seemed messy due to the ruined soil and the tramped flowers. The moment Shun pulled the flowers off the soil, the ground broke and the sky shattered like the one on Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Above the sky, the goddess appeared causing Shun to nod that the mythologies he have read before weren't fake content made by humans.

"Hi!" Shun greeted her as she continued to emit a divine aura.

"of here..." the goddess murmured causing Shun to lean his ears forward.

"Get out of here!!!!!" the goddess shouted and from her palm was a blinding light, trying to send away Shun.

"Okay!" Shun spreads his hand and said cheerfully, fully intent on catching the blinding light.

'I wonder where I'll get sent! Excited! Excited!'

However, Shun's wishes weren't fulfilled easily as she caught the light she released. After all, it was against the rule to forcefully send off the reincarnation candidate.

'Ehh... why isn't this man trying to run away... didn't mum said that there was a loophole in Reincarnation Organization?'

'If he had run off the area during the reincarnation ceremony I wouldn't need to expedite my powers to grant him his wish.'

Feeling the oddities, Shun asked her, "are you not sending me off, yet?" While asking, sat down on the soil with his leg crossed.

"You can go to another world if you crossed that river..." the goddess felt guilty as she opened her mouth.

"I can do that... but can you tell me the situation first? I have no idea what's going on right now. I was summoned here and was forced to wait for half a month." Shun nodded

Unable to hold her guilt, the goddess explained everything.

How it was her first time, reincarnating someone,

The rule of reincarnating someone.

How she tried to make use of the loophole.

"Hmm... is granting a person's wish before reincarnation a complicated process?" Curios, Shun asked the goddess.

"Depending on their wish. If their wish was a system or a cheat, it would be easy but..." the goddess said no more.

"If their wish was to take the god with them?" Shun said, guessing what she didn't want to say.

"Aaaah! I messed up!!" the goddess wanted to hide in a hole and block her ear so that she wouldn't hear what Shun will say next.

"Is that so... then-..."

"Ahhhhh!!" the goddess shouted to cancel Shun's voice.

"Well if you're willing then that's okay." Although he was curious about what would happen if he took the goddess with him, he didn't do so as per his rule.

After all, he was harmless.

"Then I am getting on the bus to another world. See ya." Shun sent his goodbye to the goddess who wasn't listening to him.

As for his wish? There was none.

Just like that, he swim past the river and fell unconscious as his body was taken to a different world.

The goddess who was closing her eyes and blocking her ears to not hearing and getting taken advantage of by Shun, found out there was no one around when she re-opened her eyes.

If Shun wasn't around the messy soils, he wasn't also in the river. The goddess searched for Shun for a while and entered the house not too far from the messy flower field.

Soon after she entered, she found a huge bouquet and a letter inside.

To someone who may read this.

I am sorry for ruining the flower field you prepared. Collecting or growing may or may not be hard for you, especially if you were a god or a goddess.

Nevertheless, I've ruined the room of your effort... but please listen to my excuse!

I was bored! I am but a normal human! I can't just sleep 24 hours a day (if time existed), I need to do something!

With all due respect, please accept this bouquet as apologies.

The bouquet was huge. So huge that if it weren't for this house being empty in the beginning, it definitely wouldn't have fit. After all, all the flowers in the field which Shun plucked, were put in here.

You can't put flowers in a bouquet adequately and expect it to be completed beautifully. However, the huge bouquet inside the house was beautiful.

It was colorful and beautiful, yet it was elegant that wherever you put your eyes in, there wasn't a single part that looked weird.

Seeing these well-placed flowers inside the bouquet, tears couldn't help but flow down the goddess' eyes as she recalled her excitement from before.

[I wonder how would he react if he sees the beautiful flowers I've collected all over the world.]

[Will he be happy? I hope so.]

As the graduator of Reincarnation Academy and this being her first work, she was obviously excited.

She even prepared so hard to please him that she overslept for half a month after the preparation.

However, she was angry when she saw the flower of her efforts being mercilessly plucked by Shun and she lost it.

So that's why she immediately proceeded to the action her mother taught her to do in case she was in danger.

More so because he had good-looking. Her mother said that a more handsome person was, the more wolf their true nature was.


'If you suddenly show kindness to me... I will cry...' The goddess suppressed tried her hardest to suppress herself.


The psychopath who played with the goddess' feelings opened his eyes.

'A dog... no, a man cosplaying as a dog...?' Shun was baffled at the sight in front of him.


Writing this chapter took more time writing than the previous chapter.

R4INcreators' thoughts