
I.Q SYSTEM Obtain strength through intelligence

What happens when there are crazy scientists after you, and there is a new threat. {System activated} {Let's start this journey} Brent Caesar, an extremely intelligent boy, lost his parents and starts a journey with no end in sight. Blake his twin brother, joins in this journey Do they really know where to stop? The story is mostly about the strong acting weak, trying to get by just fine. They are forced to reveal their strength to the world when the novas arrived, and leading them is no other than the one who forced them to hide their strength. With more troubles than rest, how will the twins get by. Would they remain low key? or Would they fight for a more peaceful and free life? Follow them on their journey and ask yourself a question. What would I do? Add to library, and I promise not to let you down Support with power stones And get more chapters

Wisewrites_0627 · ファンタジー
35 Chs


{Wake up , Brent}

I heard Elsa again, this is the second time she's waking me up. I took out the phone from my storage space and checked the time.

"Are you serious, it's just 6 am!"

{Yes, it's better you get up and finish your quest before she comes back}

"Huh, that makes sense"

{Of course it does}

"Can you stop flattering yourself?"


I finished the squats and push ups with great difficulty, I haven't done the run but I figured I'll do it later.

"Why is this so hard? I feel like I'll break anytime now." I said trying to catch my breath.

{You still have a lot to do, you're so weak it took you an hour to finish it}

"OK can you stop with the insult now, what I need is a kind of motivational speech"

{That was a motivational speech}

I freshened up in a bathroom I found in the office, put on new clothes and sat down, waiting for the nice aunty. It's 7:30 am, she should be coming soon.

"Hi, Good morning"as expected she came right on time.

"Good morning aunty"

"Oh you're dressed, great come have your breakfast then you can get going."She said

After breakfast, she gave me a lot of candies and some cash, then sent me off.

"Bye, thank you for taking care of me nice aunties" I bowed to them both and left.

"He is such a good boy"the receptionist said to her boss.

"Yes he is but, there's something wrong. Contact the police,ask if anyone's missing a child, I feel like he is lost."

"Yes ma'am"

I've been running for about 20 minutes when I heard Elsa's voice.

{Daily Quest completed. Awarded 5exp}

Host - Brent Caesar

Age - 7 years old

Intelligence - 60

Strength - 5

Vitality - 5

Speed - 5

Skills -

Calculative Agility - Level 1

Speed Talk - Level 0

Danger Sense - Level 1

Manipulative - Level 1

Exp Bar - 10/100

Others -


Storage space

"Man, I'm tired" I said while taking a seat leaning on a wall.

"Wait, why isn't my strength and speed increasing after all I just did?" I asked

{Do you really think you'll get stronger after one day? No.}

"You could have just told me nicely, instead of being sarcastic."

{I know. I just wanted to try it, and it was good}

Now that I'm well rested, I took a look at my surroundings ' it's like I'm in an alley of some sor...


I felt something and the hairs at the back of my head rose up.

{Danger Sense activated}

{Quest - Escape}

{Quest Reward - 20exp}

"What, what's going on?" I asked but I got my answer when a group of 5 thugs were coming my way.

"Hey, what do we have here?" Thug 1 said

"Looks like a scared little boy" thug 2 said

"Hey boys, leave him alone before he screams for his mama" thug 3 said sarcastically

"Hahahahaha" thug 4 and 5 laughed.

At this point, I knew I had to run, so I did.

"Hey, go get him, everyone" thug 3 said. It seems he's the boss. Immediately the 4 thugs came after me, I knew I can never outrun them even if I run at my fastest speed. On the way I saw a small passage and I got in. I hid myself at the far back, the 4 thugs passed by and I sighed in relief. Why hasn't Elsa given me the reward, and I got my answer.

"Hi there" the thug boss said. I raised my head and saw him smiling at me. In my attempt to run again , I fell backwards, through a tiny door and appeared in a crowded place, I quickly got up, dusted myself and began running. After about 2 minutes of running, I heard Elsa's voice

{Quest completed - Awarded 20exp}

Host - Brent Caesar

Age - 7 years old

Intelligence - 60

Strength - 5

Vitality - 5

Speed - 6

Skills -

Calculative Agility - Level 1

Speed Talk - Level 0

Danger Sense - Level 1

Manipulative - Level 1

Exp Bar - 30/100

Others -


Storage space

"Huh, my speed increased".