
I Won't Defy My Fate

Maria Lee, an exhausted but dedicated editorial assistant, finds herself thrust into a surreal situation when tasked with contacting the elusive author of a popular web novel. Despite her skepticism, she successfully arranges a meeting, only to discover that the author is an unexpected elderly woman. Feeling guilty for her initial doubts, Maria accepts a seemingly innocuous favor from the author, unaware of the life-altering consequences it will bring. Upon awakening the next day, Maria is bewildered to find herself inhabiting the body of a despised character from the novel she was tasked with. Determined to navigate this unfamiliar world and return to her own reality, Maria, now in the guise of Julia Visser, resolves to embrace her newfound role and stick to the storyline. But will she be able to stay still in the name of love?

merimeridowrite · ファンタジー
1 Chs


As I step into the office, I'm immediately greeted by people bustling between their desks. Phones are ringing incessantly, keyboards are clacking, and the low murmur of conversations fills the air. I hurriedly reach my station, dropping my bag onto the chair before grabbing a stack of folders, and head straight to the director's office for a meeting. On my way, a colleague hurries alongside me and her expression fraught with urgency.


"Maria, where have you been? The Director has been looking for you since Rita returned from her meeting with the author of Love Me, My Prince," Shana says breathlessly. "I think Rita couldn't get the author to sign with us, and that's probably why the director wants to see you. She might ask you to try persuading the author to sign."


"Oh god, no. If Rita couldn't get this author, how can they expect me to? As if I'm any better than her," I snort. I love my job and I'm dedicated, but if our best agent couldn't secure this best-selling author, there's no point in sending me to try again.


I compose myself before knocking twice on the director's door. I see Rita beside the director, and they ask me to sit on one of the couches before explaining what I just heard from Shana. As they begin to explain, my heart pounds. They tell me that the author specifically asked to meet me personally before signing the contract. Rita had tried to persuade the author to meet me later, but the author insisted on meeting me first, or she wouldn't sign. She's even offering us the original manuscript of her new novel, Love Me, My Prince, along with the distribution rights.


Although I'm still puzzled why the author asked specifically for me, I agree to meet her, knowing the importance of securing the distribution rights for this novel. It's already popular online with just a few chapters released, and many publishing companies are vying to be the first to publish the manuscript.


That afternoon, I decide to meet the author at a café near our office. I'm still skeptical about why the author agreed to sign a contract with us in exchange for meeting me. Moments later, an elegant older woman approaches my table, carrying a paper bag. Her presence exudes grace and authority.


I immediately stand and greet her back, recognizing her. I can't believe the great Ayame is an older woman; I thought, like everyone else, that she was in her late 20s. We sit down, and she immediately thanks me for coming and apologizes for any inconvenience.


"Oh no, Miss Ayame, it's truly my honor. Thank you for considering us," I reply, trying to mask my nervousness with a smile.


She smiles back, her eyes twinkling. "The pleasure is mine. I've heard glowing reviews from those who have worked with you, which is why I specifically requested you. I need someone I can trust with this precious novel. It's more than just a story to me; it's a part of my soul."


Her words leave me speechless. "You flatter me, Ms. Ayame. I'm not sure what you've heard, but I promise to do everything in my power to make your novel a bestseller."


She chuckles softly, her faith in me evident. "I know you can do it. Good luck, dear." After a few more exchanges, we part ways, and I head home with the paper bag containing the manuscript.


At home, after a long shower, I sit down to read the manuscript while eating dinner. This is the only time I can enjoy the novel, and I'm curious about its ending.


The story begins with the childhood of Prince Alejandro Izak Van Hendriks, who is kidnapped but saved by a commoner named Lila. Years later, they meet at a grand ball, unaware of their past connection. They are arranged to marry, but Prince Izak doesn't recognize his bride-to-be, Delilah O'Connell, as Lila. He mistakenly believes his savior was Belle Logan, a maid treated like a noble by the Van Hendriks-Montgomery family. Yet, love finds a way. The prince and Delilah fall for each other, even before realizing they were each other's saviors. Meanwhile, the innocent Belle discovers love in the arms of the grand prince.


I finish my dinner before I could finish reading the novel, my mind reeling from its twists. Preparing for bed, I doze off without worrying about tomorrow.


I was drifting, feeling like I was trapped in a dream that felt too real. The water was everywhere, pulling me under. My lungs burned, desperate for air, and I could hardly move.

'This is just a dream', I reassured myself, but panic was setting in. I tried to swim upward, but I couldn't move.

Just as the darkness began to close in, I saw a figure swimming towards me.

Suddenly, I wasn't sinking anymore. Strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me up. I felt the cold of my wet clothes and skin, but there was also warmth from the person holding me. My eyes fluttered open, struggling to focus. Everything was blurry, but I could see a man's face. He looked intense, his lips moving quickly.

I tried to understand what he was saying, but the words were muffled and distant. My vision darkened again, and I slipped back into the void, everything fading to black.

Hi, readers! Can you guess who saved Maria? Comment it and let me know. <3

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