
confronting s*umbags.

hailin reach the city magistrate building where the magistrate usually stay to solve the problem of the city but it's was rare for him to solve the problem of houses.

cause the people here all care about there reputation so they don't take there household matter to the magistrate there are very rare case of household which come to magistrate building.

Currently hailin and other are standing outside of the magistrate building it was the huge building with beautiful decoration just the outside decoration is luxurious she couldn't help but want to take a look inside she can't do that.

after waiting for sometime the guard return who had gone inside the building to inform the magistrate when he come out everyone look at him with awe in there eyes but there was some expectation.

the guard look at everyone coldly and speak "follow me" no one dare to talk nonsense infront of the person with higher status they all just keep there mouth shut and follow inside to watch the show.

when they reach the main hall everyone was in awe they never had step inside the magistrate building they couldn't help but to take more glance around the place.

hailin, little one and little four was calm but still both of them were kid they still look at the person with the higher then them seating on the higher step looking down at them with aur of authority around him.

little four had admiration in his eyes for the magistrate while the little one eyes flash with determination to become more strong so no one bully them.

when magistrate saw hailin his first reaction of shock he blink his eyes twice before calming down he then look at the two boys he clearly notice light in the boys eyes he was satisfied with there reaction.

"what's the matter that bring you all here" first hailin bow to him but she didn't kneel infront of him she don't like kneeling little one and four also follow suit.

magistrate nodded his head at there elegant way of bowing he don't mind much of them kneeling infront of him but other people where scared when they saw this they all quickly kneel when they heard magistrate questions.

normal people fear from people with authority that why there first thought I'd to kneel when they come in connect with them well there are lot of people who think not kneeling is disrespect to their authority but this was not the case with this magistrate.

he was wise and understanding this was the first impression of hailin toward the magistrate when he saw that she was also looking at him approving look he was stunt but still maintained his composer.

"chief of ning village can i ask why all the people of your Village had come into magistrate building is there something wrong with management" chief was scared he thought that he will able to pursued her to not go to magistrate but he fail.

"answering to magistrate the problem is not that big is just this little kid name hailin want to make a big deal out of it i request magistrate to do judgement" chief smile humbly but hailin give stare at him she was amused by the way the chief literally change the whole matter.

"so I guess you are hailin can i ask you what happened for you to react like this" magistrate look at the girl who was calm but the corner of her lips was curl slightly making her look dangerous he felt fear when he look at her eyes.

hailin lower her eyes when she saw the magistrate not looking straight at her eyes she know that this body hide many secrets this is one of the secret if someone continue looking at her eyes they felt scared but this is not the case with the people close to her.

"answering to magistrate this humble one is really hailin as for the matter i don't think the matter of ruining someone reputation is small and moreover I don't think so buying people to do that work is also small matter" hailin spoke humbly when magistrate heard this he look at chief with disappointed look.

"do you think this is a simple matter it's a matter of someone reputation and life if this is a simple matter then you don't deserve to be chief of a village"

magistrate word was like thunder striking on him chief fall down on his knees trembling he look at the magistrate who was looking at him with distain in his eyes.

"ma-agistrate please don't do it i just want the matter to end silently so the girl reputation will not implicated i don't think so the matter is this big i ask magistrate to give me punishment" magistrate wave his hand chief knot his head on the ground as thanks.

"hailin you can go back to your house we will surely give you satisfied answer not only we will punish those people but we will also catch those people who had bribe these to people do this immortal thing you can rest assure"

"many thanks to magistrate as you investigate you will get to know very intersting fact about our village" her word make the magistrate interested in the village hailin and other go back to there house while the magistrate order his people to investigate the whole incident.

next day magistrate personally come to there village and get to know about many things after the investigation was done he was stunt by the result.

the people who had bribe those man was the member of yun family it was the work of first aunt and old madam together with chief.

hailin was not shock with the result she had already guess about it or else how the yun family had gotten to know about the money since there was only her those solider and chief so it was clear who had inform the family.

and the first aunt and old madam both are women where they know people who can do things like that it was also that chief who had got these people's along with this the chief was also involved in many shaddy things.