
1. First Day

A shy little 5 years old girl entered the classroom. She wore a cute red dress and her long black hairs were tied in tidy pigtails and her dark brown eyes, so big, so mesmerizing. Like every other little girl, she had a Barbie bag on her shoulders. The teacher wished her good morning and asked her to introduce herself to everyone. The girl was very nervous and started stuttering "Hello every... everyone. My...My name is L...Lara Gomez. And I'm from Al... Alamo".

Everyone said hello in a harmony and the teacher asked her to sit down.

She looked around the class to find a seat and spotted one at the back of the class where a boy was sitting with his eyes closed and a book on his head. It seemed as though he was already tired with school although it was the first day and first hour. Lara thought that he looked rather cute and walked over and took a seat beside him.

Her seat partner faced towards her and greeted her with a good morning. His voice sounded friendly, thought Lara. She turned to face him and saw the boy with tanned skin and dirty blonde hair and his ocean blue eyes were so calming that she couldn't help but just stare into them.

He waved his hand in front of her and chuckled softly. He then introduced himself "Hey! My name is Oliver Romano." He put his hand in front of her and asked "Friends?"

She looked at him for a minute without saying anything and then shaked his hand with a smile on her face and said "Friends. My name is Lara Gomez."

2 months later, Oliver and Lara were best friends, inseparable. They even visited each other's house and night stayed too. Another 5 months later, it was 23 December, Oliver's birthday. She gifted him a handmade card along with beautiful flowers. When Oliver cut his birthday cake he first offered a bite to Lara instead of his own parents. That deep was their friendship, above everything else.

*10 years later*

It has been 10 years since she moved in to Los Angeles. Her friendship with Oliver was known by everyone. They were BFFs, unbreakable. They shared a unique bond, immesurable. They shared uncountable moments together, they practically lived everyday with each other.

Oliver had a playboy image. Flirty, friendly, football jock and always ranked good in school, all thanks to Lara and her tuitions.

Lara was also popular in school because of Oliver. She was genius. Always first in school. Not to mention that she was very pretty too. And her vocal and cello skills were amazing which gained her more fame. And she also helped Oliver in middle school a lot and still does.

They bunked school together, they partied together, they go shopping together, they tried their first smoke together, they had their first alcohol together, they even sleep in one bed many times. (for dirty minded readers: they just slept, nothing more)

Oliver's parents have already built up a fantasy that Lara is going to be their future daughter in-law. Lara's father was well aware of this. He didn't like Oliver much, he thought that he was a notorious guy who will break her daughter's heart. He didn't ship them at all and avoided all conversations regarding them. Obviously he didn't tell this to anyone but himself but he knew that his decision about this situation will never change.

In 2 years of high school, Oliver became ladies' man, every girl's dream was to climb in his bed. He didn't hold back at all, he slept with dozens of girls. He never cared to have a girlfriend, he thought that girlfriends are clingy and no different than leeches.

On the other hand Lara only had 2 boyfriends in 2 years. She wanted all to go slow and feel every moment. But her best friend was worst at giving relationship advices and she ended up sleeping with both of them in the end.

Due to their close friendship, everyone thought that they were in some kind of a weird open relationship. These rumors were quick to spread and it reached Sofia Romano's ears in no time, Oliver's mother.

Once she called Lara over her house.

Lara and Oliver both sat on the couch next to each other and she sat on the couch opposite them. She was quite nervous asking them about their private life and blurted her thoughts out in one breath.

"Lara do you love my son? Are you both in relationship? I heard from school that you are, is that true? I also heard that Oliver is a major playboy. Is he cheating on you? That's why you don't come home for dinner nowadays? You just tell me and I'll beat the shit out of this boy for cheating on my daughter. You listen here clearly Oliver!! Don't even dare to cheat on my daughter or I'll never forgive you. Humph!!"

Seeing her pouting like a baby and hearing all her words Lara and Oliver were in a momentary daze. They both were speechless after hearing all this. They looked at each other at same time and started laughing like anything. Seeing them laugh Mrs. Romano was confused and asked them "Why are you both laughing? I didn't joke. I'll seriously not forgive you if you do that to my daughter. "

They both laughed again and then Oliver said "Mom, Mom. You are thinking too much. We are not together. We were never in a relationship. They are all just rumors. And about beating the shit out of me, huh? I am your son, I am your blood and still you are saying that she is your daughter and you're even taking her side? I am very very disappointed and hurt." Oliver dramatically wiped an invisible tear off his face.

"Hey!! She is my mother too, right mom?" said Lara hugging Mrs. Romano. "Always dear. You are way better than this douchebag!" said Mrs. Romano and both her and Lara laughed on this comment while a pout appeared on Oliver's face.

Lara never experienced a mother's love because her mom passed away way too early. She was always jealous of those kids who had their mother's love and attention on them. Sofia saw all these when she started visiting her home and couldn't help but feel bad for the poor soul. She thought that Lara was a very innocent, naive, cute and obedient girl. She never had a daughter of her own, and she saw Lara as her daughter. She treated both her and Oliver equally and showered Lara with motherly care and love which she longed for. They shared a bond. Oliver's father, Marcus Romano didn't have any objections about this. He loved Lara like his daughter too. And Lara's father, Lucas was his good friend.

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