
Chapter 1

"Jack don't leave me here" pleaded a crying Zaira. " You can't leave and our baby here. I'm pregnant Jack please, what will I do alone, do you want your child to grow in this condition?" , she shouted at him but he still didn't change his mind. "Zaira just understand, I'm really in need of the money... just do it as a repayment of all the years I took care of you", he said it as of she was owing him. Zaira looked at him with disbelief written all over her face. she was not understanding how things changed between them. Jack was busy thinking of how he will spend the money after selling her when he heard her ask "Jack did you ever love me?". He was taken aback by the sudden question. His expression change a little but then he answered, "I did love you but... as time passed the love started reducing. So now I still love but not as before " . Zaira who was still holding back her tears just let them fall after she heard his confession. She was too shock that she didn't realize she was breathing until she heard him say" I hope you will be better here". After he said those words, he turn to leave but then he turn back to look at his wife one last time "Please don't tell my child that I'm his father" .He said those last words then left.

Not far from Zaira, woman oder that n than her was standing and watching the scene with her son Christian Ronsen who didn't understand,"Mom what is happening with the woman?", he looked at her and ask. "Her husband just left her, but it's not for you to understand". They shifted their attention back to the woman sitting on the floor not far from them, "Jack please come back , please for your child's sake come back ". She continued weeping, "Jack please plea..."she couldn't finish her words when /b'cuz she started feeling dizzy then everything suddenly became black.


Zaira lee was a woman in her late twenties. She and her husband Jack Monfold lived peacefully and happily with their unborn baby. Jack parents did not approve their marriage so they cut ties with him. They were living in a small but cozy apartment. The saying 'the calm before the storm ', came to pass in their lovely couple. As Jack wasn't leaving with his family , he borrowed much money from people for him and his wife. He was a gambler so most of the money he borrowed was used for his gambling activities. Months passed and they were waiting for the arrival of the child. During that period, the people Jack borrowed money from came to ask for their money as he promised them but he didn't have the money as he used it all in gambling. He thought of what he would do to have money. He decided to visit his friend who was also a gambler and his friend proposed that he should sell his wife at high price so that when they get the money they will gamble more. Jack took weeks to think abt it then he decided that he will do it. Zaira was already nine months pregnant when he told her that he sold her. She couldn't do anything so she had no other choice than to stay there with her child


In a small room, Zaira eyes were trembling a little as she was slowly waking up. After a moment, her eyes flicked open but then closed back because of the light that welcomed her eyes as she opened then. After adjusting to the light, she looked around to see where she was. She was not familiar with the surrounding so she called Jack's name "Jack, Jack", but no one answered. She was still calling Jack's name when woman in short pink gown entered the room. "Ma'am this is a brothel it's not your home, so please quiet down ", the woman said and Zaira saw her coming closer to her and she asked "who are you?" . "I'm the nurse taking care of you. My name is Bianca Patel.", the nurse said in a soft voice but without looking at her. Suddenly, Zaira felt a strange pain coming from her stomach. "Ah, ah, ah...".She was screaming at the top of her voice b'cus it was really painful .They turn their heads in the direction of the door as it was briskly pushed open. A woman in a white coat stood at the door. She was the doctor."Bring her ", she said before going . Some men entered the room after the doctor to carry Zaira to the other room. She was shacking too much because of the pain so the men had a difficult time carrying her.


Few hours later


"Mua mua mua mua ". The cries of baby could be heard in the room. "It's a girl" ,said the nurse and Zaira couldn't help but cry. She was too happy to think about anything else than her daughter. When the nurse handed her daughter to her she completely forgot all her worries in a split of second. She looked at her daughter and told her, "You have your father's features... don't be angry even if your father is not with you right now to see his female photocopy, your mom is still there for you...", and she kisses her. "I promise I'll always be there for you my princess". She hugged her daughter. Zaira heard a knock on the door so she turn her head to face the door. "Enter". A little boy of about six years entered the room. "Hello aunty, I'm Christian", he introduced himself. "How are you dear", Zaira asked then told the boy to come closer. "I'm fine",he answer with his cute little voice and smiled showing his incomplete bit white teeth to Zaira. Zaira looked at him while smiling then said, "I'm sure you want to carry her". After saying that, she placed the baby in his little arms. "She's cute", he said. The baby was smiling at him and he to was smiling at her, then suddenly he said, "Lia", then he looked at Zaira and said "Aunty please name her Lia it suits her". His sky blue eyes were shinning while looking at her. Zaira also thought that the name suited her so she name her Lia.

I'm a new writer please cheer me up

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