
I Will Redeem The Plot

' So the effects of insomnia were real after all ...........'. Our character, a bookworm and late night reader experiences the effects of insomnia ( according to him ) when he gets transmigratted into the world of ( era of magick ) , the last novel he read. 'As the generous person that I am, I will help thus world's system rearrange the plot as it should be.. ....... ' -his thoughts. But even though he already knows the plot of the story, there is a little hitch - he knows nothing about the body he is currently residing in. Well, who cares about who this body's previous owner is though? As long as I can do whatever I want with it , I'm cool - his thoughts. But what he doesn't know is that the previous owner , Axl Lightfall , is not an ordinary man. instead, Axl is a man whose head everybody wants. From members of his family to an estranged lover, an unknown cult , Axl is wanted. Will the revelations of the future be too much for him to handle even as he plans to redeem the plot?. Will he get swept away by the despair of the previous owner actions.? What will he do when the plot starts twisting........?. Find out. ********************** A/N: Four chapters per week and weekly bonuses if I get positive reviews. Please spare me your power stones and votes for I am a lowly peasant in need of it. N.B: The picture on the cover is not mine. If it belongs to you and you want me to take it down, feel free to lemme know. Also the novel has harem in it but would be slowly and patiently built. Lastly, if you're looking for an all straight hero , then I'm sorry but this is not for you as our protagonist t ransverses between the good , the bad and the ugly.

Anoneemos_Tify · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Calamity Crusher

' Spluuuurrrttt...'.

The pressure in the room increased by ten , riding the area of the available air . The pressure was simply suffocating.

" Splluuurrrttt ", I coughed out blood while struggling to breathe. I weakly supported myself on a nearby pillar.

The pain in my chest due to my struggle to draw in and draw out breath increased.

The circle in front of me increased in size . And so did the suffocating pressure.

" Spluurrt.... ", this time, the amount of blood I spat out was huge.

I grabbed the pillar with whatever last strength I had to prevent myself from falling.

This feeling . It was close to death. And coupled with the fact that this body was extremely weak.

It was Nobira . She had released a fraction of her aura.

Plunk. Someone fell to the ground due to suffocating . Another person also dropped. I looked around and found circles similar to the one in my front surrounding the other civilians.

Nobira's plan was to put the civilians under stand still. Like in a hostage situation. But the amount of pressure she put out was enough to kill everybody here in a matter of minutes. And Nobira just didn't care if every living being in the world dropped dead .

" Stop, in the name of the king ", a deep baritone sounded. It was a man wearing a silver armour with a dragon inscription on the chest plate. Sir Busquete.

He held a large broad sword in his hand as he walked towards Nobira. Behind him was elder Rochan scurrying like a rat behind him in a hurry to catch up.

The both of them didn't seem to be affected by her powers. One would have wondered where this two had been all theses while .

Nobira intensified the pressure in the room again. This time , two women dropped to the ground on their knees.

I , on the other hand, struggled not to cough out more blood.

" What do you want , you fiend? ", Rochan asked.

" The eye of Hecate ", Nobira replied " Rumours have it that one of the three pieces was brought to this museum after the great war ".

A look of irritation and annoyance appeared on Sir Busquete's face.

" What! . You've slain multiple guards and civilians just for some stupid relic? ", he lifted his broad sword ready to strike.

Nobira waved her hands towards him. A magic circle appeared in his front. Out of it , a skeletal claw appeared, ready to slay him like the other guards.

But Sir Busquete , shouting in rage , brought down his sword , hitting the bones in the process.

As soon as the broad sword made contactwith the skeleton limbs , the bones were destroyed, shattering to pieces. The magic circle followed suit , vanishing like darkness in the presence of light.

Nobira whose look of calm was replaced with one of shock for a few seconds, sent a large circle towards him.

This time, the limbs that appeared out of it was twice the size of the previous one.

Sir Busquete struck the limb and also shattered them to pieces.

" I may not be a mage or be blessed with magic powers but I have horned my skills in order to crush evil like you with this ' Calamity Crusher '", he yelled.

Calamity Crusher : A group of thirteen different swords used by the knights of the order in the great war to vanquish all evil.

The writer of the book must've been looking for a way to compensate the humans without mana and had come up with this idea.

The calamity crusherwas a sword made from magic to be used by normal people. Mages and people blessed with magic couldn't use these swords because of the reason they had been created.

To vanquish and dispel all magic in it's sight . Meaning any spell used against the sword would be annihilated. The same went for mages who tried to cast spells while holding the sword. It would immediately dispel the magic.

That was the reason it was made for. So only humans without magic who had been found worthy by it could use it .

Sir Busquetes was amongst such special people. Being born with no iota of magic in him , he had been laughed upon and jeered at by half the world. Even when his dreams were to become one of the royal arch- knights , no one believed in him . Without magic, in this world, there was only so far you could go.

But Sir Busquete didn't give up. He trained and worked tirelessly both day and night and became one of the strongest amongst his peers. And then, The calamity crusher found him.

He dashed towards her waving the large broad sword which seemed extremely heavy in the air.

Nobira opened her mouth.

" Sirensois Ascensis ".

The pressure in the room intensified again.

" Spluuuuurrrrrttt....", More blood.

I used to be quite excited about rpg's and light novels filled with bloody scenes . They were always so out of this world.

But this one. This was different . I was standing on the brink of life and death and it was tormenting. And damn this weak body.

A magic circle appeared on the ground. Out of it, a large boned limb appeared. This one, unlike the others was crimson in colour.

It stretcheditself out of the circle , going after it's target .Sir Busquete on the other hand, didn't stand back as he relentlessly charged in , sword in hand.

They both crashed together. Sword and limb.

But unlike the previous times , this time, the skeletal limb wouldn't bulge. Sir Busquete looked as though he was in a struggle.

Nobira smirked and waved her hat. Another circle appeared behind Sir Busquete. Another crimson limb emerged from it.

The pressure in the room increased.

I was almost crying this time. Remind me to avoid this b**ch next time.

Sir Busquete released his sword from his struggle with the first limb and skilfully flipped the calamity crusher so that it was now laying in his hands horizontally.

This way , he used it to block both limbs and hold them in place using the sword as a sort of bridge.

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