
I Will Never Forget you

In a world where power meets passion, two souls are bound by a love that fate itself cannot erase. William, the dynamic and powerful CEO of his father's illustrious company, is a man accustomed to control. Yet, three years ago, his heart was captivated by someone unexpected: Ash, a gentle and talented third-year university student majoring in drawing. Their love story, blossoming in the shadows of corporate skyscrapers and university halls, was the stuff of dreams. That is, until a devastating accident stole William's memories of the past three years, leaving Ash as nothing but a stranger in his eyes. Now, William believes his fiancée, a woman from his past, is his true love, while Ash is left grappling with the pain of being forgotten. With his heart shattered, Ash must navigate a world where the man he loves doesn't remember their shared moments of joy, laughter, and intimacy. Determined to rekindle their love, Ash steps back into William's life, hoping to reignite the spark that once burned so brightly. But as he confronts the walls around William's heart and the complications of a forgotten engagement, Ash faces the ultimate question: can love truly conquer all? Will William ever remember the beautiful tapestry of their shared history, or will Ash remain a faded sketch in the background of his forgotten memories? Join William and Ash on a poignant journey of rediscovery, where love must fight against the odds to be found again. Dive into this heart-wrenching and captivating tale of love, loss, and the enduring power of destiny. Follow their story and witness the transformative power of love that refuses to be forgotten.

Ella_Mathew · LGBT+
22 Chs

Chapter 22 | Ethan's Plan | I will Never Forget You

The following days 2 days were a whirlwind for Ash. Between classes, assignments, and his thoughts being consumed by William, he barely had time to catch his breath. But Ethan was always there, hovering just on the periphery of his life, like a shadow he couldn't shake off.

At first, it was small things. Ethan would show up outside Ash's classes, always with a warm smile and a kind word. "Hey, Ash! Need a ride home?" or "Want to grab a quick coffee?" Ethan's offers were persistent, but not pushy. He seemed genuinely concerned, always there when Ash needed someone to talk to, especially when William was caught up in work.

One afternoon, after a particularly exhausting class, Ash found Ethan waiting for him outside the lecture hall. Ethan's timing was perfect as always, and Ash couldn't help but feel grateful. "Hey, Ethan," Ash greeted him, "You're here again?"

Ethan chuckled, his smile as innocent as ever. "I thought you might need a break. You looked pretty stressed out in class."

Ash sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, it's been a rough days. Thanks for being around, Ethan."

Ethan's eyes softened, and he placed a comforting hand on Ash's shoulder. "You don't have to thank me. That's what friends are for."

Ash smiled, feeling a genuine warmth towards Ethan. He was one of the few people who seemed to understand him, especially when William wasn't around. Little did Ash know, this was all part of Ethan's plan.

Later that day, At night Ethan goes to a bar with his friends. They all drunk Ethan and his playing game. which is to they randomly pick up a girl from that bar and one person from the group selected by others need to kiss her.

they game was started Ethan one friend pick up a girl go straight towards her. she was dancing. he also join in. she willing and kissed him. Ethan and his friends are encourage from far away. next they select a girl who is beautiful and bold and they push Ethan. Ethan was totally drunk. he barely can see. He see that girl and suddenly kissed her without her permission. she was shocked. That girl try her best to push him . But Ethan was so strong. he raised his hand and touch in inappropriate way. She push with all his power and slap in his cheek. Ethan friends surrounded and say sorry to her and get out from the bar. 

"Ethan! Why did you force her?"

" She like it. If i don't touch her, she will cooperate with me on more" he laughed

On the Next day Evening. 

"Hey, Ash! Ready to head home?" Ethan called out, his voice full of cheer.

Ash hesitated for a moment, but then reminded himself that Ethan had been nothing but kind to him. Everyone has their moments. "Yeah, let's go," Ash replied, smiling back.

As they drove back to Ash's apartment, Ethan glanced at him, his voice casual. "You know, it really sucks when people don't give you a chance just because you're new."

Ash looked at him curiously. "What do you mean?"

Ethan sighed, his tone almost too casual. "I don't know, sometimes I feel like people here don't really want to get to know me. Like when I invited you to that karaoke party, and you said no. It made me think… maybe I don't fit in here as much as I thought."

Ash frowned, feeling a pang of guilt. He had genuinely been too busy to go to the karaoke party, but hearing Ethan say this made him feel like he had let his friend down. "I'm sorry, Ethan. I didn't mean to make you feel that way. It's just… things have been really hectic."

Ethan smiled sadly, shaking his head. "It's okay. I get it. I just wish people would see me for who I really am, you know? I'm not just some stranger. I want to be part of this community, to have real friends."

Ash felt a deep sympathy for Ethan. He knew what it was like to feel out of place, to struggle to fit in. "I do see you, Ethan. You're a good guy. And I promise I'll try to make more time for you."

Ethan's smile widened, but there was something in his eyes that Ash couldn't quite place—a flicker of triumph, maybe? "Thanks, Ash. That means a lot."

A few days later, William's mother, Eleanor, unexpectedly called Ash.and though their interactions had always been cordial, this call caught Ash off guard.

"Ash, dear, how have you been?" Eleanor's voice was warm, but there was an undertone of something more—a concern, perhaps.

"I've been good, Professor Eleanor," Ash replied, trying to keep his voice steady. "Just busy with classes."

Eleanor chuckled softly. "I'm sure you are. But I wanted to talk to you about something. You know, Ethan mentioned that he invited you to a karaoke party, and you declined. He sounded quite disappointed."

Ash felt a flush of embarrassment. "Yes, ma'am. I didn't mean to hurt his feelings. I was just swamped with work."

"I understand, dear," Eleanor said gently. "But Ethan is a good boy, and he's been feeling a bit isolated. It's hard to be the new professor , you know? I consider him like a son, and I want him to feel included."

Ash nodded, even though she couldn't see him. "I get it, Professor. I'll try to be more mindful."

Eleanor paused before continuing, her voice a bit more serious. "And, Ash, I wanted to suggest something else. Have you thought about meeting new people, making more friends, maybe even… finding a nice girl to spend time with? You're young, and life is about more than just school and work."

Ash blinked, caught off guard by her suggestion. "I… I hadn't really thought about it." Ash lied to her.

"I just want you to be happy, Ash. Sometimes it's good to broaden your horizons, to experience different things. You're a wonderful young man, and you deserve to explore all that life has to offer."

Ash thanked her, though her words left him feeling more confused than ever. After they hung up, he sat on his bed, mulling over the conversation. He trusted William's mother, and she had always been kind to him, but this advice felt strange. Still, it planted another seed of doubt in his mind.

Later that evening, Ethan called Ash, his tone light and friendly. "Hey, Ash! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow? Maybe we can finally check out that karaoke place, or I could show you some more of my art collection."

Ash hesitated, remembering Eleanor's words. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to spend more time with Ethan. He had been nothing but supportive lately, and if William's mother thought it was a good idea…

"Sure, Ethan," Ash agreed, trying to sound enthusiastic. "Let's hang out tomorrow."

Ethan's voice brightened, the satisfaction in his tone barely concealed. "Great! I'm really looking forward to it."

The next day, After the class ash type a message to William "I will come really really late. just go bed early. i have some work with Ethan."

After typing this Ash go straight to karaoke.