
I will find you ( the walking dead) on break for now.

Staring Akaze Saito, a son of one of the most deadliest drug smuggling group in the world that will used his skills to take down anyone and anything that's a threat to him to find his childhood friend Rosita. Rosita Espinosa a girl who was born in the slums of Mexico but taken in by the Saito clan. This is just a fanfic and I will change something's up but will follow on the plot. I like majority of the characters but I will create some drama will re-edit the beginning before start making new chapters

Suzumebachi_ · テレビ
26 Chs

Chapter 2

Akaze pov

As he plummed down into the river Akaze's unconscious body was descending, when he was in a light sleep all of his memories flashed in his head remembering all the ups and downs during his life. The unpleasant memories he wished he never witnessed came hard into his brain recalling all the times his father used to abuse him and how his father took away his only sibling at the age of 13 but then those displeasing memories turned amazing seeing Rosita by his side ever since the age of 8.

Flashback To Their First Encounter

Akaze, a small boy of eight years old, stands in the training room with his servant. He is engaged in intense combat with a punching dummy, his small fists moving quickly and precisely as he tries to improve his technique. Suddenly, Mr. Saito, a tall and imposing figure, walks into the room, interrupting Akaze's concentration." Akaze, stop what you're doing. This is important" An older male Japanese with a slight build came in with a little girl behind him.

Akaze faced his father's direction and instantly he caught a glimpse of the Latina girl behind his father. The young boy tilted his head in confusion wondering why she was there with his old man, " Yes, sir."

Akaze's father lightly patted the girl's shoulders with a grin attached to his face, " She will train you from now on and I hope she can shape you into the man I need you to be when you're older. I can't have an embarrassment as a son," he slightly pushes the girl towards his son, " Her name is Rosita Espinosa, I found this young lady in the slums of Mexico and I believe in her skills."

Rosita was observant and was looking around the room and eyeing Akaze movements to wonder what would do to her but to her surprise he offered his hand to her, " Hello, my name is Akaze Saito and I'm eight years old."

The young girl nodded her head and accepted his hand, " Rosita, and I'm 10 years old,"

His eyes widened with excitement, " Wow! you're the same age as my sister. " Akaze's dark eyes shone with a bright, warm light, drawing Rosita in and instantly enveloping her in a sense of safety. It was the first time she had ever felt this way with another person. A small smile slowly curved her lips as she gazed at him, while his father watched from the background, observing their interactions with a mix of curiosity and pride. The air around them seemed to hum with a sense of connection and understanding as if they were two puzzle pieces perfectly fitting together at last.

" I know she is young to be your teacher but I speak highly of her skills and she surprised me back in Mexico, I should see improvements in you Akaze, or else…" his father was wearing his false smile he always has on but underneath that smile was nothing friendly about it and Akaze knew it.

Flashback Ends

Akaze's eyes snapped open as he struggled to swim to the surface of the river, frantically searching for Rosita. His lungs burned as he finally broke through the water's surface, gasping for air and pushing his long hair out of his face. He quickly scanned the area, trying to locate where he had thrown the bag of guns. Spotting it in the distance, he swam towards it with determined strokes. Once on solid ground, he stripped off his wet fabric, revealing a taut and muscular torso adorned with intricate tattoos, including an oni that covered his chest. Glistening droplets of water clung to his skin, highlighting every defined muscle as he retrieved the bag of guns. " I need to head south," he spoke among himself. He picked up the duffel bag and grabbed a pistol out of the bag. " I regret coming to Georgia. This what I get for being stubborn to just see the world of Coca-Cola it wasn't even great either." Akaze sucked his teeth and started heading south to find Rosita. He sprinted through the dense woods, leaping over fallen logs and sliding under low-hanging branches. His heart raced with anticipation as he drew closer to the clearing where his childhood friend was waiting for him. The sounds of screams grew louder and more desperate as he ran south, but he pushed on, determined to reach his friend's side. When he burst through the trees, he was met with a horde of disheveled and bloodied figures running towards him, their mouths full of human flesh.

( Fuck my life.)

Akaze swiftly aimed his gun at each one of their heads to end their life and kept on running south.

( I think to end their life is to the head because they won't come back up which is good in my opinion. )

" I wish I thought fast to put my phone out of my bag before I jumped out because now my phone is ruined due to the water damage, " he scoffed at himself while surveying his area. All he could hear was people yelling for their dear life.

( where are you?)

Akaze was cautious in his movements and made sure he was always on guard. He was on the road walking down the streets and soon a young woman with most of her shoulder torn apart the blood running down her body running away from three fiends chasing after her. Once she saw Akaze she tried to have him help her but Akaze aimed his gun at her, " WAIT, WAIT. DON'T SHOOT ME. CAN YOU HELP ME?" she moved towards him but the man shook his head and shot her in the middle of her head and along with the three fiends behind her.

" I can't trust no one," he muttered to himself and kept on moving, passing the dead bodies on the road as if they were nothing but animal roadkill.

Continuing his journey southward, he was suddenly jolted by a massive explosion at the nearby gas station. His heart raced as he remembered that Rosita had been in the vicinity when she fell out of the jet. Without hesitation, he sprinted towards the site, heedless of the burning bodies scrambling around him, desperately trying to extinguish the flames consuming their flesh. He fought past those attacking each other in a mad frenzy and trampled over anyone in his path, fueled by his desperate need for any information on Rosita's whereabouts. As he charged forward, his feet slipped on a slick material scattered across the ground, causing him to stumble and fall headfirst.

" Fucking shit fuck," he grunted but when he saw what he slipped on he began to panic. He grabbed the link of the parachute and clutched it to his chest as his eyes widened in horror once he realized that it was the parachute Rosita had. He stood up and looked around but since the smoke was in the air it was hard to see anything.

" Rosita! Rose, where are you?!" His screams ring out, a futile battle against the deafening chaos that surrounds him. Akaze's mind races with frustration and fear, envisioning all of the horrific outcomes that could befall her in this moment of sheer madness.

( What should I do? Where is she? What should I fucking do?!)

Amidst the chaos and carnage, Akaze stood with a singular focus: finding Rosita and making sure she was safe. The screams of terrified victims and guttural growls of crazed fiends echoed around him, but he paid them no mind. His frustration turned to anger, and as it boiled over, he became reckless. With Rosita nowhere in sight, he dropped his bag and pulled out two Uzi guns, unleashing a flurry of bullets on anyone who dared cross his path. The deafening noise of destruction faded into silence as he stood alone in a haze of black smoke and blood. His body moved on its own, fueled by rage and desperation until there was no sound left but his own heavy breaths. He had become a machine of death, consumed by the thought of finding Rosita before it was too late.

( Rosita…)