
I Will Do What I Want!

Well, here I am. Not sure how things ended up like this, but here I am living my dream in a Magical World! It's Great! I got some OP magic as isekai protagonists generally do, but as with all things there has to be a balance, It is precisely this problem which is giving me headaches.... why, just why DID I HAVE TO BE ROBORN AS A GIRL! Ugh... my head hurts. Whatever. Heroes, Villians, out with them, who gives a shit anyway? I WILL DO WHAT I WANT IN THIS LIFE! (A/N: Don't know if I will do romance or not, there probably will be some elements of it later on, but this is not a romance novel at heart. Hey! WHY CANT THE GENRE JUST BE MAGIC FANTASY! NOT MAGICAL ROMANCE!)

Lozz · ファンタジー
39 Chs

The Elven Academy Pt 1

(A/N: I just read through the book myself and apart from actually liking what i've written, I realised I made a huge error. Maria is Mira! I completely switched the names accidentally after a couple chapters of her being Mira. Maria was the head maid at home. I screwed up there but oh well, i'll keep it as is as i've gotten used to it. The title of the book says it all.)

The journey continued the next day after everyone had checked out of the hotel. The extra weeks travel to the capital was uneventful. This land is very peaceful, much more so than the human empire. There was little criminal activity in the big city we just left and also little in the couple of smaller cities we passed through. Apparently that big city we stayed in was the second largest city in the elven empire due to it's position close to the centre of the country, hence all the tall skyscrapers.

I made sure to throw a consciousness sweeping bomb as I've decided to call them in each place we went passed to map the area in my head for future reference. Feeling the surroundings can be done through simply spreading senses through mana and is unnoticable by others unless they're many times stronger, but it's not the same. The information is more fuzzy, besides living beings. Outlines of structures are more blurred and inaccurate and it's difficult to detect things underground because of the exponential increase in mana density underground.

Finally after a week of scenic travel we arrived at the capital. It wasn't that much different to the last big city, only slightly larger with a few more skyscrapers each being slightly taller. I sent out a sweeping bomb about a kilometre away from us to map the area and discovered a couple of things. Digesting the information I received I reviewed.

1, this city holds far more powerful beings than the human empire does. The human empire's capital has about 40 level 8 beings dotted around the capital, with a few hundred level 7's. However this city has around 90 of them.

2, this city has amazing law enforcement as almost immediately after I sent out the consciousness sweeper, a few level 7 and one level 8 being immediately arrived where it went off. The level 8 directly teleported, a level 7 used a portal and the other couple flew. Although there was a single level 7 warrior that didn't do anything, just standing in the air. I was confused for a little while before figuring it out. Basically they used their immense strength to forcefully stand in the air like geppo in one piece, pretty cool.

And 3, there isn't a catle for the empress in the capital. There is however a statue of her in the centre of the city. Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Those are the only words I have to describe her. It's a statue so I don't know her real skin colour, eye colour, hair colour etc, but this statue is already so beautiful.

Me: Hey Rob, can you do that? That guy is just standing on air using his strength.

Rob looked over to the sky where the powerhouses were discussing and was a little startled for a moment.

Rob: I've never tried... I think I can though. It would definitely allow for much greater maneuverability in combat.

Thinking for a brief moment, he put his leg out in the air like he was about to walk up a step and focused. Tensing his muscles, I could feel the immense force he used in his leg from my spot on top of the carriage and then... he stepped. Exactly like the man in the sky.

Breaking out into a large grin, he loughed like a child: Hahahaha! This is awesome! Who knew warriors could do this. Hey check this out Asia.

Hopping around the carriage in the air, clearly enjoying himself I couldn't help but smile at his antics. A mage can fly when they have high level 3 comprehension in wind, but a warrior will never have that chance. I suppose it's fair for him to be all giddy like this.

I smiled at him and laughed: I'm happy for you Rob, but can you please tone it down a little, you're bringing us more attention than we need.

Alice: Don't listen to big sis uncle Rob! It's so cool!

Maria just chuckled and didn't say anything whilst Felix was looking at Rob with stars in his eyes. Eventually he calmed down and I just had to roll my eyes at him.

Rob: Don't look at me like that Asia, you can fly and I can't!

Alice and Maria looked at me: You can fly?

I gave a hollow laugh: Yeah, I can fly, don't tell anyone though. It's supposed to be a secret ROB!

His eyes darted away: No idea what you're talking about, I didn't do anything. Hey these building are tall wouldn't you say Felix?

Felix: Don't drag me into this!

I just shook my head and ignored them. Eventually we got through the centre of the capital and passed the statue, paying respects to the empress once before moving on to the back of the city that holds the academy. When we got there I was again surprised from the architecture, but not too much, it's something I suspected already after all. Basically... it's a universtiy campus. There were 4 large buildings or 'blocks' as I would call them, block A, B, C and D along with a large field behind campus about 600-700 metres in diametre and behind that is a large building at least as big as two blocks for living area.

I only know that because of the sweep earlier. Anyway as soon as we entered the grassy courtyard in front of the buildings with trees and benches all around, we were directed to unload the carriages and wait for instruction.

Alice: Hey big sis, what do you think school will be like? I'm so excited! My parents used to tell stories to me about their time there. I can't wait!

I just chuckled at her: I think it'll be fun little sis, let's study hard whilst we're here.

Felix: This place looks so awesome!

Maria: Sigh... thank you for this Asia, it really means the world to me and Alice. We grew up on stories from our parents about this place.

Asia: Didn't I tell you that I only did what I wanted? So stop thanking me already. Just make the most of this alright?

Maria welled up a little and nodded firmly.

Rob: Well Asia, girls, Felix, this is where I leave you for now. I'll find somewhere nearby to stay and will let you know when I do. You'll be seeing less of me from here on especially as i'll be taking missions from the guild to pass the time and earn some money. So I'll say goodbye here.

Alice was getting teary: Y-you're leaving uncle Rob?

Rob smiled gently which looked out of place on his grizzly type handsome face and patted her head: Don't worry little las, you'll still see me every now and again. I'll make sure to come visit whenever I can too so don't cry.

Asia: Well then Rob, thanks for the company on the way. I guess I won't see you too much until we go travelling or something major happens. Stay safe out there okay?

He grinned like a devil: Don't cause too much of a ruckus while i'm gone Asia.

Me: Tch, yeah whatever. Get out of here already.

Rob: Hahahaha! Well then, i'm off. See ya!

As he was leaving I called out to him: Hey Rob!

He turned around and I locked eyes with him with my most serious expression: Don't die.

He nodded solemnly and continued walking until he was out of sight.

Maria: What was that about?

Me: Oh that? You know his reputation. He loves to go off by himself to fight strong monsters. If he died, that would really suck.

She nodded and we went over to the crowd of new students that we were a part of with our suitcases. Soon, a teacher in casual clothes walked out of the front building.

Teacher: Attention! Hello new students. I am Mrs Wayne, you can just call me Martha. Line up here and pass me your tokens to get your student identifications. After that is done Yasul and I will take you to your new lodgings and assign you all rooms. The rooms are individual owing to the empress's financial backing, so be sure to respect them. This afternoon you will sign up for classes, more information will be provided then. Any questions?

There were none, so we all lined up to receive our student ID's. I handed in the token they gave us and she gave me a student ID which was just a blank piece of what looked like quartz crystal but clearly artifially made with hundreds of runes in it. I made sure to copy the blank state of it into my book before dripping a bit of blood on it like directed. My name, age, student number, room number which was currently blank and 'junior study' was clearly written on it along with the number of years i've studied here which is 0.

Once that was done we were given a brief introduction to the campus whilst walking through it to the field behind to get to the lodgings. Apparently I was right. It's block A, B, C and D with block A being the front one that has the reception along with most of it being junior classrooms, block B being junior classrooms, C being senior classrooms and D being the teachers lounge, and library.

When we got to the lodgings Martha began talking again: Now then, we'll assign you all rooms here. All rooms along with the building have multiple enchantments for soundproofing and reinforcements, so small scale experiments are allowed. However! If you wish to do any experiments that could result in mass destruction we have facilities for that so please keep that in mind. You are allowed to do what you like here but any damages will be charged to you and your family. Also, please note that the top floor is out of bounds as it is the teachers accomodations.

There wasn't much noise in the group of new students as everyone was pretty tired from the trip so we all got our room number imprinted on our student ID and went up to unpack.

Alice: Hey you're next to me big sis!

Me: Oh? So I am, convenient. What about you Maria? Felix?

Maria: I'm across the hall from Alice.

Alice: Yay!

Felix: I'm down the hall 10 rooms away, so not far. I'll go get unpacked now. Lets meet up in an hour?

I nodded: Sounds good to me.

Alice: Sure!

Maria: Works for me.

We all went to our rooms and when I went in I was pleasantly surprised. The room had a single bed that was very comfy, a desk below a large window. A set of drawers, a wardrobe and a personal toilet too! This is just like a hotel! There was even a shower, a shower! I haven't seen one of those in so long. It's above the bath not separate but hey that's perfectly fine. It's like in my house in my previous life.

I didn't have much to unpack but since this country is the land of always spring, it was nice weather. I left my overcoat and witer fur boots here and changed into my regular leather boots with a slightly raised heel. White summer shirt, black pants and leather boots, perfect. I unpacked everything from my suitcase away and went into the large lounge area at the entrance to wait for them.

Felix arrived just moments after me and waited another 10 minutes for Alice and Maria. I made some coffee in the lounge area whilst we waited. Oh yeah, the lounge area had free tea and coffee, magic powered kettles, a few magic fridges, and magic ovens. They even had a magic microwave! I had a look at it and it doesn't work as well as those back on earth, but more like a miniature oven the size of a microwave. All this was powered by a large magic magic crystal the size of a house with a dense runic array for absorbing mana in the back of the building. I'll have to copy that array into my book and study it in my spare time.

For now though: Shall we go sign up for classes then? (Me)

Maria: Yes!

Alice: Woohoo! This is going to be great!

Felix grinned: I can't wait.