
I will become your villian

I will make everyone's life a nightmare I will become something that is feared

Kingston112 · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs


Hey my name is Aden, and I go to East wood high school and I have a shitty life.

It wasn't always like this until a met Christin she asked me out one day we I was coming from school and I agreed on the date she tried coming on to me and I said no Politely.

She seemed offended but I didn't think much of it until the next day at school.

Were all my friends stopped talking to me and I was called to the principal's office.

When I went their police, My parents and Christin's parents were their.

What's going on I asked confusedly, Aden you are under arrest for the rape of Christin Andersen.

I was so confused, but the police got me and arrested me.

I spent two days in a cell until, I heard the cases were dropped by the family, but once I was out that's when the bullying began everyday I was bullied at school.

I was beaten up, burnt, and people wrote rapist on my desk and the teachers didn't even stop them.

Then I heard that all my sisters took the side of Christin plus my mom.

The only people who didn't side with them were my stepbrother and father then a year later my father divorced my dad and my mom somehow won full custody of me and my siblings.

And by then I was sleeping in the basement, and I was not allowed near any female family relatives or members.

I tired contacting my Dad one time, but my mom found out and took my phone.

And now am standing on the top of a building because I can't take this shit anymore.

Am tired if only I was strong enough.

I swear if I survive this fall I will take revenge not only on Christin but her family my family and the whole fucking school I will take revenge.

I then jumped off the roof and I landed on the ground everything went dark and all of a sudden I woke up.

It was dark and when I looked down I was laying on my dry blood.

I immediately got up I was so confused aren't supposed to be dead why the fuck am I alive.

I then started checking my body and I was completely fine I was just covered with blood and dirt.

I just ran home and it felt strange it's like the longer I ran the faster I moved, luckily for me their is a window that leads down to the basement so i just passed throw that window.

I immediately took off my clothes and checked my body again and my bad seemed better than before.

I then got an idea, I had a knife in my room, don't asked me why but I just had it.

I got my shirt and started bitting it as I cut my arm.