
I Will Be The Villain

[Read my new book Master Of Horrors!] “I’ll get back to my world no matter what even if I had to kill everyone here just to achieve it. “If that’s how everything will turn out at the end of my miseries then… I will be the villain.” … Lander, a normal worker and novel writer, found himself in the body of one of his mid-level boss villains, Duke Mauberon after a peculiar circumstance occurred to him. Yet, three years have already passed since the very start of his work. “Sir Duke, we finished off our preparation. It’s finally time to wage war in the world.” Slapped with the refutable fact that he got transmigrated, Lander, or, the current Duke, had to find a way to return to his home, Earth. Yet as he searches for methods to do it, Duke encounters strings of mysteries, challenging crises, and tremendous obstacles that get him tangled up in his goal. … “I’m worried about myself… I might go crazy while searching for a way home." Thought, is that really a problem? I was already crazy before I even came here...

Ordki_Hozei · ファンタジー
50 Chs

Two Or So Weeks


Aimlessly looking at the ceiling wall inside my bedroom chambers, my eyes appeared rather tired and exhausted. Even though I couldn't see them, I just felt it.

Two or so weeks had gone by without a hitch for my part and for the rest of the world which is known, I guess.

And I've gone on a trip twice in the span of those days, venturing at the two locations I've taken an interest with that Nobirik had spilled while the other was the article I'd read about that came from the elven race and their weird view of the world.

It was the same article I'd read about and I had some hopes about gaining a piece of information regarding my transmigration.

First, the library and the treasury. 

It went very well.

I've stolen the money inside the treasury with the help of Vodry to transport all the goods to my place. Gold, silver, sapphires, jewelry, and some diamonds are all in that place where Nobirik usually stashes his riches secretly.

While doing so, Vodry was able to put a place in that nation's, Silent Glade Hills, underworld. Even though the nation was pretty big, the underworld was pretty much non-existent and unpopular.

There's another reason why the underworld there is not worse. One is that the dealings and things to take there are not really rewarded. Not only it was far from the main spot of the real dealings but there was little to no business to be done there.

Second, that place is filled with army people since the fields here are massive, and the main headquarters for the royal conglomerate is located.

Just because the underworld wasn't functioning well there doesn't mean the outside world didn't. Not only this was safe from the outside since the army was here but it was also where the main corporates and business core companies were located.

My legitimate business is also there but not really the main one. Still, the influence was the same as any other business.

As for the library, it was located near Nobirik's treasury hence it wasn't hard to transfer from one place to another.

It was located in an underground basement of a closed inn which was disposed of due to the high taxes that needed to be paid which the owner was unable to do.

For obvious reasons, I have to check first these locations to make the utmost precision that this isn't just any trap. Hence, I accomplished two goals at the same time.

But am I happy? No, absolutely not.

"That's why you never expect."

After my business was done in Glade Hills Nation, I used Vodry's transportation to transfer from one continent to another. Of course, it took three days to cast his power since even though he is very proficient, this is just too far and consuming.

But it all has gone to waste.

After seeking out the information regarding the disappearance of elves in that place using the sacred ritual which is exactly the context of the paper, they explained there wasn't any ritual done. 

It wasn't even real.

Some elves there even laughed when I asked. Then asking them about the disappearances and rumors about them made them laugh even harder.

All of it is false. They never even heard of it.

I was too late to realize then. 

The article that I found, which sounded very believable and even agreed, was all but a big fat lie. I searched for the author of the article, but the person didn't even exist.

Yes, this was just a scam. 

"Hahhh, I should've expected it to be not true in the first place since I've gathered that from outside…"

With a defeated sigh, I stood up from my bed and prepared for the day.

That's just how my weeks went to waste which I was fully looking forward to since I had found a lead.

In the end, all I received was disappointment.

On the way to my second workplace which is far from my bedroom, I saw Sezter from the edge of the corridor. She was hurriedly entering from one of our infirmaries. Walking towards there, Maria exited, worry plastered on her face until she saw me.

"Sir, I was about to call you…"

"What happened?"

She led me inside the infirmary and what dawned upon me was Krave, slumped on the hospital bed with blood flowing from his abdomen. Sezter was already trying to maintain the bleeding but not completely heal them.

Her light affinity is destructive but not used on healing types.

On the side, the old man Heralton was giving him encouraging words while Forren was assisting Sezter as he picked up the right tools and equipment.

"We should consider hiring a healer…"

"I was also about to suggest that to you…"

Walking beside the hospital bed, I asked.

"What happened to him?"

Heralton glanced at me for a moment before answering, "He was ambushed while clearing out the low-size organization along with a handful of men. He was the only one alive while the others were taken." 

He sighed, "Turns out, this low-size organization has asked the help of one of the Overlords. That's all we knew because we've been getting good results until only today. And a low-size organization like them didn't even come close to the picky fifty gang."

"So they are not ignoring our presence anymore, huh?"

Nodding my head, I picked up a pen and a piece of paper on the side while giving orders, "Listen Sezter. If you can't do it, you and Forren will take Krave to one of the hospitals we own outside. We'll call the Innkeeper to assist you guys. Tell him, I'll give him a bonus and their kids will be able to enter the academy of the elites once they come of age."

Handing the hospital's name to Forren, I looked at Heralton, "Old man, your job is to find a healer or two that we could hire or take from our group. It didn't matter if they were using grade items, an origin power, or relics. As long as they can heal, we'll see their skills and train them, providing sufficient support."

Writing another piece of information from the paper, I continued while directing my voice to Maria, "You will handle this. I've prepared a plan once we start gaining the attention of these overlords. I have a foreman to do the job there and they will do the rest. Get five gold bars on the treasury for the payment."

Giving Maria the paper, I looked at Krave and bent down a little, "You'll be all right. Once you're done healing, we'll get revenge."

With a painful expression, Krave opened his one eye and smiled crookedly, "I'll pay threefold for what they did to me. And, I'm sorry, sir."

Heralton and Maria left the hospital chambers and proceeded to do their given tasks. Forren brought up Krave on his back while Sezter was there to keep him conscious.

"Sir… what about those men?"

While preparing to leave, Krave suddenly asked a question with a weak voice. 

Looking at him with indifference, I replied, "I didn't trust them as much as you guys. No matter how loyal they were, twisting a few fingers would be enough to spill the information they knew themselves."

Loyalty can be achieved through buying it or forced upon them. And with the painful tortures those men will experience, their situation will most likely tilt into the latter option.


"Those men, consider them dead already. Spilling what they knew or not didn't matter. They will all be gone by the end of the day."

Krave appeared expressionless for a moment before I tapped Forren's back to run toward the door to call the Innkeeper. They dashed forward and left, leaving me fully alone in the room.

It didn't take long before I left since I had nothing to do here and proceeded to do a dealing which would be happening today.

I also have a job to do and a position to maintain.

"I expect the payment to be transferred to the location I've suggested. Rest assured that there will be no one available in that place. It is abandoned, far from the eyes of others, and secretive. To be sure that no traces are found, the place will be burned after I receive the goods."

Sitting in a chair with a stack of documents in my hand, another dealing is about to be successful, doing so for the tenth time.

My first dealings were with Carpal and company and as those days came by, I've done a considerable amount of deals myself with various people. Still, I was no match for Duke who had already done countless deals which were all successful.

"Are we sure that the same location you've told us about is the same place we're going to receive our bombs?"

Lightly coughing, I flatly replied, "Just like the description of our contract. Packed in a ten silver chests, locked in a grade 2 item seal, ready to be lifted once in contact, and safe passageway towards the outside."

Standing up from his seat, the man in front stretched his hand to request a handshake. His three bodyguards watched it very tensely even though they all were wearing masks.

Gazing at his stretched hand, my eyes moved forward and looked straight into the man's eyes.

"Unnecessary." I paused, "And you should understand, Mr. Smith that you shouldn't mess with the underworld, right? I expect the deal to run smoothly or you and your people will be exposed in the newspapers tomorrow."

The man in front who was wearing a mask, Mr. Smith, chuckled, "We know what we're dealing with and who. The threat is also unnecessary."

"I'm just reminding. And I will not apologize if it sounded like a threat. Interpret it whatever you like, however."

His guards were clenching their fists, watching their senior being offended but it didn't matter. If they raise their hands here, it will look like they didn't like the deal even though it appeared 'fair and square' to others.

It wasn't even the case, to begin with.

"The bombs will be used for a good cause."

Walking outside of the room, I halted before replying, "I wonder. After all, If we're talking about explosives and dynamites, the word good isn't included in it. Much more if it's a cause which I found hilarious."