
The Snake Goddess

Chapter 35: The Snake Goddess

The monke's hardships with the black magic continued, "I can do it!" His fingers stretched above the keyboard! Michu closed his eyes, then his fingertips descended gently below. He typed what he had in mind, then opened his eyes.

[Jujdj Kawbe Guild.]

"Ah, so close! I was so close to typing 'High Heaven Guild' without looking at the keyboard!" Michu shook his head with a bright smile, but his sister chimed in.

She said, "Can you write properly while looking at the keyboard, big brother?"

"Uhh… I think I am doing better lately with black magic, so yes!" Michu replied positively and one simply couldn't doubt him any longer. Instead, Nana wished him good luck, but the uncle gogogo proved to be an amazing creation.

[Did you mean; High Heaven Guild?]

"Yes, uncle!" The monke clicked with the mouse, then the main website unfolded before his eyes.

Michu's eyes stretched more than before. The site was more shocking than Rhino's farts! Of course, could Lv. 35 monster compare to those players and NPCs under High Heaven Guild's banner?

Each of them wore clothes so naturally as if born into this world. The short clips of their battles pulled Michu's face closer to the screen and he looked at their coordination and seamless attacks with big eyes.

The players were cool and their hearts were brimming with excitement. Though ladies were also here, the videos didn't focus on their bodies yet Michu felt a charm. He often thought that a little exposed skin was what piqued his interest, but just now, he learned that it was not the case.

Kitted out in long robes, a particular player had a beauty that stopped the monke's eyes. Were the clothes tight or her figure was that thick? Michu saw, "Melons… Big melons." He could tell these were really big through the long robes.

The question was repeated.

"Peach?" He also wondered why her ass looked so interesting too? "Melons, peaches, strawberries! Women are so mysterious." The monke caressed his chin, "If I won't be able to focus myself in the game, then what should I do?" His chin became hotter as Michu's question left him wondering for a long time.

On the other side, Nana had been glaring at him with dismissive eyes, "Just look at Venomous." She helped him and turned her eyes to the screen, "Now that I learned editing, I can see how heavily it is edited! But it still looks good and serves its purpose. They stopped you on their website and made you wonder, big brother… You fell straight into their trap!" It was easy to use women's beauty, though.

The website did a great job of accentuating the cool side of male and female players, but they also could grasp the side that a lot of males often couldn't suppress in the game. Nana sighed and said, "There is even an 18+ tab. Wow, this guild is also invested in that?"

"Nana!" Michu slapped his sister's hand, "You can't click it!" He shifted the laptop so that its light could only fall on his face, "But I can."


What seemed to be an opening of the new world left Michu with more questions. However, his interest in women increased and he thought out loud, "It's rude to look, it's rude to ask, then what should I do if I get interested?"

"Look out for Venomous," Nana chimed in, her face red.

Michu shook his head, "I already had a lap pillow! I can't ask for too much!"

"Good! Ah… Cough... Then ask someone else… Do you know about the polygamous relationship, big brother?"

"Polygamous relationship?" Michu titled his head.

"Yes, it's a relationship where either a man or woman has a lot of partners. It was a thing in the past where kings and emperors would strengthen their ties with other nobles through marriages. Since this world has the old medieval setting, there are a lot of players who are in such a relationship." They were like that with NPCs, though.

"Oh, residents! Do you think I should try out to get a companion?" Michu asked. He also mentioned that his assets were nothing and he had yet to develop his banana farm! He would begin his first steps toward it tomorrow.

"You can try to get a farmer lady to your banana farm. I mean, why not? You both will work together and have something in common, so it shouldn't mean much whether you are poor or not. It's a game and things are different here, Michu. Plus, you aren't in a relationship, so you can get an experience. Remember to not confuse two worlds."

"It would be great to get an experience!" Michu replied.

"Yes, good luck, big brother!" Nana stood up and went to the bathroom. When the doors closed, her face turned redder and became a tomato she had barely been able to hold back in Michu's presence.

She whispered to herself, "Venomous! You dare to play with my brother! He won't look out for you anymore and spend time with someone else!" Nana had a certain misunderstanding when it came to Michu and Venomous.

Her brother was bad with keyboards and all technology stuff, so Venomous told him to use an in-game keyboard and system to type messages to her and even send photos with it. Though it was impossible to type in the morning because of the school, Michu could use a laptop in the noon and type in the evening in the game.

Thus, Nana assumed… that Venomous forced Michu to send nude pictures!

Who knew if she hadn't sent some perverted pictures already? It would be easy to use Michu by sending some pictures with face and boob covered, leaving a mystery behind!

Nana couldn't sacrifice her new friend, Sandra, and so she planned things differently.


Little did she know...


"I can't research this guild!" Michu honestly shared what he had in mind. He told Venomous that he wanted to learn about High Heaven Guild, but he got overwhelmed instead. They had many pop videos and live streams.

Those were so good that Michu spent ten minutes on each video, mindlessly looking at the exploration and new world he had yet to explore.

Then he found a charming woman with a bright smile; thirty minutes wasted.

Three categories gathered attention; Tournament, The Main Quest, and side quests done by the popular people. The streaming rights were in the guild's hands and TV would buy those for a hefty sum.

They also had players that genuinely enjoyed the popularity and knew how to act before the camera. It was still a little awkward, but this was also one of many charms the players had. In the worst and the most serious moments, the players became their real selves anyway and one could either become a fan or just enjoy the videos to the dinner.

It was just one of many things, though.

"They had that 18+ tab and in-game equipment. I don't understand why someone would pay a lot of money for panties, though." One of many things that piqued Michu's interest was the in-game equipment in that 18+ tab.

The samples of special subscriptions to some bold and open-minded women were also good, but what was the mystery behind those panties? "Those panties were so expensive, but they had a flaw!"

"A flaw?" Yumi replied, her eyes avoiding that heated monke.

"Yeah! They had a hole in the middle. Why would there be a hole in the panties? And why would someone pay so much to have those in the game?"

"Oh, that is a mystery you have to unveil in the future, Michu. Maybe if you see a woman with such panties one, you will be able to understand?" Yumi jested, but she halted when Michu's reply rang out in her mind.

What he said was, "Too expensive, but maybe one of the residents will have a pair! We are going to the royal houses, so they can have such stuff! I hope one of farmer woman's enter polygamous relationship with me and I will get experience with the opposite gender."

"Polygamous… relationship?" Yumi asked.

"Yeah. You don't know? In the old times… The Emperor and The King had a polygamous relationship… with each other… They wanted to get experience… too… with many women?" Did he say it right? Could the emperor and the king be in a relationship, though? "There are no boundaries in love!"

"Nana?" Yumi asked again.

"Nana told me about it," Michu replied.

This made Venomous hold her chin as she began to think deeply. Why would the sister speak about a polygamous relationship? Did she read too much news about top players' dramas with IRL girlfriends and NPCs?

A lot of things happened up there above!

The worst would be if Michu's interest grew to the point where he began to eye his sister!

Venomous also got a misunderstanding, but she was kinda worse. She instantly took an action, "Polygamous relationship can only happen with royalties. The farmer working for royalty is not the royal one."

"Eh, that's a bummer!" Michu shook his head, then took out a banana to cheer himself up. He munched on it slowly.

"You also don't need to be in a relationship to have an experience with a woman," Venomous added.

"Oh, I know about it! Brothel, right?" Michu shook his head, however, "Someone in the laptop said that's wrong and that only desperate fools go to brothels. It's also expensive, but I am not a desperate fool. I just love women!"

"You can find both smart people and idiots on the internet. It's good that you managed to see the smart one's reply." Venomous nodded, "Now that you know you can get experience without a relationship, you should find a woman that will teach you."

"That sounds hard, though." Michu honestly replied. After everything Venomous said, it sounded way harder.

"What about me?"

"No. That gangster has hurt you, so you need time to rest. After we meet a noble, you must spend time on potions and poison instead of hunting! Also, I got a lap pillow from you, so it's enough! Too much and it's rude."

"You aren't a prince charming nor prince monke, but you have the qualities to become one, Michu. A prince… can not go around and ask every woman for help. There is a prince and there is a princess. I can be that princess." Yumi began developing feelings for Michu, so it wasn't like she was selling herself.

She also wouldn't let him get experience that easily.

It was not time to reveal that yet.

"Uhh… But… I would feel weird and bad to rely on you that much! What do you need me for, Yumi? A dungeon raid? Oh, banana?" Fortunately, Michu asked a good question and the snake slithered her arms.

She wrapped those around his neck and looked deeply into his eyes, "You have to work hard, that's all. I am not a cheap woman nor someone you can get an experience with that easily… Do you know where you can find a cheap woman? In a brothel. And who goes to a brothel?"

"Oh! Well, you are beautiful so I understand! Hehe, I will work hard for beautiful Yumi! What is my first quest?"

Startled by the words the monke just said, Yumi answered belatedly, "If you manage to sell one hundred golden bananas, I will fulfill one of your desires..."

"Oh!" While Michu exclaimed loudly, Venomous suddenly recalled her arms from his body. She looked before her eyes where the sudden game window appeared.

[KongFu's will has reached you!]

[You have gotten KongFu's message.]

[Begone, snake! Bitch! History won't repeat itself in the new generation! I won't allow it! We, monkeys, always loved to go for phoenixes women! They are far better than you snakes! I made a mistake and so did my son, but the new inheritor won't fall for your charm and schemes!]

[KongFu's will has passed you a special class quest!]

[If you give up on Michu, delete him from your friend list and swear to not come close to him, you will gain a clue to the second leaf and Snake Goddess - Medusa!]

[You have ten seconds to either accept or refuse the quest!]


[You have refused the quest.]

"Michu, do you know KongFu?" Yumi asked with a wide smile, but behind it, deep anger and irritation could be seen.

Michu trembled and awkwardly averted his eyes, "I don't know…"

Venomous looked at him with narrowed eyes, then sighed. She knew that this KongFu's will appeared out of Michu and it was related to his class, so she didn't push too much. All she wanted to do was to become closer with him, but it somehow led to the unique class.

Though it was an enticing offer, Yumi didn't need more than a second to refuse it.

The monke was a person who believed her and his smile made her heart pound a little faster with content. How could she give up on him? Besides, KongFu acted like Big K so Yumi's first impression of this monkey god was already in one of the worst categories.

Michu also got a system message.

[KongFu's will has returned from the yellow river to help the new generation against Medusa, The Snake Goddess.]

[He can not materialize yet!]

[Class Quest has been issued.]

[By completing the quest, the monkey god will help you on your journey to the top! His knowledge will assist you and your skills.]

[Class Quest: Monkey God's Materialization: Find a twenty years old monke and feed it a banana.]

The issue was that Michu was on his way to the farmer.

Thus, he had to choose.

The farmer and banana farm or the monkey god and his quest.

The former would bring Michu closer to his initial goal, but also Yumi would be happier with him working toward the future!

That was why the choice was easy.

"Let's go to the beginner city!"

Thanks for reading! Have a nice day!

Sixthcreators' thoughts