
I will stick to Michu

Chapter 34: I will stick to Michu

[Earth, 4 p.m,]

Lazy Bum, known as Jacob, stood before the family house. At such times, he usually would be already in his room, either watching a movie or lazing around in the game world. Nonetheless, Jacob got a call and he was forced to meet someone.

He sighed and his irritation grew deeper, "Hello? It's me, Jacob…" Not even a few seconds passed before the fence's gate opened. This was rather too fast, so what Jacob feared the most soon happened.

An older lady, in her late forties, waved her hand at him, "Little Jacob! Come, come!" She was Sandra's mother and she was the number one fan of Jacob x her daughter ship, "We were about to have dinner! Are you hungry?"

"I am not, aunt…" Jacob weakly responded, but it just looked as such as Sandra's mother was just too loud.

She was happy that her daughter had at least one friend that visited her and her deepest worry was that Sandra wouldn't find anyone in her life. Thus, she shipped Jacob, the childhood friend from the neighborhood as much as she could!

Mother was doing her best here.

Since Jacob didn't feel like eating, the aunty just sent him straight to Sandra's room.

"..." As Lazy Bum quickly found himself before another door, he halted and looked to the side.

Now, it was not only the mother but also the father and older sister cheering him on, "Go, go!" He retracted his face and even looked a little more to the opposite side so that he could hide his grimace on his face.

Jacob knocked on the doors, "It's me. I am coming in," To save himself from all those heated shippers, Jacob entered Sandra's room before she could respond. Nonetheless, it was fine as she was in her usual setting.

She sat like the popular L on her gaming chair, hugging her knees. In the dark room, the light illuminated her face and made her seem even paler. The blanket was wrapped around her body! She turned her blue eyes to him and said, "Thanks."

Lazy Bum sighed, "So why did you call me, Alexandra?" Jacob hopped onto the bed, then finally sighed with relief. He could rest from all this moving around and the shippers wouldn't invade their family member's privacy.

He looked at the dark room with shades pulled and PC stuff strewn around.

In the past, Alexandra used to be a different woman. First of all, she wasn't that quiet and alone. On the contrary, her usual mood was similar to the one she had with Michu around. She was loud, friendly, and even too clingy sometimes.

This changed so fast that Lazy Bum couldn't remember when it exactly happened.

Alexandra shut herself in her room and refused to meet others, keeping the connection with the closest friends. But each friend had their own future and Lazy Bum was the only one who could keep up with such a bothersome friend.

He lived close to her and he was also lazy, so Alexandra could force him often.

A faint gentleman's sense often pushed Jacob to just oblige, but his mother also said that he needs some exercises, even if just a little. Thus, the lazy man and introverted woman helped each other unknowingly.

"Venomous is a killer in real life," Alexandra said, which weighed on her heart and turned her attention to Lazy Bum. She looked at him with big eyes, but he didn't react at all. He even yawned.

She angrily added, "It's serious and true! I don't know what to do!"

"I still know nothing. What exactly happened? Lazy Bum rolled his eyes at her, then the witch explained everything that had occurred. He exclaimed, "If a random guy knows about her past, then authorities are even more aware of what happened. She is free to begin a new life." And he concluded.

"I mean…" Alexandra was still uncertain. No one suddenly became acquainted with the killer and it was a particular situation that needed someone else's wisdom. Lazy Bum was the person who could share his view with her, so she asked.

She said, "I know it's bad to judge because of the past. But I have that weird feeling… It's hard for me…"

Jacob replied, "It's not like you were close with her. The whole friendship is because of Michu and you must stay with him, not her." Lazy Bum wouldn't give up on Michu. If needed, he would even try to play Cupid if necessary.

The monke had a charm that could bring out Alexandra's real self that she had been suppressing within herself all this time.

The game allowed her to be herself, but her real-life was what she had to fix.

"He is a good and honest guy. Albeit weird, he knows how to read the mood too… You said he had been looking at Venomous all the time, then died for her. It means he saw what you can't. Easy." Lazy Bum concluded!

Alexandra returned to the screen, then typed 'Yumi' in the search engine. She began to search for any news about a killer with such a name. Since it happened four years ago, Alexandra also had a rough date and the search engine didn't disappoint as usual.

It was so easy to find news!

"Oh god…" She let out these two words, then Lazy Bum curiously raised himself out of the bed. He approached the screen and looked at the content.

He sighed, "It does sound a little fishy. You have one of your daughters dead and yet you allow the other one to punch you? Why did that father allow her to punch him if she had killed her sister? Shouldn't he be scared of getting killed too?"

"We can't really tell what happened… The dead body near the stairs and father acting weirdly…" Alexandra also commented.

Lazy Bum pointed out, "It says that he took the dead daughter's legacy from her grandpa. As for Yumi, he took more than half of it… Money… Ah, fuck this." Lazy Bum couldn't bother too much about it.

He already said that had to be said and returned to the bed, "Venomous looks better with black hair. And why did you dye your hair to black?"

"I don't like blonde hair."

"Lies, why would you take your natural color to the game world if you didn't like it?" Jacob shook his head and closed his eyes on the bed.

The two of them didn't speak further and either enjoyed the silence and sound of buttons brought up by Alexandra's job.

Some time passed and it was time for Lazy Bum to return, "So what are you going to do?" If it would be necessary, then he would play cupid!

"Out of all the players I have met, I like Michu the most. I will stick to him and hope he doesn't reject me. As for Venomous, it's a game. She can't do much anyway..." She replied and waved at him. "Good night."

"Good night."

Thanks for reading! Have a nice day!

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