
I will be fedddd

Hyung is always hungry. He always wants to eat. He is not a picky eater but there is something Hyung does not like to eat and that is Nuclei.

He eats meat, vegetables, brains and human meat. What he does not eat is human nuclei.

Our MC is a zombie.

His mother is a zombie. His father is a zombie. His brother is a zombie. His uncle is a zombie. His sister is a zombie. His whole family are zombies. They do not eat anything except nuclei. This component makes them strong. They eat human nuclei, which is rare but what they eat are zombie nucleis.

Apocalypse came when an asteroid hit Earth. It brought a creature on the planet a very beautiful and also a very dead creature. The weird thing is that this creature might be dead but its cells keep on revitalizing, scientists thinks that this will be the key to eternal life, a key to human evolution. What they thought came true. It fixed cancer, diabetes, AIDS and all those sickness that could not be cured but it also fixed the supposedly very dead creature.

This creature is really very beautiful. No words can describe it (Please see previous sentence). It was also the bringer of the apocalypse. This beauty, once it touch a human it turns, crazy hungry and that hunger passes to another human if a human was bit due to hunger.

Humans does not turn zombie until the later part of the apocalypse. The first few part is when they get hungry then they eat and eat and eat, until there stomachs gets so big, they die due to over-eating and the cell that was passed by that otherworldy being gets simulated by there deaths, they become zombies.

These zombies eat everything. Once they eat they do not stop unless they are full of energy. Their skin is so icky as all the other uneeded particles from what they eat, meat, vegies, plants gets dispersed through their skin.

Humans who gets passed their hunger, are the survivors, like the zombies they also are hungry beings but yey understand that it was energy their body needs not the food itself, this was discovered by a human who was so hungry, he was bathing and got electricuted while microwaving take out food inside the bathroom. He did not die as while he was on the verge of dying the cells which proliferated inside him got simulated and started absorbing energy from the electricity. This human is the first superhuman who got superpowers and discovered energy as key to their survival, any type of energy will do.

Scientist got to work and was able to save some humans but to those who died became zombies.

Hyung and his family are one of those unfortunate ones.

Then why does Hyung hate nuclei when it is filled by energy?