
I went to the toilet and instead of peeing, I ended up having to shit.

A collection of thoughts made by me about the insecurity of my own self. Lamenting the fact that I am talentless and have no real ability to create a story that anyone can truly enjoy. In an attempt to change myself, I started out my little sneaky adventure to write down the story that has been crystallized inside of my mind. Whether its enjoyable or not, that's up for others to decide. I'm only telling the narratives after all. From here on out, I'll make little complain on just about every little things. It might be trivial, it might also be controversial, but who really cares about it, these are my thoughts after all. It wouldn't affect anything or anyone if there's nobody reading it to begin with. That's how it goes, and so I began my silly little run.

Spatzuka · 現実
3 Chs

My leg hurt

Staying up late, right after enjoying the ecstasy of watching a worldwide football match, I had come to the realization that my leg was out in cold. My body started to shiver.

[Oh hell naw ma dawg] I thought to myself as I try to cover my body with layers of sheet. Upon doing so, I had yet received another revelation.

In the midst of the blankets' warmth, I sweated effortlessly and my crotch felt itchy. It seems that I have to pee or else, I could've peed myself on the bed, which would be embarrassing, considered that I have already stopped wetting my bed from a young age.

[Man idk..] Those were the phrases that repeatedly flew around within my minds as words formed around, creating sentences that originated from the songs I've pirated off some shady, ad-flooded website. As the clock ticked away and the song progressed, I've finally decided my next action.

I should stop writing this and sleep. It has been a while since I

I wanted to say "It has been a while since I slept before four in the morning." but it seems that its about four minutes before 4 a.m.

Man, I should stop now and say this:

I want to write something, but I don't really know how to put it here. Can I copy-paste the entire thing here? Can I go all-out and swear as much as I can? Can I include explicit and pure edgy content that doesn't really follow the guidelines within it? All of these questions started to fill my heads and without really giving care to it, I stopped writing and placed away my phone.

I woke up and went to the toilet.

I slept after that, anxiously waiting for response, of which I would know that there is none.

And so, the story ends.