
Chapter 1 (Welcome To Esor)

A young man was walking home on a cold snowy night. The snow slowly drifted down from the heavens slowly slowly slowly. As the boy thought about how he enjoyed the calm silence of winter. It was cold but he didn't mind as he just finished practice and was walking home.

"I wonder what mom is making for dinner," He slowly trudged along while the snow crunched underneath his feet slowly slowly slowly. He got to the bridge that he had to cross to get to his house. He looked off to the side and saw the river moving slowly.

He thought to himself about how in the summer he and his friends would be able to hangout and have fun. As well that the river would be a great place to do stuff with his friends or his siblings, but even so he still loved the winter for it's beauty and atmosphere.

While thinking to himself he felt his balance give out under him and he slipped on the ice he failed to notice under his feet CRACK! he hit the ground and his head was spinning he felt warm all of the sudden and felt a breeze go across his face. He stood up and found himself in a different place from where he just was.

The boy stood in shock and looked around. The buildings were different, the ground, the clothing, and the people it was all different.

"What the hell, where am I," the boy started to panic looking desperately for answers which he would not find. He was shaking and he was scared.

"Where am I, What do I do," thoughts raced through his head.

While in the middle of panicking he heard a voice from behind him.

"You okay friend," He turned around and saw a man with...dog ears... He let out a small gasp and quickly hurried into a small alleyway where he could calm down.

"Okay calm down I need to calm down, where am I and what is going on," He sat and talking to himself. He came to a few different conclusions but he thought none of them made sense.

"Dream? No I feel wide awake. Did I hit my head and get into a coma or something? That would make more sense iv'e heard stories about that but still i'm confused," he thought to himself

"I have to explore and get a feel for whats this place is like," that was easier said then done though as he was shaking with fear. But never the less he forced his body back out into the street. He then realized he was still wearing his winter coat and slipped it off. He was wearing a dark blue shirt with a pair of sweat pants. He thought he must have looked out of place. He studied the people they were wearing clothes quite different from his own. Next he studied the buildings, they looked kinda like buildings in the fantasy manga he would read. Some were large and some were small they were mostly wooden or stone and he saw a few places that reminded him of shops.

It would have helped if he could have read the signs but they were in a strange language he had never seen.

"The people speak the same language as me but the symbols are super different," he thought to himself. He aimlessly walked through the city that was loud and bustling until he found himself on a bridge. He stared into the water at his reflection and suddenly a thought flashed across his mind

"What's my name!" He franticly looked through his mind and started to panic again. He remembered everyone else's name but his own.

He started to cry out of frustration and fear.

"Why why why why," he quietly spoke to himself. After about 30 seconds he calmed down again and felt horrified that he could no longer remember his name. He heard a conversation not to far away from where he was standing in a alleyway. He saw three men armed with knives or at least that's what it looked like. He stayed hidden. He saw a girl she was wearing beautiful clothing that reminded him of a high class noble or even a princess.

He sat and listened to the conversation.

"Come on why don't you have some fun with us we'll make sure to show you a good time," the tall man with the beard said, the others chuckled.

"There is no way I could beat those three I don't even have a weapon," the boy thought. He felt like shit thinking that he could not do anything, the boy saw people walking by

"That's right! Maybe I could get the guard... No that might take too long," the girl suddenly spoke in a calm voice.

"Why don't you leave me alone you fucking pig," The boy was caught off guard by this comment.

"I'm gonna make you pay for saying that you bitch," the man frowned and grabbed her arm. The boy decided to act. He knew he could never win in a fight ,he wasn't a hero, but he had to do something. He spoke in a voice audible to the men and the girl

"Yeah I saw three men in this alley harassing a girls so I went looking for the guard," the boy said, the men heard him.

"Fuck let's get outta here I don't wanna get arrested," the shorter one said who seemed to look about the boy's age.

The men hurried away from the scene. The boy walked towards the girl upon further inspection she was very pretty, with her blonde hair reaching her waste and she had very beautiful ruby red eyes, but he also heard what she said earlier and felt she most likely snap his neck if said that.

"Hey there thanks for that, but where are the guards?" the girl inquired.

"Huh, I lied I just thought I could scare them off," the boy said. The boy smiled and let out a laugh.

" Well thanks anyway you saved me from having to go through the trouble of fucking murdering them," The young lady said sounding completely serious. sweat dribbled down the boy's face he knew this girl was crazy.

"I wouda just used my super awesome fire magic and turned them into a crisp," she continued. the boy was speechless.

"What's your name?" she asked and the boy pondered in thought for a while he choose to name himself after a character he played in a game a long time ago.

"My name Is Booker," he responded somewhat cautiously worried the name sounded stupid, She laughed.

"That's a weird name," she laughed even harder.

"Oh yeah if my name is so bad what's yours," Booker said somewhat offended that she thought that the name was weird. He did not know why though considering it was not even his real name. He thought it might as well be his real name now since he could not remember his name from before.

"Lana is my name if you must know, but I am curious, your wearing strange clothing, where are you from?" Booker thought about what he should he should say.

"The far west," Booker said with confidence.

"I see.... why did you come here then from Lucdea," Lana spoke again. Booker thought that it must be a country to the west and figured he would go along with it.

"What, is this a interrogation?" he replied and laughed.

"if you have to know I'm here looking for work," Booker said trying to make his story sound true as possible.

"Did you consider joining the guild?" Lana said inquiring.

Booker did consider joining a guild but knew he would most likely end up getting hurt or worse. So he just told her what he thought about joining a guild.

"Ya I did but I don't think that would be for me," he said, and Lana sat in thought for a minute or two.

"You know I need an personal aid and I think you could fill that role, the pay is fine and you will be able to stay in my mansion," Lana said sounding like she was being serious.

"A mansion! This girl really is a noble, and I do need a place to stay and figure what I can about this world," Booker thought to himself. He thought it through in his head for a few more seconds.

"Yeah I would like that if your being serious," Booker replied.

"What do you mean I'm always serious," Lana replied laughing.

"Alright let's head back to my house right now since It is getting pretty late. Your first assignment as my aid ,booker, is to escort me back home,"

"Yes ma'am," he replied and gave a half hearted salute.

When they arrived at the house Booker was in awe. It was huge, with a family crest on the front which appeared to be a wolf with intricate designs covering the banner. The house itself was extravagant with beautiful design and a huge yard and garden. It was even more impressive on the inside with paintings and red carpet. It seemed every Inch of this house was beautiful.

"So what do you think of the mansion?" Lana inquired.

"It's really pretty I don't think I have ever been In a place like this," Booker replied still shocked at the size of the mansion.

They continued walking down the hall until she stopped at a door "This will be your room from now on," Lana says to Booker.

"I see...," he responds.

"There should be a uniform in the closet for you to change into when you get up in the morning, I going to head to bed and you should too we've had a long day fucking around," Lana says while yawning.

Lana leaves and Booker enters his room. It is large with a big bed along with a huge closet with only 5 sets of the same uniform. Booker looks out the widow up at the stars and thinks about how he got to this place and what he should do. After a good 10 minutes in front of the window Booker lays down and almost instantly falls asleep.