
I Was Reincarnated With Gacha Skills In Another World

When game designer Ryo Tanaka died saving a young child, he awoke as Lucas in a fantasy world with an unexpected surprise. Equipped with a unique Gacha System that only he possesses, Lucas can randomly obtain completely useless powers, items, or skills. Joining eccentric adventurers and exploring a world filled with monsters, conspiracies, and chaotic guilds, Lucas must rely on his wit and a bit of gacha luck to survive. But can he uncover the truth behind his reincarnation, or will he be trapped in this unpredictable game forever?

Yuhi99 · ファンタジー
39 Chs

The Final Gathering

After receiving the materials to activate the Celestial Crystal from Eldon, Lucas and his team returned to The Silver Chalice Inn to prepare for their next step. They knew that activating this crystal could be the key to uncovering the cult's grand plan and stopping the Night of the Fall they were preparing for."Alright, we have everything," said Lucas, placing the materials they got from Eldon on the table. "Let's make sure everything is ready before we start."Evelyn prepared the spell scroll that Eldon had given them, while Finn checked their weapons and equipment. "I don't know what will happen when we activate this crystal, but we have to be ready for the worst," said Finn."We don't have many choices. This cult is getting bolder, and if their plan succeeds, all of Eldoria could be in great danger," replied Lucas. "We have to stop them now."They took their positions around the table, and Evelyn began to recite the spell from the scroll. "With the power of the sleeping spirits, let the light of truth rise, reveal the hidden secrets, and show the way," Evelyn said firmly.Lucas poured the potion that Eldon gave them onto the glowing Celestial Crystal. When the spell was finished, the crystal began to shine with a very bright light, emitting waves of magical energy throughout the room. Everyone closed their eyes for a moment, and when they opened them, they saw a different sight.In the crystal, a vision appeared showing a dark place underground, with a ritual circle surrounded by many black-robed followers. In the middle of the circle, a man in a purple robe seemed to be chanting a spell, while a dark aura and strong winds swirled around him."That's the cult leader," said Kael, who was also in the room. "I know him. That's Morrigan, the Shadow Seer, one of the most powerful dark wizards Eldoria has ever known.""He's planning something big, and it looks like it's about to happen," said Evelyn anxiously."Look at that!" exclaimed Finn, pointing to the edge of the circle. "There's a gate or some kind of portal that's pulsating. If that opens, no one knows what will come out of there.""We have to stop him now before they can open that portal completely," said Lucas firmly. "We have their location. It's time for us to gather our allies and attack their base."After the vision disappeared, Lucas felt a message appear in his mind. He opened the System Window in his mind to check the reward for the quest he had just completed.System Window - Quest Complete.| QUEST COMPLETE: The Alchemist's Request|| Reward: || - 200 Gacha Points || - 1 Rare Item: Pendant of Aether's Will (Tier A) |Lucas looked at the new item he received, the Pendant of Aether's Will (Tier A), which provided increased resistance to dark magic and a little mana regeneration. He stored this information in his mind and made sure to use it when needed.He thought for a moment and put on the necklace, then refocused on the attack plan."We have to act fast," he thought. "Any advantage we can get will be valuable."They quickly made a plan for the final attack. Finn and Evelyn started contacting their allies in Eldoria - adventurers, independent wizards, and even some city guards who secretly opposed the cult. Lucas also asked for help from some of his old friends who were still in the city, including merchants who had access to supplies of weapons and potions."Everyone has a role in this," said Lucas as they gathered at the inn. "We'll form teams to attack the base from several directions. Finn and I will lead the main attack team. Evelyn, you and Kael lead the second team to secure the perimeter and make sure no followers escape.""Understood," replied Evelyn with a firm nod."Meanwhile, the third team led by Jareth, the former captain of the city guards, will be responsible for disrupting the ritual inside their temple. They have to stop Morrigan before she can fully open the portal," added Lucas."This won't be easy. But we know what's at stake," said Kael seriously. "If we fail, not only will Eldoria be destroyed, but perhaps the whole world.""Everyone knows the risks," replied Finn. "But we also know that we have to try. And this time, we have a better chance than before."After an intense discussion, they all prepared for the attack. All weapons were sharpened, healing potions were prepared, and the strategy was carefully planned.That night, they moved towards the location of the cult's base, an ancient temple hidden deep underground beneath the streets of Eldoria. As they approached, the atmosphere became more tense; a cold, strange air enveloped the area, and the sound of ritual chants could be faintly heard in the distance.Lucas led his team to the main entrance of the temple. "Here we are. We have to move quickly and efficiently. Don't let them have time to prepare," he whispered.The other teams sneaked around the temple, ready to attack from different directions. As they approached the entrance, they saw several cult guards on watch."Now, let's go!" whispered Lucas. He gave Finn a signal, and Finn immediately threw a throwing knife at one of the guards, taking him down silently. Evelyn quickly cast a magic spell to silence the others."Go in!" commanded Lucas. The main team stormed in, followed by the second and third teams from the other sides.Inside, the cult followers were instantly shocked to see the attacking force. Shouts of warning and the clash of weapons filled the air. Lucas and Finn moved like lightning, slashing their way through the enemies who tried to stop them."Keep moving forward! Don't stop!" shouted Lucas as he parried attacks and fought back with his sword.Meanwhile, inside the temple, Jareth and his team had reached the ritual circle where Morrigan was located. The dark energy and swirling winds were getting stronger, and the portal in the center of the circle was pulsating with intense energy."We have to stop her now!" shouted Jareth. "Morrigan! This is the end!"Morrigan just laughed loudly. "You're all going to die! This portal will open, and the power from the other world will be mine!"Evelyn and Kael quickly worked together to create a magical barrier to withstand the dark energy waves emitted by Morrigan. Meanwhile, Lucas and Finn advanced at full speed towards Morrigan, trying to break through the last line of defense."Stay focused! We can stop this!" shouted Lucas, gripping the Sword of the Dawn tightly in his hand, ready for the final confrontation with Morrigan and her followers.The great battle was nearing its climax. Lucas knew that this was their last chance to stop the great threat and save Eldoria from destruction.