
I Was Reincarnated With Gacha Skills In Another World

When game designer Ryo Tanaka died saving a young child, he awoke as Lucas in a fantasy world with an unexpected surprise. Equipped with a unique Gacha System that only he possesses, Lucas can randomly obtain completely useless powers, items, or skills. Joining eccentric adventurers and exploring a world filled with monsters, conspiracies, and chaotic guilds, Lucas must rely on his wit and a bit of gacha luck to survive. But can he uncover the truth behind his reincarnation, or will he be trapped in this unpredictable game forever?

Yuhi99 · ファンタジー
39 Chs

Assault on the Cult’s Lair

A tense atmosphere enveloped Lucas' team as they infiltrated deeper into the hidden underground cult temple. The dark corridors were filled with moving shadows, and the ritual chants became louder. Every step they took was accompanied by a strange gust of wind that made their hair stand on end."We're almost at the center of the temple," whispered Lucas, his eyes fixed sharply forward. "Remember our plan. Don't let them call for reinforcements."The team was divided into three groups, each with a clear task. Lucas, Finn, and Evelyn led the main team to attack the ritual circle where Morrigan was located directly. Meanwhile, Kael and Jareth with their teams secured the corridors and other entrances, making sure no followers could come in or out."Straight ahead," said Evelyn softly. "We're almost there."They arrived at a large hall with high ceilings adorned with ancient symbols. Around them, statues of dark gods stood tall, as if watching their every move. In the middle of the hall, dozens of cult followers were seen preparing with weapons and magic in their hands."They're waiting for us," said Finn, smiling thinly. "Good, let's give them a little surprise."Lucas opened the System Window in his mind, knowing that this was the right time to try his luck with the Gacha Points he had collected from the previous quest. He had 200 points, enough for four gacha rolls. He chose the Gacha option and hoped to get something that could turn the tide.System Window - Gacha Roll| GACHA ROLL RESULT || Gacha Roll #1: Fire Blast Scroll (Tier B) || Gacha Roll #2: Swift Boots (Tier C) (+15% movement speed) || Gacha Roll #3: Blade of Illusions (Tier A) (Sword that creates illusionary shadows) || Gacha Roll #4: Ultimate Recovery Potion (Tier A) (Fully heals HP and MP) |"Great," thought Lucas. The Blade of Illusions and Ultimate Recovery Potion could be very useful in this big battle. Without telling the others, he replaced his weapon with the Blade of Illusions and stored the healing potion for an emergency moment."We start now," whispered Lucas. "Finn, attack from the left. Evelyn, magic support in the middle. I'll face the right."Finn nodded and immediately dashed like lightning towards the cult followers on the left, slashing them with incredible speed. Evelyn raised her staff and chanted a protective spell, creating a magical barrier that blocked the return magic attacks of the enemies.Lucas used the newly obtained Blade of Illusions, and the sword created illusory shadows that confused the enemies. Every time he attacked, additional shadows appeared and disrupted the vision of the cult followers, making it easier for Lucas to avoid counterattacks."What the hell is this?!" shouted one of the cult followers, confused by the rapidly moving shadows around him."Use this opportunity!" shouted Lucas to the others.The battle became more intense. Kael and Jareth with their groups managed to hold back some of the cult followers in the corridors, but the number of enemies seemed endless. They needed to move fast."I can feel the dark energy getting stronger ahead," said Evelyn. "We have to stop Morrigan before she completes the ritual."Lucas led his team deeper into the main ritual hall. Here, the atmosphere felt very oppressive; the air was filled with dark aura and swirling. In the center of the room, Morrigan stood inside the ritual circle, with dark energy flowing around her. The pulsating portal behind her was getting bigger."You're too late," said Morrigan with a victorious smile. "This portal will open, and the power from the other world will be mine!""Not if we can stop you here and now!" shouted Lucas, running forward with the Blade of Illusions in his hand.The battle with Morrigan began. She raised her hand and released a burst of dark energy towards Lucas. Lucas parried it with his Celestial Shield, but the power of the attack was enough to force him back a few steps."Morrigan can't be attacked directly. She's surrounded by a protective energy," exclaimed Evelyn. "We have to break her ritual circle!"Finn and some of the other adventurers immediately focused on attacking the points around the circle, trying to destroy the runes and symbols that supplied energy to Morrigan. Meanwhile, Lucas continued to fight with the Blade of Illusions, creating confusing shadows and protecting his friends."Enough of this game!" shouted Morrigan angrily. She began to concentrate more power, causing the ground to shake and the dark aura to thicken.Lucas, seeing the situation becoming more dangerous, decided to use the Ultimate Recovery Potion he had obtained. He immediately felt his strength and energy fully restored, ready for a more intense battle.With good coordination, Finn and the others finally managed to destroy some of the runes around the ritual circle. Immediately, the protective energy around Morrigan began to weaken."Now! Attack her!" shouted Evelyn.Lucas, Finn, and the others simultaneously attacked Morrigan from all directions. Morrigan tried to resist with all her might, releasing dangerous magic attacks. But with the help of the Blade of Illusions and the solid support of the team, they finally managed to suppress Morrigan.With one powerful slash, Lucas attacked directly at Morrigan, taking advantage of the moment when her defense was completely broken. The Blade of Illusions slashed straight, and the accompanying shadow stabbed sharply, causing Morrigan to scream in pain."Impossible! I won't lose!" roared Morrigan, trying to hold on with the last of her energy.However, a final attack from Finn and Evelyn with a powerful magic spell cut off her scream. With a big explosion of bright light, Morrigan was thrown out of the ritual circle, falling powerless.As Morrigan fell, the portal she was trying to open began to disappear, shrinking until it vanished in an instant. Silence filled the temple, only the sound of heavy breathing from everyone who had survived the fierce battle."We did it," said Lucas breathlessly, raising his sword. "The Night of the Fall has been stopped."