
I Was Caught Up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

It all happened so abruptly. After finally grasping my situation, I found myself in an entirely different world. Looking around, I noticed others in the same predicament… Could this possibly be one of those Hero developments? Was there a tyrannical Demon Lord needing extermination, or would I be tossed into the maelstrom of war? Whatever it was, I was afraid. I never wanted to be a Hero. I don’t want to harm another…… Ignore the nonsense I was spouting; there was nothing to fret over. The Demon Lord was slain a thousand years ago, and 800 years had passed since the last war. The nobles didn’t treat us summoned like tr*sh; instead, we were kindly cared for. The Demons have been on good terms with Humans for some time now. Dangers, such as monsters, were being taken care of by the Guild and the Order of Knights. What’s more surprising is the fact that I wasn’t even a hero! Instead, I was unintentionally summoned! It also turns out that this world was a world in which the three races, the Spirit World’s Magical Races, the Celestial World’s Divine Races, and the Mortal World’s Human Races, are kind neighbours. Here, everyone lives a peaceful and fulfilling life. In summary, this other world was――at peace. What’s my plan for the future? For my limited stay here, I will live this world to its fullest; going on a cultural exchange, sightseeing, then, after experiencing the festival that is only held once every ten years, …… I shall safely return home. However, despite my lust for a peaceful last year before returning, this planet’s heavyweights have begun amassing around me, and……

Chiqui_Angeles · ファンタジー
1620 Chs

Chapter 1254 - Wedding Participation ④

As they, including Seigi, were discussing who this companion Kaito would bring, they heard a knock at the door and a call of a voice.

[I- I have brought Miyama Kaito-sama with me.]

[Thank you for the hard work. You may come in.]

Cattleya answered the voice of the attendant, while Lunamaria, who heard that voice, whispered to Lilia.

[...She obviously sounded nervous.]

[It seems like they've also arrived. Behind that door, there's definitely someone she's shrinking away from guiding.]

As the premonition that someone big had been brought in almost became a certainty, all eyes, including those of High Priestess Gloria were focused on the door. In the midst of all this, the door slowly opened and Kaito entered.

[Excuse my intrusion. I'm sorry I'm late.]

[Please excuse my intrusion.]

And when they saw the person who entered the room after Kaito, everyone's face was dyed with astonishment, especially Gloria, who was so surprised that her eyes looked like they were about to pop out.

Entering the room was a woman dressed in clothes far more solemn and mysterious than those worn by High Priestess Gloria...

[F- F- F-... Founder-sama!?]

Yes, the person Kaito brought with him was the Founder Olivia, and not expecting Olivia, someone who could be considered her boss, to show up, Gloria looked pale.

Then, with the same pale expression on their faces, Lilia and Lunamaria whispered to each other.

[...Milady, in a wedding ceremony to be held at the church... He brought the top of their head temple, you know?]

[Seriously, this guy is just... It was foolish of me to let my guard down even slightly... My stomach... it hurts.]

The religion in this world is a henotheistic one called Godism, where they hold faith in Shallow Vernal and to the other Gods. The head temple of this religion is the Central Cathedral in the Friendship City Hikari, and the head of this Cathedral is the Founder Olivia.

In the first place, the fact that Olivia has come out of the Friendship City is an anomaly.

[Founder-sama, w- why are you here...]

[Shut your mouth. Miyama Kaito-sama is about to speak. Interrupting Miyama Kaito-sama's words is an act so disrespectful that I would have you beheaded immediately.]

[...No, doing that isn't disrespectful at all.]

Seeing Olivia sternly scolding the flustered Gloria, Kaito astoundedly threw a tsukkomi before turning towards Seigi and Cattleya.

[Mitsunaga-kun, Cattleya-san, congratulations on your wedding today. I apologize for the sudden request, but I brought Olivia-san as my companion.]

[T- That was surprising. W- We didn't expect it would be Founder-sama... Although I have seen her before...]

[Errr, it seems like she was interested in weddings, so she wanted to take a look at it. Isn't that right, Olivia-san?]

[Yes, under Miyama Kaito-sama's guidance, I am currently studying various things. The ceremony of matrimony, of which the organization I belong to conducts... I have knowledge of this ceremony, but I wanted to see it once in person, so even though it was unreasonable of me, I asked for permission to attend. I apologize for the short notice of my visit.]

[N- No! Please don't mind it! It's an honor to have you attend our wedding!]

Not expecting someone this big to show up, Cattleya greeted Olivia in an obliging manner.

Then, after a brief greeting with Seigi as well, Olivia turned her attention to Gloria.

[...If I'm not mistaken, you're the High Priestess of the Cathedral in Symphonia Kingdom's royal capital, aren't you? Are you the one handling this ceremony?]

[Y- Yes! My name is Gloria. I've been graciously allowed the opportunity to hold the responsibility of presiding over this ceremony!]

For Gloria, who straightened her back and answered nervously... Olivia was so far above her position that she may or may not even see her once every few years, so she was nervous she stiffened.

After nodding once after hearing Gloria's words, Olivia turned her gaze towards Kaito.

[...Miyama Kaito-sama. Are the two people who are getting married this time important to Miyama Kaito-sama.]

[Eh? Yes, Mitsunaga-kun is my kouhai from the same world, and even though I haven't talked to Cattleya-san that much, she was there when my birthday was being celebrated.]

[I see...]

Olivia put her hand on her chin, seemingly thinking about something for a moment, before she turned her gaze to Cattleya and spoke.

[...How about I preside over this ceremony then?]

[Eh? Errr...]

[If you are important to Miyama Kaito-sama, then you are to me... and by extension, to Godism. If you are willing, I would like to perform the matrimony and blessing ceremony.]

[F- Founder-sama would!?]

[Yes, I have the whole procedure remembered in my head. The actual movements and other details will need to be discussed, but I'm sure it won't be a problem if the High Priestess were to teach me... How about it?]

[O- O- Of course, that would be a great honor... but would it be alright?]

To be clear, Olivia's offer was so wonderful that Cattleya wanted to jump up and down. To have the blessing performed by the Founder herself, it was something unprecedented and couldn't have been a better foil.

[Yes, if you are fine with it... The High Priestess also doesn't have a problem with it, right?]

[Of course!]

[Well then, let us discuss the details of the procedure in another room. As I have only memorized it in my knowledge, I will be looking forward to your guidance.]

[It would be my honor!!!]

After hearing Gloria's words of expectation, Gloria seemed to be overcome with emotion, and realizing something, she turned towards Kaito... and kneeling in front of him, she started dedicating a prayer towards Kaito.

Of course, Kaito, who had a prayer dedicated to him, had an indescribably complicated expression on his face.