
I Was Adopted Into The Duke's Family

In a world where kings and queens exist and where witches are hunted to near extinction lives a girl named Elaine. She was small and scrawny and at the age of 5, when she should be receiving love and care from her parents. However, Elaine was nothing but an orphan struggling to live for another day. That is until she was taken in by a kind old man. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "What do you think of me as your grandfather?" asked the old man. "But aren't you already grandpa?" she asked back. The bakery was filled with his jolly laugh not long after. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ She was very grateful to him, so she did her best not to disappoint him. "You've grown to be a very fine lady, my child." He brushed her cheeks with his frail hand. He looked at her tenderly. "I wish you could see yourself in the way I see you." She placed her hand on his and smiled. "I still haven't done enough to proudly call myself your family." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Little did she know who he really was, or better yet, who she really was. "How could I have not realised this?" Her voice cracked. The agony was clear to hear in her voice. Regret filled her as it was already too late. She would never be able to tell him now. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ But she found herself back in time just when her grandpa was looking for an heir. "W-What?" She looked around confused. she could tell by the surroundings that she was in her old room. She held a box in her arms, and she knew very well what was inside. This was just before her sister barged into her room. "Is this really... Is this for real?" Will she be able to redeem the mistakes she has made?

rosa_alya · ファンタジー
22 Chs


The maids offered Elaine some tea as she studied in the library and she kindly accepted it. They praised her for her diligence and she blushed as she thanked them. Just as they were about to leave for her to be able to focus, the door slammed open right in front of them. Everyone was startled, including Elaine who had spilled some tea on her dress. Jared stormed right in and went straight to Elaine. The maids were confused and didn't know what to do in that situation. But Sophie, the maid who had short light brown hair hurried to make sure Elaine hadn't burnt herself.

"You," He said as he panted. "I knew something was weird, but you were actually a servant?"

The maids started to mumble among themselves and Elaine was getting anxious. She had thought they all knew about that already. But it looked like only people back at the other manor knew about it. She stayed quiet, not knowing how to respond.

"You'll never be a sister to me, so don't even dream about it," he said as he crossed his arms. He couldn't imagine Elaine being put on the same level as him. He saw the book on the table and grabbed it. Elaine tried to stop him, but held herself back. "You'll never be the same as us anyway, so you don't have to try so hard."

He left with the book in his arms. The other maids left with him and only Sophie stayed with her. Elaine looked down on her hand on her lap with tears in her eyes. She hoped she could finally have a happy family, but her dream was already crashing down. However she still had a promise to keep which was what mattered most to her.

"Don't take what he said to heart, my Lady," Sophie tried to console her as she wiped Elaine's dress. "He is but a young child and doesn't understand the things he is saying."

"I-I," she stuttered. She bit her lower lips and crumpled her tea stained dress. "I promised grandpa I'll s-study hard."

"And that promise you can keep," she said with a smile. "You can prove yourself to Lord Jared by studying hard too."

"Mmh," Elaine nodded as she tried to hold back her tears.

It didn't take long for her real origin to be the talk of the maids. Some started to treat her differently than before. They had worked hard to get a position at the duke's manor and were proud to be serving people of such status. But serving a child who was once a servant herself would lower their pride.

"I can't believe we have to serve a child of uncertain origins. Who knows where she had been to."

The other maids nodded along as they hung the laundry outside. It was a sunny day with no clouds in sight. One maid urged them to come closer and spoke quietly

"Or worse, what if she is a witch who had charmed the Duke."

The others gasped and showed terror on their faces. The numbers of witches showing up has dwindled, but there was still a small chance for them to show up. The church had warned the people of the horrid things they had done and were told to report any sighting. They had sacrificed children to stay young and gain power and tried to take over the land. If it weren't for the priests that had fought back, who knows what would have become of their country.

"You mean to say that she is actually a witch disguised as a child? Then the young masters must be in danger!" The maid exclaimed as she put her hand in front of her mouth.

"What nonsense are you all talking about?" The head butler Heinrich had shown up out of nowhere and the maids all gasped in surprise. Sweat ran down their foreheads for they knew they were in trouble.

"Are you not ashamed to be talking this way about your own master who has been nothing but good to you?" Heinrich asked them with demeaning eyes.

They could only look down on the ground with their lips now sealed tight. He sighed and told them to get back to work and to watch their mouths. He went back inside and headed for the duke's office. This matter had to be reported to the Duke before it got any worse. Once he arrived in front of the office, he knocked on the door.

"It is Heinrich, your Grace."

"Come in," replied the Duke.

Heinrich opened the door and found the Duke on his desk like usual. His desk was crowded with documents that he had to take care of as the Duke. He continued to write on the documents.

"There is something I must report. The maids have been talking about Lady Elaine's origins and spreading rumours that she is a servant and possibly a witch."

The Duke stopped writing and looked away from the document. He was visibly overworked with his eyes so tired. He frowned and massaged his temples.

"Do you know who leaked the information?" asked the Duke.

"My apologies, but I-," He was cut off by the duke's aide that popped out from behind the bookshelves in the room before he could finish his sentence.

"I heard the young lord Jared had lashed out at Lady Elaine while the maids tended to her," He said. His long blue grey hair had been tied messily and there were visible dark bags under his eyes. He walked towards the desk to place more documents on top of it.

"How do you know of this, Julian?" asked the Duke.

"The maids themselves have told me, your Grace," He replied. Although he may look a bit haggard and messy, the maids found him quite charming. They would find every opportunity to talk to him.

"And why didn't you report this to me as soon as you've heard?" asked the Duke with one of his eyebrows raised. Julian cleared his throat with his fist in front of his mouth.

"It has slipped my mind, for I have been buried under documents upon documents for days without rest."

The Duke shook his head as he sighed. Jared must have overheard his conversation with Syvne. That was the only logical explanation he could think of. "Please tell Jared I asked for him."

"Yes, your Grace."

Heinrich left the office and went to find Jared. As soon as he found Jared, he informed him of the duke's wish to see him. Jared happily complied and made his way to his grandfather.

"I'm here, your Grace." Jared entered the office with a smile on his face.

"Sit," said the Duke, looking very serious.

Jared looked at the chair in front of the duke's desk. He noticed how the Duke didn't seem to be in a good mood and started to get nervous. He made his way to the chair and sat down.

"Have you and Elaine been getting along well, Jared?" the Duke asked.

Jared flinched and stiffened up. He knew that he was in trouble right away. He looked down, feeling scared to be scolded by his grandfather. He had promised to take care of Elaine, but he had broken that promise.

"I see that you know you had done something that wasn't right," said the Duke. "Tell me what you did."

"I-I," He stuttered as he looked around the room but the Duke. "I broke my promise t-to take care of E-Elaine."

"Is that all you did wrong?" asked the Duke, his chin now resting on his intertwined fingers.


Jared looked up, confused. He squeezed his knees as he tried to think of anything else he had done wrong, but nothing came to him. His mind went blank.

The Duke watched him as he thought hard and long for any other wrongdoings. He felt his heart sink to find out how his grandson had turned out. He tried to make sure to raise his grandchildren into proper people who respected everyone around them, and not only people of their status.

"I am disappointed in you, Jared." The Duke leaned back on his chair. "I taught you to be a good person and treat people with respect and kindness."

Jared had no idea what to say and stayed silent as he faced the ground. He still had no idea what the Duke meant and tried to think of a way to get out of his predicament.

"You must apologise for what you have done to Elaine."

Jared was dumbfounded. He became angry and hurt that the Duke expected him to do that. He wondered why the Duke cared for her a lot when he should be on his side instead. He was supposed to be his grandfather, not Elaine's.

"But why should I?" Jared asked with tears slowly building up on his eyes.

"You belittled and hurt her feelings just because of where she came from. A Duke does not judge people of their origins or background but sees the person in front of them as they are. They must be able to make good judgement."

The Duke lectured Jared, hoping he would see and understand his wrongdoings. However, his hatred for Elaine only grew more, for he was being scolded because of her. He wished she would have stayed a servant so his grandfather would have never found her. But so the discussion would end, he obliged.

"...Yes, your Grace. I will apologise to her now."

And so he stomped on his way to the library where Elaine always studied. He entered the library and found Elaine on the same spot as usual.

"I apologise for the things I've said to you," He said with his hands balled into a fist on his sides.

Elaine looked at him in surprise, wondering where the apology had suddenly come from. She closed the book in front of her and faced Jared. She thought that maybe they could become closer now and be friends, so she didn't want to make him feel bad.

"U-Uhm, it's alright."

Jared tightened his fists. He couldn't help but lose his temper every time he saw Elaine. She was just so weak and vulnerable and she did nothing about it. Even now, she didn't seem to be taking him seriously. It made him say the thoughts he had in his mind.

"You should have just stayed a servant," He said as he looked at the ground. He just felt so powerless. "You shouldn't have run away from your responsibilities. You shouldn't have."

He ran off after he said that, leaving Elaine behind. She watched him go and stared at the door long after he was gone. She put on a forced smile and continued to read her book.

Ever since then, Jared didn't bother her any longer. And when they do cross paths, he would ignore her as if she didn't exist at all. He occasionally asked how far she was in her studies and made fun of her because she was still far behind.