
I was actually Reborn in a Xianxia World

Like many of the fanfics I've read lately, my fanfic will start in the world of Doupo Cangqiong, I'll also switch between the worlds WDQK and Douluo, maybe TDG too, all in a single arc of about 200 to 300 chapters, if you want to criticize or make suggestions you can feel free, but remember, you are reading because you want to, not because I asked you to read it, I am not obligated to obey your will.

Dao_Creator · 書籍·文学
8 Chs

First Lottery

After breaking through Tang Yunxiao felt completely refreshed and also much stronger compared to before, carefully checking his body, he noticed that in his dantian there were several vortexes instead of just one, each of them had a different color, thinking for a while he arrived the conclusion that each one represented a type of energy, which made Tang Yunxiao wonder which path to take first.

*Di... Congratulations to the host for successfully advancing to Dou Shi, the host received one more lottery chance, totaling two chances, would the host like to play?*

'Lottery? Okay, I had totally forgotten about this thing, system explain to me how the lottery works, and how I can get them.' Tang Yunxiao said in his thoughts, he had indeed forgotten about the system lottery.

*Di... Responding to the host, the lottery works in a conventional way that the host already understands, when played it rotates through all the worlds being able to pick up any item, whether treasures, pills, martial arts, body constitutions and bloodlines of the more varied levels, it all depends on the luck of the host, would the host like to play?*

'Okay, play both times at once.' Tang Yunxiao was excited to hear the explanation of the system, just thinking about getting some very high quality treasure like Jun Moxie's Hongjun Pagoda or Yang Kai's Little Sealed World, of course there are also chances of not getting anything, as an experienced reader Tang Yunxiao knew this well, so he overshadowed his excitement.

*Di... At the request of the host, playing the lottery twice in a row.*

*Di... Congratulations to the host for getting the Divine Rank cultivation technique, Dragon Transformation Scriptures.*

*Di... Congratulations to the host for getting a Worldwide Steal Card.*

*Di... Winning items have been sent to system storage.*

"IS THIS SERIOUSLY?!!!" Hearing the system notifications Tang Yunxiao couldn't help himself and gave a huge scream in a moment of faux pas, realizing this he coughed a few times and then sat back down again while looking at the system space in his mind.

In the void Qin Lan saw all of Tang Yunxiao's actions and wondered if this young master had contracted madness after being able to cultivate, but this was just a lapse in the contempt she felt for him, anyone who grew up as a cripple would be excited and crazy from happiness in being able to cultivate.

Meanwhile Tang Yunxiao couldn't even care what others thought, he was extremely excited about the item he got.

It was both a body and energy cultivation technique, in the future it would still enable him to change races, becoming a superior race, a true dragon, which for Tang Yunxiao was a maximum, even though he knows many protagonists who have become indestructible without ceasing to be human, just like Li Qiye who is apparently a perfect protagonist, Tang Yunxiao still wouldn't regret becoming a dragon.

This is quite a complete technique, it also gives the user several extremely powerful attack techniques like the following: True Dragon Palm/Fist, True Dragon Flame, Azure Dragon Five Steps which is an extremely fast moving technique, Five Elements Battle Dragon Seals which has immeasurable attack power, the Ancestral Dragon Pagoda which is a suppression technique, and finally the Dao of Slaughter and Slaughter Dragon Seal.

These skills can be considered extremely powerful and versatile, with them Tang Yunxiao wouldn't need to run after many skills native to this world, not that he would give up Earth and Celestial rank skills, that would be tremendous stupidity, that's what he thought , there was also the Human-Dragon/Half-Dragon Transformation that would make him a humanoid dragon with all his abilities several times strengthened.

There is also mainly the most well-known ability of this technique which is to assimilate any bloodline, despite being just an assimilation this allows the cultivator to use at least two techniques, or possess some abilities belonging to the assimilated bloodlines, which is already considered as defying the bloodlines. heavens, imagine a dragon being able to use abilities or have abilities of all races?

It is these things that left Tang Yunxiao's mind in disarray from such excitement as he thought of millions of scenarios. For example he could swallow countless bloodlines of magical beasts, even if he inherited just one skill or ability it would be of great help, at least that's what normal cultivators would think.

But Tang Yunxiao is not an ordinary cultivator, he wants to aim only at strong Bloodlines, in the Dou Qi continent there are some like Ancient Void Dragon, Sky Demon Phoenix, each has a peculiar ability, even if they are far from True Dragons and Phoenix, there is also the Nine-Colored Heavens Swallowing Python, the Luan Birds, as well as other magical beast races belonging to these low-middle level worlds, but this is just a thought, theory and pathic are different.

'Well, let's wait some time before cultivating this technique, as for this World Theft Card... System, explain to me how this card works, its limitations, any and all types of information.'

*Di... Responding to the host, theft cards are special items created and distributed by this system, they are divided into four categories, World, Universal, Multiversal and Omniversal.

The former being the weakest being able to only steal anything from the current world where the host resides, and the latter being unlimited being able to steal anything from the entire Omniverse, this includes any type of item, abilities and abilities, among them all just the most weak has a penalty.

To use it the host just has to hold it, say the name of the person to be stolen and think about the specific item to be stolen, the only limitation is that this item needs to have an owner, as a penalty the host will be teleported to some miles away from the previous owner of the stolen item.*

'This is interesting, I will try to use it after preparing to leave, and thinking that I would get a faster way to get to Wutan City, besides I need some maps of Jia Ma empire, I don't know if there is a map shop in that city, Hai Bodong is currently in Black Rock City, it's a considerable distance from that city, well, I'll think about it later.'

Tang Yunxiao thought after spending a few hours daydreaming.

When he opened his eyes he first got scared, it was already the next day, that is, he spent the whole night meditating in thoughts, he wondered if he had been so excited.

"Qin Lan, I need to talk to you." He said suddenly, he had considered many things last night.


Again the space slightly broke and the beautiful woman came out, even though Tang Yunxiao had seen it once before, it was still impressive, not only the beauty of the woman, but the fact that she broke the space by itself was something unreal until then for Tang Yunxiao, and it will surely take a while for it to fail to impress him.

"Qin Lan greets the Youth, what can this servant do for the youth?" She asked, can she despise him as she has already demonstrated, but he is still the son of the one who saved her and made her so strong, so she will always respect Tang Yunxiao.

"I've been thinking, it's time for you to return to the Yan clan, tell my mother that now I can cultivate and fend for myself, so you won't have to spend your days watching over someone like me anymore."

Tang Yunxiao said bluntly, he really didn't like Qin Lan's presence very much, he might be curious to confirm that she is Die Ba, Medusa's twin sister, but it's just curiosity, besides he's already pretty sure of it, when if he visits his mother in the future he will be able to confirm this.

"That... Young man, this servant humbly asks the youth not to put her in an embarrassing position, this servant cannot leave your side without orders from madam." Qin Lan said a little scared, she doesn't want to go against Tang Su's orders at all.

"I thought you would be happy to leave my side, after all I only brought shame and reprimand to your madam, am I wrong? But... It's not impossible to let you stay by my side, you just have to follow some conditions ." Tang Yunxiao said next, he just wanted to kick her out, but he found an opportunity.

"That... The young man says." Qin Lan said next.

"First, I don't want to see those contemptuous eyes directed at me anymore, this is a lack of respect not only for me but also for my mother, just the fact that you are here shows that you are the servant she trusts the most. , what do you think she will think when she learns that her most trusted servant despises her own son?

Second, you don't have to watch me 24 hours a day, there will be times when I go out to train alone and also... Cough, have fun, cough cough... Anyway, I don't want to have a babysitter taking care of me at these times, you can understand that is not?

Third, you should go to Wutan City without me, just wait for me there and I'll be there in no time, with your speed you should get there in less than a day, right? And take Qing Lin with you, I've already noticed that you sympathize with her a lot and keep her company more than you should.

As long as you fulfill these three conditions, I won't mind you continuing to watch over me, otherwise you can just return to the Yan clan." Tang Yunxiao said, he even coughed a few times as he let his darkest thoughts out, not that he was to do certain things with any woman, but just to be clear, he really didn't like being watched all the time.