
I Want You to Create a Handgun but You Give Me a Mechanical Armor Instead

#mecha creation Rayen was transmigrated to a world where he was in the army as an equipment creator. He had also received a legendary weapon system. When he received a mission to create handguns, Rayen created a mini electromagnetic cannon with his system. After seeing the tank got completed destroyed by the mini cannon, the general scolded, “Didn’t I ask you to make a handgun? What the heck is this electromagnetic cannon?” “Sir! Didn’t you request me to create a small, quiet, but powerful weapon? I was just following your order!” Rayen replied. When his country was going to participate in a military exercise with another country, they needed extra bulletproof vests, but Rayen created military-grade exoskeletons instead. After seeing their army totally destroying the other country, the general scolded once again, “I asked you to create a couple of bulletproof vests! What the heck are these exoskeletons?” “Sir! The request was to make a lightweight but powerful armor! Isn’t this what you wanted?” When they needed single-man combat vehicles to deal with terrorists, Rayen created mechanical armors instead. The terrorist group could only surrender right away. “What the hell are those armors? Are we in a sci-fi movie? How are we supposed to fight you?” The general could only glare at Rayen this time. “Sir! You needed a combat vehicle that has multiple functions, right? The flight-capable armor is the answer!”

Floating Phantom · 都市
40 Chs

The Unique Weapon of the Atlanteans

編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

Yes, Rayen did kill people.

Two years ago, in an arms deal, he and his partner were confronted by gangs in other parts of the country.

In the chaos of the exchange of fire, he was certain that he had blown a guy's head off with a modified rifle.

Rayen was no longer afraid of blood and brain matter, unlike other guys who had accidentally killed someone.

Without a doubt, in this era, this kind of mental quality was a basic ability that the strong must possess.

It was also the source of Rayen's confidence that he would be able to survive the following war.

After glancing at the others, he deliberately whispered into Davis' ear, "Brother, when we transport the ammunition, our formation will definitely split up. It's too unsafe. Let's take care of each other."

Davis obviously did not understand the deeper meaning in the other party's words. He blinked and asked with some doubt, "Of course. We're in the same class. Of course, we have to look after each other."

"Tsk, you rascal..." Rayen pulled on his collar and said in a softer voice, "I'm saying that we can trust each other with our backs and cover each other's backs. After all, the two of us have fought with others before..."

After hearing this explanation, Davis came back to his senses. He chuckled and said, "Hehe, you and I are thinking the same thing." At this point, he took another step forward. "The higher-ups put us in a 'basket'! This fully shows that they are not in the life and death of the recruiting class. We must protect ourselves well."

"Moreover, your safety is very important. If you can survive this, you will still have the chance to create those magical things in the future. I can also pretend to be an assistant to benefit from it. Maybe I can be transferred to a safer department with you."

Seeing that the other party had the same idea as him, Rayen immediately said,

"Of course! In the future, if anyone asks, I'll say that you're my assistant." At this point, he raised his fist and said, "Deal?"

Davis' expression was serious. "Deal! In the name of the ancient God!"

Then, the two of them bumped their fists and made a deal.

Although there were others, Rayen trusted this fatty who had the best relationship with him in the class.

It was true that this guy liked to brag, but he was still reliable at critical moments.

As for the others, they could only think about it after ensuring their own safety.

After the extreme fear of humans, it was followed by extreme anger.

At this moment, Johnson, who was in the distance, punched the wall of the car and cursed, "F*ck! This is the battlefield! Don't you even give us a battle suit?"

A few recruits also joined in and cursed, "Son of a b*tch! It's one thing to be a worker, but you still have to get shot!"

"If I can come back alive, Steven has to arrange two women for me! I want to f*ck them to death!"

"I want money! I want a reward! If you don't give it to me, I won't do it!"

"F*ck, the more afraid I am, the more accidents will happen. So I'm going all out! Steven! Don't forget to give me credit!"

Hearing the abuse from the carriage behind him, Steven, sitting in the passenger seat, was not angry. Instead, he laughed, after rolling down the window and spitting out the chewing gum, he picked up the communicator and said, "Very good! I like your anger. All of you f*cking survive! After the war is over, I'll arrange a woman for each of you!"

At dawn a day later, the truck carrying the anger and cowardice arrived at the edge of the red sand plains at the southernmost tip of the empire.

The soldiers in the truck could already hear the faint sounds of cannon fire from the horizon.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Following a series of hurried knocking on the door, the voices of the foundry camp could also be heard.

"Everyone from class one, get down!"

"Get down! Get down! Move!"

"All of you, get off!"

"Pay attention to formation!"

Very quickly, many veterans pushed open the doors and jumped out of the vehicles.

The initially peaceful plains became noisy.

Battalion Commander Li led the assembled forging battalion as they ran toward a certain direction.

"Keep up! You bunch of trash! Don't expect there to be a taxi for you here!"

As Staff Sergeant Steven roared, the recruits with rifles tried their best to follow the team.

However, everyone felt that the military training that Steven had given them before had shown its effect at this moment.

Even Davis, who was originally the slowest, would not fall behind now.

Moreover, they also discovered that Squad Leader Steven seemed to be very excited!

This bearded man was fully armed, and he even whistled from time to time.

Compared to other people with heavy expressions, he was completely different.

Rayen also received a piece of news from the two veterans beside him.

"This madman is excited again?"

"This is the aftereffects of the death camp! I guarantee that Steven will rush to the front line within five hours!"

"Hehe, he insisted on transferring him to the forging camp. This is overkill!"

After hearing this news, Rayen and Davis looked at each other.

Now they finally understood why this squad leader was always so irritable.

And he was so active when picking up weapons in the warehouse.

So it was because they had not had enough of fighting!

But this also showed that their previous agreement had become even more precious.

After all, their commander might very well abandon them because of the distant smell of gunpowder.

In the end, he might really have to rely on himself.

Hong! Hong! Hong...

Da da da da...

As the 500 people got closer and closer to the point of contact, the rumbling sounds of cannon fire and machine guns also became more and more ear-piercing!

Mixed with the bloody smell of gunpowder, the stomach of these new recruits who were on the battlefield for the first time churned!

They almost vomited out first!

Seeing that everyone was already in position, Battalion Commander Li took down the pistol at his waist and shouted at the top of his voice, "Attention!"

The entire forging battalion immediately stood up.

"Listen up! Start distributing the ammunition boxes now! After that, bring these things to every firing point!" Li Qiang loaded the pistol and said, "I will keep an eye on you guys from the back! If I see anyone trying to escape, I will immediately shoot them!"

"Yes! Sir!"

Every company commander and platoon commander began distributing ammunition boxes of varying sizes to everyone following everyone's loud shouts.

Li Qiang looked at the frightened faces. Then, he shouted again, "Remember! The Atlanteans are our sworn enemies! If we let them occupy this place, our supply lines will be cut off, and the corps will perish! Those girls and fine wine that originally belonged to you will become their spoils of war!"

"Brothers! We have no way out!"

"Because behind you are relatives and family! If we step back, our families will become slaves, and our women will become sex slaves!"

"When our homes are trampled on, and our cities are about to be destroyed, we will have nothing left

"But the good news is that we have a solution! As long as we turn courage and responsibility into strength and help our brothers in battle to kill the Atlanteans, all the problems will be solved.

"And their dirty heads and blood will become your medals and the pride of your families.

"Fight! This is your chance to make a name for yourself!"

Then, he glanced at the crowd and raised his voice, "Tell me, vultures, what do you need?!"

At this moment, all the veterans of the foundry camp immediately answered in unison.

"Only death!"

