
I Want You to Create a Handgun but You Give Me a Mechanical Armor Instead

#mecha creation Rayen was transmigrated to a world where he was in the army as an equipment creator. He had also received a legendary weapon system. When he received a mission to create handguns, Rayen created a mini electromagnetic cannon with his system. After seeing the tank got completed destroyed by the mini cannon, the general scolded, “Didn’t I ask you to make a handgun? What the heck is this electromagnetic cannon?” “Sir! Didn’t you request me to create a small, quiet, but powerful weapon? I was just following your order!” Rayen replied. When his country was going to participate in a military exercise with another country, they needed extra bulletproof vests, but Rayen created military-grade exoskeletons instead. After seeing their army totally destroying the other country, the general scolded once again, “I asked you to create a couple of bulletproof vests! What the heck are these exoskeletons?” “Sir! The request was to make a lightweight but powerful armor! Isn’t this what you wanted?” When they needed single-man combat vehicles to deal with terrorists, Rayen created mechanical armors instead. The terrorist group could only surrender right away. “What the hell are those armors? Are we in a sci-fi movie? How are we supposed to fight you?” The general could only glare at Rayen this time. “Sir! You needed a combat vehicle that has multiple functions, right? The flight-capable armor is the answer!”

Floating Phantom · 都市
40 Chs

An Agreement Between the Two of Them

編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

After running for a short while, Steven began to explain to everyone, "Congratulations, everyone! If those crazy people in the death camp knew that you can go to the battlefield after joining the army for a month, they would probably be so jealous that they would go crazy!"

Hearing this, the faces of all the recruits turned white!

What? Go to the battlefield?


Did they not say that we do not have to go to the battlefield as long as we complete the mission of forging weapons?

Everyone took the risk of being beaten up by the squad leader and stopped in their tracks, asking one after another.

"Go to the battlefield? That's not our duty!"

"Sir, I need an explanation!"

"No! I won't go!"

"Who will continue to produce ammunition if we go?"

If it were any other time, Rayen and the others would have been whipped.

But this time, Steven did not do so. Instead, he smiled evilly and said, "I've been in the army for so long, but this is the first time I've heard that it's not a soldier's duty to go to the battlefield." Then, he stared at Eli, who was the first to speak, and said, "When I was a recruit, some of my comrades also refused the order to go to the battlefield, but they only lived for five minutes after saying the same thing as you and went to see the ancient gods."

Then, he reached for the pistol at his waist and asked again, "Now, do you still have the same idea?"

Seeing this scene, Rayen recalled the situation where he was forced to join the army by Matthew.

Damn it. There are not many good people in the imperial army! He cursed in his heart as if he had forgotten that he and Steven had the same identity.

Ali looked like he was about to cry. He subconsciously touched the necklace around his neck as if he wanted to get the protection of the ancient gods. Finally, he looked at the black muzzle and said shakily, "No... Sir, I obey orders..."

The others also swallowed their words.

Because everyone knew the military rules of the corps, the most severe punishment was to disobey military orders!

They would be shot immediately!

Although the situation was so bad that they could not accept it, no one did not want to live a little longer.

In the armory, everyone was crying, cursing in their hearts, and praying to the ancient gods.

The agile Steven put a grenade launcher behind the rifle and finally began to explain what had happened.

"Listen up, girls!"

"There was an accident at the front line! Our great regiment commander went to the battlefield and discovered that the kingdom of art had more than 70,000 soldiers. According to the regiment commander's orders! In the case of insufficient soldiers, we must participate in the battle!"

"But don't worry, my main mission is to transport ammunition and supplies, not face the enemy head-on. Everyone move faster. The troop carrier will arrive in five minutes!"

Now, Rayen wanted to give this guy who went back on his word a slap!

But he obviously could not do that.

"Damn it!" In addition to the specified number of magazines, he also stuffed the bullets into his pocket.

As a weapons merchant, he knew that he had to be prepared no matter the situation.

Moreover, he was about to face a gang gunfight in the city but an unpredictable battlefield.

"On the battlefield, enough ammunition means more life!"

He silently recited the truth his father had once told him.


The roar of the vehicles scared the birds on both sides of the road into the sky.

The facts proved once again that the commander of the casting camp had deceived the recruit squad.

The 'troop carrier' that Rayen and the others rode was just an ordinary truck used by the restaurant to buy food.

The place was filled with the stench of raw meat and vegetables.

Moreover, the five-day journey made it impossible for them to know where they were.

The bodies of all the recruits swayed along with the truck, and the truck's interior was dead silent.

Everyone lowered their heads, their hearts filled with extreme fear.

Their minds were trying to imagine what the battlefield would be like, trying to find the safest location possible.

But obviously, they could not get an answer.

The one who broke the silence was still Davis, who spoke the most.

"Ahem..." The fat man cleared his throat and said, "Guys, don't be too depressed. The squad leader just said that we are only responsible for the transport of ammunition."

"If you are terrified, follow behind me. When I was a militia..."

Before he could finish, Johnson interrupted, "Can you be quiet, Davis! Stop bragging at this time! Look at how scared everyone is!"

Davis did not lose his temper. Instead, he shrugged and said, "Buddy, I just want to let the young people relax. It's never a good thing to go to the battlefield with tension."

Just as he said, many people in the carriage were silently nervous.

They leaned their faces against the rifles and looked forward with lifeless eyes, but their bodies could not help but tremble slightly.

Only Eli was muttering in a low voice, "Almighty ancient god... Please give your people strength and courage... Please bless me to survive on the battlefield. I swear that I will serve you for the rest of my life. Please give me strength and protection..."

Some of the recruits also unconsciously moved closer to Eli and closed their eyes. Then, they placed their hands on their right chests and began to pray with him in a low voice.

Their praying posture was even more standard than those priests who served the gods.

Rayen, on the other hand, had been leaning against the corner of the carriage the whole time. He looked at the stinky eggshell beside him, and his heart was very heavy.

He was really afraid that he would be smashed like this egg by the enemy when he arrived on the battlefield.

"Damn it. The war was invented after all..."

Cursing in his heart, he lit up a cigarette.

This was the only thing that could make him relax a little.

But his face still wore a helpless dejection.

After all, the progress of things was completely different from what he had imagined.

Initially, he wanted to make a name for himself as an outstanding forge soldier in the army, create more exciting things, and then return to the laboratory or the rear corps so that he could stay away from the war.

Just when he saw hope, he was forced onto the battlefield again.

The helplessness of being manipulated by fate made him sigh again and again.

"If you want to be safe forever, you must control fate and be above others. This is the truth of the human world..." Rayen silently recited the words his father had once said in his heart, trying his best to cheer himself up.

As long as he survived this test, he could continue on the path he had planned before.

"Brother, give me one. I'm out of cigarettes."

Just as Rayen was thinking, Davis came over and took the cigarette from his chest pocket.

"I say, Davis, have you been a militia before?" Rayen asked this question because he wanted to ask Davis about the battlefield to be mentally prepared.

After blowing out a smoke ring, Davis smiled and said, "Of course, that was when we fought with the rebels in Bay City. I even killed two of them."

This time, Rayen did not think that Davis was bragging because when Davis said this, the expression on his face was exactly the same as the first time he recalled killing someone.