
I want to be the greatest Villain

Dante was considered to be one of the greatest method actors in the world, famous for playing antagonistic characters that became the highlight of most top-grossing movies out there in Hollywood. Everybody loved how the characters he acted as were so well-played and executed. And to Dante, his acting was an art that he was obsessed with, and was willing to take into...Greater heights... But fortunately, or...unfortunately, an accident robbed him of his chance to further improve his role. And just as he was about to curse the gods for doing so, he found himself reborn in a world of fantasy and magic. To Dante, this was like a new canvas, a new stage in which he could have a new start and play the as the villain, just as what he always wanted to...And this time, he'll play as the real thing... And nothing will stop him on his journey to be known as the greatest and deadliest Villain this world has ever seen

Sub_SirMerlin · ファンタジー
27 Chs

Last Stand

"What will I do?...Is that even a question? If you intend to destroy the peace created by the gods then I, as their faithful servant, will obliterate you off the face of this plane!..."

The bishop shouted, clearly annoyed, as he grabbed a weapon that was handed over to him by his subordinate. It was a white two-handed battleaxe that looked very well-made. And the fact that he was able to lift such a thing using a single hand was quite impressive...

He kind of reminded me of a certain armored man who was often very silent...Though if I were to compare the two of them then it won't even be a close match

"Hmmmm, not bad. I could tell that you still have some strength in those old bones of yours. I assume that you're one of the people from whom they call the Sacrad Saints?"

"Hah, not really..."

"Oh?...I see. Well, I honestly don't know whether to be happy or sad about that"

"What do you mean?"

"On one hand I'm a bit disappointed to know that I haven't had the fortune to fight with the very few people who are said to be the strongest in this world. But on another, I'm glad to know that they weren't a bunch of weaklings like you who were given titles that are far beyond your feeble little hands"

"Haha! I suppose if you were to look at us from your position then you'd think something like that. But heed my words, you damn scum! I am the head archbishop Isaac! And these brave soldiers behind me are the first division of the Holy Crusade army! We have taken the heads of maggots like you in the past, and this time won't be different! Come on everyone, charge!"

Isaac pushed forward, taking the lead, with his gigantic axe the ready

"[Increase momentum]!, [Holy aura]!"

His axe began to glow a bright light and once I was in his range, he swung it at me. I felt its power shake on the barrier that I put up, and it was even enough to put a crack in it. Very impressive...

"Nice...A combination of two high-tier level 7 spells to increase your speed and one as a sort of countermeasure, huh? I'm sorry to burst your bubble there archbishop, but [Holy aura] is only effective against demonic creatures, and I am beyond those guys"


"Oh yeah? Then what about this!"

The forces who were behind him seemed to have snapped out of their trance and began to join Isaac in the battle. There were about sixty of them in total, and this room was big enough for them to dish out their spells without worrying about getting caught in the crossfire...

So needless to say, they all let hell loose on me

They began to launch a coordinated assault on me. With most of the weapon-type mages charging at me in close range, while others guard the caster-type mages who were launching spells from afar.

I can see the fluidity in their attacks, and to be honest I'm quite impressed. It's clear as day that they were well-versed in dealing with people or creatures who were far stronger than them. And while each individual attacks weren't really special in its own right, since they were stacking their spells left and right then my barrier was being torn to shreds

I guess even toddlers ganging up together can dish out some damage

"But don't expect I'll sit around and do nothing...[Flame burst]"

I swung my wand and activated a wide-range level 7 spell. Flames began to swirl around me, creating a raging tornado of fire that was even melting the armor of some of them. Of course, they were quick to notice this and began to fall back...

"Quick! Put it out before it gets worse!"

"Already on it! Come on men, on me! [Water torrent]!"

The caster-type mages began to do a water-class spell to put it out. And while that seems like the perfect textbook response, I'd say that it's pretty bad considering their situation.

And it seems that Isaac was quick to realize this...

"No! Don't, he's going to-"

But it was already too late. Their spells were already launched, and the moment they came in contact with the flames, the mist created from the two being combined immediately began to envelop the entire room, blocking their line of sight...

"Now this is where the fun begins"

Considering the fact that I mostly roam our forest at night, and I have a radar-like spell under my belt, losing my sight wasn't a problem. I was able to quickly discern each of their positions and began to shoot them with [Firebullet]

"Argh! I'm hit!"

"Get down! Get down! Wilson is injured! Do we have a healer nearby?!"

"Ahhhhh! It burns! Help!"

"Damn it, where the hell is he firing from!"

Screams of fear and panic began to play around the room which was like music to my ears. Even if they were experienced in battle, they mainly rely on teamwork. And while that's cool and all, teamwork is nothing if I isolate them one by one like this

Some of them began to stick closer together, but it only made them an easy target


All twelve of them were now sliced to ribbons. And I proceeded to wipe them all like a bunch of flies. But just as I was having fun, I noticed the smoke near me being moved. And would you look at that, It was archbishop Isaac!

"Arrrrrgggghhh! You damn bastard!"

Look at him, charging at me with his axe overhead while screaming at the top of his lungs like that would do anything. Isn't he just adorable?...

"You bastard!"

"[Air palm]"

I nimbly dodged his axe and placed my hand on his stomach. I then activated the spell which sent him flying toward the wall. I adjusted it a bit so that he won't die yet, but it still must've felt like he was hit by a truck


Since he looked like he wasn't going up anytime soon I continued to play around with his little friends and massacred them one by one. By the time the smoke was cleared, there were only twelve of them left

And if they couldn't do much to me when they were in full force, they sure as hell can't do anything to me now. All of them quickly rallied around Isaac, with some of them casting healing magic to put him back to speed

I looked around the room and saw guts and lifeless bodies littered around. Sometimes, I really do can't help but be amazed at how fragile most beings are. I mean, I was certain that I was pulling my punches a bit, yet they're easily squashed like a bunch of flies...

"Well, that was...quite the experience. Are you folks done playing around already or do you still have something in store for me? Cause if you're all spent then I appreciate it If you could just deactivate the barrier to the divine scepter and be on our separate ways"

Come on guys...Don't give up yet! There's no way this is everything you've got! Show me more! You guys are supposed to be the strongest in the entire continent, were those just stories or what? Hurry now, get up, and give me something that's worth the trip at least!

I began to unconsciously tap my toes as I waited for them to come up with something

Though they were whispering at each other, and I could still clearly hear what they were saying

"Isaac...He's too strong..."

"Yeah, I know Aamon. At this rate, we'll get wiped out. I reckon that even if we had a hundred lives we couldn't beat him"

Thanks for stating the obvious, now think of something already!

"I reckon that we should just use that..."

What is 'that?' come on stop being so cryptic, you guys are whispering to each other! Well...I am hearing everything you say, but still!

"Yeah...We'll probably get in trouble with the pope for using it without his permission, but this is our only choice"

Isaac then took out a crystal from his robe which was as pure as snow. Now we're talking...I can sense a tremendous amount of magical energy that was oozing from it. And the moment he raised it into the air it intensified tenfold!

"Nice!...Very interesting!"

"You may be a fiend, but consider yourself honored for being strong enough to force this off our hands. By the power vested in me by our holy pope, I use this scrap of miracle to call upon your power into this realm in order to smite this evil out of existence! Heed my call and summon us now, Archangel Micheal!"

A bright light enveloped the entire room...

Before I knew it, all of us were transported to a place where everything on the ground was white, with only the sky being exception, which was still blue as ever. And flying in this very sky was a gigantic creature who seemed to be clad in pure-white armor with a bright crimson orb in the middle.

It had about twelve massive wings in total, a large golden sword, and a shimmering bell for a head. But putting its weird appearance aside, I could sense the intense magical energy coming from him...In fact, I could feel it in our entire surroundings...

"A fabricated realm huh..."

It's a trick that was similar to the one that Luna used when we first met. A complex series of spells which creates a small bubble of reality within reality itself. In this small space, most of their magical abilities and spells would be greatly enhanced. And since this was created with their own magic, they even have the ability to manipulate this plane of existence however they please...

But from the looks of it, they used that crystal to transport us to this specific plane of reality instead of creating it from scratch

Well, it doesn't really matter what they did...

I slowly walked towards the angel-like being with my magic at the ready...

"Because at the end of the day, I'm sure that I'll have a lot of fun with you!"