
New Development

Whenever the fighting on the battlefield ceased, it felt that the military camp was run only by apprentices at times.

While the knights discussed strategy in the tents or went further to the north to see if they could discover more about the monsters' movement, the apprentices were left to take up the day-to-day tasks.

One particular evening, Henry was participating in night watch at the top of the ancient wall overlooking the camp and the battlefield. Despite the lack of sleep, he enjoyed being up there and left to his thoughts because normally there was little to be done except for looking around.

Many times, whoever was with him on the wall would have to bring him back to reality because he would get lost in a daydream staring at the duke's tower looming in the distance. Since spring was slowly creeping in and the snow of winter was gone, the nights had been clear unless it was raining and the moon made the duke's tower seem melancholic standing off in the distance.