
I want revenge, the demon wants me!

Already being tortured by the nightmares of her death and a soul looking exactly the same as her talking in her head and wandering around her, was not something normal. She had a hard time adjusting to it. But the truth was something that would change her life. "Who are you? Leave me!" Hua yells, shrinking in fear, the house suddenly seemed like a haunted mansion the moment her best friend left her alone. "How can you ask yourself to leave, Hua? I am you and you are me... try to remember." A woman whose face was 100% alike to hers, smiled. But something happens and Yi Hua finds herself in ancient times, the way she saw herself in her dream. Just then she realizes her journey has started, and that was her. She will now again fight for herself. She couldn't die in the ancient world! Not when she is back to rule over the others! Having been murdered was not simple and being killed by someone you dearly loved was total heartwrenching. ----- "Be mine." Yi Hua frowns at those words of a man. However, she turns around, giving him her cold back. "Just get lost, I am not in the mood for jokes!" Yi Hua shouts, scoffing. "How dare you say that to a king?" Luo Yan grumbles, those eyes glaring at Yi Hua in rage, the sparks setting with his heart yet intrigued with the woman bold enough to make fun of him, right at his face, fearless. "You might be the king or whatever for god's sake but spare me. I am not interested. " Was Yi Hua's reply, her main goal was to take her revenge and go back without getting involved with anyone but what she didn't know was she played with the fire. Luo Yan, the cold, vicious king of his demon kingdom, yet a womanizer who loved to play with fragile women, eyed the current woman before him with dark eyes. In those orbs, people could see dangerous obsessions and the smirk which spoke words without moments, about her being his. 'I want her!' He screamed in his mind space. How will Yi Hua avenge her death by escaping from this vicious demon after her? Will she find the mystery of this new life and the mystery behind her murder? Can she love again? --------- The book is participating from WSA 2022, I hope you all will support me! The cover is retrieved from Pinterest and edited by me. I will take it down if necessary. Connect with me on, Discord: Asin13#1961 Instagram: Author_asin13

Asin13 · 歴史
169 Chs

Mother of a sensible son

"It's nothing much, Your Majesty." The doctor speaks, Luo Yan eyes the doctor, nodding his head he approaches closer, "But explain it… he just fainted with pain and why isn't it anything?" 

The doctor blinks his eyes, "Uh, I did notice some unusual pulse rate but there wasn't any major indication of anything." The doctor replies, Luo Yan frowns harder, "Okay, you can leave." 

The doctor nods his head, bowing his head down the doctor walks to the door, walking out, Luo Yan heaves out a sigh and turns around, the first thing he notices is Lin Yi's curious eyes.

"Don't worry, he is fine." Luo Yan says, Lin Yi blinks her eyes as she looks away, "N-No…Your Majesty. It's not like that." Lin Yi stutters out her words, Luo Yan raises a brow and chuckles, smirking as he walks closer.

"Is it something I sense here?" Luo Yan questions, Lin Yi widens her eyes and shakes her head no, "No! It's just… I am worried." Lin Yi says, nervous and bewildered.