
I want a Maid

Man reincarnates into a world with many different anime. Mostly just highschool and slice of life anime.

Expresso7 · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs


"Hello boy." A loud voice said.

The soul woke up in a pure white room and a large face infront of him.

"What who are you." The soul asked.

"I'm god and you are being reincarnated."

"Like in those fan fictions." The soul asked.

"Yup except you will not be receiving wishes but perks." The god said

"Will I be able to customize myself though."

"Yes your background, character, and world will all be customized by you." The god said.

"That's good alright I'm ready."

"Great now let's start by selecting your perks."

The god pulled up a long list of perks and the soul took quite a long time to look through and pick his perks.

"I think I'm good with these 5 picks." The soul said.

Hello Handsome- Your charisma is insane people just seem to follow you and do what you say.

Superhuman?- You are a freak of nature all attributes are enhanced greatly.

Slow Motion- Enhanced perception, thought process and reaction speed.

Prodigy Product- Incredibly easy to learn and master things. Things that you are naturally good at will now have you unrivaled.

Lady Luck's Bastard- You are indescribably lucky.

"Alright now get on to characterization and background." The god said.

The soul started with body he made himself 6'3 with a muscular yet slender body. He had short black messy hair and deep red eyes. He gave himself a tattoo as well one he wanted in his last life but couldn't afford. It was a large Colossal Squid tattoo the head covered his entire back and the tentacles downs his arms and legs.

Moving on to his background he made himself the half Japanese half French child of two high class people. He was born from a one night stand they had and grew up under the care of his mother until he turned 16 which he moved to Japan with money from his parents and brought a small 2 story house. Along with a 2 year old Alaskan Malamute named Amidala.

After that he customized his world making it a combination of many different anime. Once he finished that he was ready to be reborn.

"You are ready to be reborn now let it be done." The god shouted and the soul was gone.


"Wow this is awesome." He said.

Looking around he found a wallet with a boat load of money in it and an ID along with a smart phone next to it.

"Vader Osore 17 years old new student at Seika Highschool." He smiled placing the ID down and walking infront of a mirror.

The house was on a relatively quite street. It was a log cabin type house. The first floor had a living room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms and office room. The second floor had 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and 1 master bedroom with a master bathroom. There was a very nice deck and a fenced in back yard that was medium sized.

Vader walked down the stairs was was greeted by his large white and gray Alaskan Malamute it sea blue eyes stared at him with fierce loyalty.

"Hey Amidala who's a good girl." Vader pet her and rubbed her belly when she rolled over.

"Let's go for a walk and find a store for food." Vader already found a dog collar with her name on it and a leash.

Putting on a black jacket with gray joggers and some black shoes he grabbed his house keys and left for a walk with Amidala.

Locking up the house he started down the road he stopped many times asking people about the area and places around.

Eventually he got to the local cheap supermarket. This place was very popular for it cheap prices and many people around this area were in the lower class so they flocked to it.

Vader was about to walk in when he saw two guys hitting on a girl that looked around 14-15. She was holding on tightly to some newspaper and looked frozen.

"Hey guys how about you walk away the girl seems like she isn't interested." Vader says walking up to them.

His height of 192 cm or 6'3 was very rare in Japan so he towered over the two guys that were around 5'7 each. They looked at him then his large growling dog and walked away.

"Are you fine you seemed scared so I thought they were bothering you." Vader said.

"I'm fine now how did you know I was scared." The girl asked.

"I could tell by the way you seemed frozen in time that you were petrified. Anyway my name is Vader Osore may I know your name." He asked letting her get more comfortable by petting his dog.

"I'm Suzuna Ayuzawa nice to meet you and thank you." She bowed before going back to petting Amidala.

"What's her name." Although she seemed stoic her actions showed that she was very happy playing with Amidala.

"Her name is Amidala she's a Alaskan Malamute." Vader said.

"So what are you doing here all by yourself. You should know a beautiful girl like you would have a lot of men wanting you." Vader said.

Suzuna face didn't change but a slight red hue appeared on her face.

"I was here to pick up the weekly newspaper that comes to this store and oh yeah mom told me to grabbed some eggs." Suzuna pulled her pockets out of her pants but nothing was in them. Vader looked at her outfit she had on a cheap pink t shirt and yellow pants with black shoes.

"I was about to shop to I wouldn't mind your company." Vader said and Suzuna quickly accepted.

"So Osore do you live around here." Suzuna asked as Vader grabbed a basket.

(A/N: I'm not even going to try to use San or Sama because it's confusing.)

"Yep about a 10 minute walk I actually just moved in I'll be attending Seika High when Monday starts and you can just call me Vader." Vader said putting some pizza rolls in.

"I live nearby as well and Suzuna is fine." She said grabbing some eggs.

"That's nice we should be seeing a lot of each other in the future then. You can also get more then eggs trust me I have more than enough money."

"Are you sure." She asked

"Yep just call it a favor." 'Helping them now will increase my relationship with Suzuna and gets me a reason to interact with Misaki.'

"So Suzuna tell me about yourself." Vader said.

Suzuna then told him about herself and her family and how her dad left them with a huge debt.

"That sucks but just so you know Suzuna not all men are like that." Suzuna seemed to be in thought.

After shopping for another 30 minutes and getting to know each other a bit they exited the store.

Suzuna was relentless with his favor she got a lot of food some much that she couldn't carry it so Vader gave her Amidala's leash and carried it himself.

"Well since you like those competitions do you want my newspaper too."

"Yes please." Vader saw a fire in her eyes.

"Vader why are you being so nice to me." Suzuna asked.

"Well beside wanting to help a beautiful girl I want to make some friends I just got here from France." Vader said.

"This is my house would you like to have a snack before you leave." Suzuna asked.

"I would love to." Vader walked behind Suzuna and told Amidala to wait outside.

"Watch your step follow my path or the floor will break." Suzuna and Vader made it to the Kitchen and He placed down all the groceries.

"Suzuna did you get eggs." Minako said.

"Yes mom I also brought a guest." Suzuna said.

"A guest." Minako walked in and paused at the size of Vader.

"Sorry to intrude ma'am my name is Vader Osore but you can call me Vader." He bowed.

"My goodness your a big boy." Minako laughed.

"I get that a lot." Vader said.

"How tall are you anyway." Suzuna asked.

"192cm." He rubbed the back of his head.

"Did you buy all of this food." Minako said shocked.

"Yes but you don't need to worry about paying me back I have more than enough money." Vader said he left his groceries with Amidala.

"At least stay while I cook lunch." Minako said with a urge to pay him back.

"Of course. Suzuna told me you have another daughter." Vader said.

"Yes she's also over working herself she's at her part time job right now." Minako sighed.

"Well I just moved to Japan from France and I'm looking for people in my area to befriend so whenever you need me just give me a call or visit my house is a 10 minute walk." Vader said

"We already owe you for the food we can't ask for anymore." Minako said.

"Alright but just know I'm a call away." Vader said.

After a while Minako served sushi and they immediately started digging in.

"Suzuna slow down you should leave your sister some." Vader said.

"Oh my your right." Minako quickly made Misaki a large serving and placed it aside.

"So mom how many dolls are left for today." Suzuna asked.

"30-40 I finished most of them but I have to ship this batch tomorrow." She said.


"Yeah my mom paints dolls for extra cash." Suzuna said.

"I would love to help I wanted to learn how to paint but never got the opportunity if I could learn a little bit while helping you that would be great."

"Well I'm almost done with this batch but another should arrive in a week and your more than happy to teach you." Minako said.

"It's this late already i should probably head home. Thanks for having me and for the meal I'll see you later." Vader bowed then walked towards the door.

"Alright be safe and thank you for the food." Minako said walking him to the door.

"Bye Vader see you later." Suzuna said still munching on her food.

Grabbing his groceries and Amidala Vader walked back to his house. Putting the food away and giving Amidala food and water he plopped down on his couch.

"I should go practice so when I join I'll be even better." Vader got up and left his house.