
Her Children

Staying close to the shadows the party goes down the cave. The water slowly gets deeper—the sounds of the waves crashing from outside echo throughout.

The cave itself looked roughly carved and not naturally forming. Based on Drew and Balfir's descriptions, the cave would form tunnels that fork, twist, and turn connecting to different parts of the ship and other cave alcoves.

The tunnel the party followed split towards their left.

"The fish would lead us through the left tunnel." Said Balfir in a low tone.

"Yeah, it's the same for me," Drew confirmed.

"And if we go straight?" Kol asked staring down the only other way.

"I don't know we were never taken that way." Said Drew.

[Perception D20+D4 roll] – 6

Kol tried to look down the tunnel to the left, but all he could see was darkness - One of the perks of being a human, No dark vision.

Balfir pulled Kol to the side noticing his destain.

"There's one of them down there, just standing on guard," Balfir told the group.

"Ok. Tell me if he notices." Kol said as he summons his hand, floating it across the tunnel towards the unvisited side.

The tunnel was empty.

Kol looked at the party silently giving them a signal. The party understood and Balfir immediately looked toward the tunnel with the fish. They waited a few seconds, then Balfir signaled.

[Stealth D20+D4 roll] - 22

Kol went first slowly crossing the tunnel's opening and immediately pressed his back to the cave wall. Kol Looked at the yellow-tinged outline of the party, giving them an ok sign.

Drew waited for Balfir, and soon he was beside Kol. Zar and Balfir followed in the same fashion.

Balfir took point while Kol stayed in the back, this was because of Balfir's dark vision and Kol's floating torch.

Eventually, Balfir's tensed posture fell, then turned to the party.

"It's clear."

Kol sent the torch to the front, revealing a small carved-out make-shift room. the room was filled with hooks in various sizes, some still had fish on them. Nets hang on the walls, including different types of rusted knives. Various corals and seaweed filled baskets, barrels, and creates. A table made out of a wooden board held together by a rope tied to a big rock below it. This was a kitchen.

The party immediately grabbed anything they could find edible and ate to their fill. Only being given food once a day made them skinny and malnourished.

Balfir grabbed another harpoon laid out in the side. Now the two guards were armed. Drew wrapped one of the nets around his shoulders, Zar and Kol each took one of the rusted butcher's knives.

[Perception D20+D4 roll] – 15

Kol started looking around and found nothing else that the party might need for their escape.

"Hey, kid. What next?" Drew asked interrupting Kol's search.

"We passed phase one, now we're at phase two. What we need now is to play smart and be careful. We need to look through some of the rooms without being noticed, this is why we need Zar." Kol said chewing on some seaweed.

"Me?" Zar asked.

Zar was not aware of this. Kol didn't have the chance to explain everything clearly due to his mutilation.

"Yes. I'm not sure if you noticed but there is no daylight here. I was able to tell when it was morning or nighttime because of the height of the tides that washed in our cell." Kol says as he pulls two strips of paper he ripped from his spell book. "The paper I have in my spell book is waterproof and I've labeled how high the tide goes, which is nighttime, and how low it goes which is daytime." 

"Which means?" Drew asked.

"Which means, it's night time. Eden will have sex with one of you for the majority of the day and I hope will be sound asleep at night."

"No, she's not sleeping. She's giving birth." Zar cut in.

The whole room went quiet.

"What do you mean giving birth?" Drew said shoving Zar to the wall.

"I mean she's giving birth."

"No, that's impossible. How could that be?" Balfir asked. His face was visibly confused.

Kol contemplates the news, and then it clicks.

"The fish people," Kol said. "The fish creatures are her children."

"Fuck, that means there's probably more of them."

"Probably, she showed me her nursery. That's why I did what I did. I didn't want to father such a creature." Zar said with pain in his voice.

"Either way," Kol said separating Drew and Zar. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there, right now we have to focus. When we leave this place, obviously we're going to need a boat. Zar has experience sailing, whenever you see something that you think we need in making a makeshift raft, you call it out and as long as it isn't nailed down. We'll grab it."


"Boat building it is," Drew said heading towards the entrance.

The party follows. Silently maneuvering in the shadows, there is only one way left and it's through the fish in the left tunnel.

After Balfir confirms the fish is alone. Drew was up first.

Drew threw his harpoon straight through the fish's leg immediately taking it to one knee. Before it could react, another harpoon shot through the air impaling it through the chest.

The fish, now prone and gargling blood. Zar and Kol came rushing making giant leaps through the water, lessening the sound of splashes in the water. Kol summons his magic once more, not opting to waste his energy. He decided to not use Peter's spell. Shattering his magic the purple butterflies came once more and swarmed the fish.

[Blue EN: 14/19]

Zar then came up and quickly stabbed it through the eye with a rusted knife, leaving it motionless.

The party is now faced with a choice as the tunnel now splits into two. On the left is where the three pass through when it is time to play with Eden, while the other side provides the unknown.

"If we go through there it will lead to a small room similar to the kitchen but with a bed," Drew says as he pulls the harpoon from the fish's body and points towards the left tunnel.

"let's go right,"