

Imagine a world where anime steps off the screen and into reality. The story follows Lin Nian, a visionary director with a knack for the impossible. He takes the entertainment industry by storm with his groundbreaking live-action anime. We're talking legendary actors like Ju Jingyi and Bai Lu transforming into fierce warriors from Fate series or Demon Slayer. The story dives into the electrifying world of these hyper-realistic anime, showcasing epic battles, emotional moments, and everything in between. It's not just a movie, but a future. ------ Disclaimer: all right to original content belong to respective creator. I'm translating this novel just to make it easier to read.

SpicyBanana · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

what is Spy × Family?

On the playground, the film "Forest of Fireflies" has finished playing.

The atmosphere was quiet, and everyone hadn't recovered from the sadness just now.

The headmaster came to the stage and announced:

"This "Forest of Fireflies" is the first place in this year's competition. I think everyone will have no objections after watching it."

"Next, we invite the producer of "Firefly Forest" to come on stage."

Lin Nian and Ju Jingyi stood together and walked towards the stage.

When the two of them got together, they attracted the attention of all teachers and students in the school.

Because their current appearance is similar to the character in "Forest of the Fireflies".

Everyone thought Gin had come back to life again

All kinds of exclamations suddenly sounded on the playground:

"I'll go, Gin is not dead!"

"You are crazy, this is what they played, I know these two people, they are both freshmen, newly promoted school girls!"

"It's so powerful, I feel that "The Forest of Firefly" can be screened directly in cinemas, and it will definitely become a hit!"

"A freshman can make such a blockbuster? As human beings, why aren't we so good?"

"The real version of Gin, I'm in love with him. If I become his girlfriend, I won't be able to be with Gin every day."

The CP Party expresses its condemnation, Gin belongs to Takegawa, and none of you can take it away!"


In the eyes of everyone, Lin Nian and Ju Jingyi received a trophy representing the first place.

The headmaster also said with a smile:

"You also got an opportunity to shoot an official film provided by the academy!"

"Student Lin Nian, if you have a script like "The Forest of Fireflies", just contact Mr. Chen directly. Our college will fully support your filming!"

Lin Nian nodded.

Ju Jingyi was very excited. As freshmen, they had a chance to make a formal movie, and their future was limitless.

The principal said again: "By the way, we will publish "The Forest of Firefies" on major video sites on the Internet. At that time, you will also get a generous copyright fee. You can also discuss related matters with Mr. Chen. ."

Lin Nian looked at the female teacher who was gesturing to him frequently, "Okay, I see."

Chen Xiaoguo didn't expect that the person who could shoot "The Forest of Fireflies" was actually a freshman...

Ju Jingyi whispered from the side:

"Chen Xiaoguo, a very famous female director who has filmed many excellent film and television works before, we are lucky this time!"

After the screening, Lin Nian and Ju Jingyi followed Chen Xiaoguo to her office.

Chen Xiaoguo enthusiastically made a cup of tea for the two, and then said:

I'm a straight-talking person, so I won't go around the bush. I want to ask, was the script and filming process of "The Forest of Fireflies" really done by the two of you?"

Lin Nian shook his head.

Chen Xiaoguo showed a "sure enough" expression.

She just said, maybe Lin Nian is the son of that great director, and his parents helped him make it.

After all, this is the Northern Film Academy, and many students have unusual backgrounds.

Lin Nian said: "In addition to the two of us, we also asked senior Bai Lu, a junior, and some seniors from the photography department to help."

Chen Xiaoguo was stunned, "That's it?"

Ju Jingyi saw Chen Xiaoguo's disbelief, and said seriously: "The script was written by Lin Nian, and the filming was also checked by Lin Nian. I don't have much effect, but I can testify that the first filming of "The Forest of Firefly" The leader is Lin Nian, he is really good!"

Chen Xiaoguo half-believingly said: "Don't blame me for being paranoid, "The Forest of Fireflies" is really well shot, and the various techniques used in it are simply superb. If it is said that it was filmed by those famous directors in the industry, I will believe it."

She sighed, "If it's really Lin Nian's filming, then he's a once-in-a-thousand-year monster."

Ju Jingyi put on a serious look, "Obviously, he is!"

Lin Nian didn't want to explain too much, "Mr. Chen, the next time you shoot an official movie, you will know if I am..."

The three of them opened up this topic and began to talk about the copyright fee after "The Forest of Firefly" was cast on the video website.

Chen Xiaoguo said confidently:

"I have experience in this matter, because "The Forest of Fireflies" is very good, and I can get the best benefits for you."

However, the school will also account for 10% of the copyright fee. Are you willing?"

Lin Nian thought about it, but felt that it was no problem.

Ten percent is handed over to the school for operation, which is very worthwhile.

After all, he doesn't have Chen Xiaoguo's contacts yet, so if he really wants to negotiate copyright with those video sites, he probably won't get any good price.

Lin Nian nodded and said, "Okay, then thank Teacher Chen."

Ju Jingyi seemed a little nervous, "Our work is going to be on a video website? Doesn't that mean I'm going to be on TV too..."

Lin Nian smiled and said, "Isn't this exactly what you want as an actor?"

Chen Xiaoguo gave a reassuring evaluation: "Don't worry, "Forest of Fireflies" will definitely become popular, and then you will become famous as well."

After saying that, she looked at Lin Nian with anticipation in her eyes, "Instead of thinking about this, you should think about the next official movie, what are you planning to make..."

Lin Nian lowered his head and pondered for a moment, "I already have an idea, let's make a Spy × Family..."

As soon as these words came out, both Ju Jingyi and Chen Xiaoguo were stunned.

They heard nothing.

Ju Jingyi's small face was full of doubts: "What? Spy? family?"

Chen Xiaoguo: "Spies? Brain warfare? This is not easy to shoot."

Lin Nian smiled mysteriously, "You will find out later..."