
I Transmigrated Into My Favorite BL Novel?!

Aki transmigrated into his most loved and hated novel called >Forbidden love

Ur_Sis_Belle · LGBT+
3 Chs

Chapter 1 A System?

 In a apartment building on the 3rd floor, when you look through the window you can see a faint silhouette of a man sitting beside a comfortable looking bed. There was no source of light, except an open phone illuminating his beautiful face and fluffy hair sticking out of his black hoodie. 




 He kept scrolling through his phone while reading chat messages for a class reunion this week, you can barely see what is written for he was scrolling too fast. He stopped scrolling through Lιne and he exited the app to only go to another app, upon clicking it you can see hundreds of covers of books, novels, and stories.

 He clicked his notification box and saw that his favorite author _Hideki-Chan_ had updated >Forbidden Love<, well the last update to be exact. < p>

 The man quickly clicked to read the last update of his favorite novel that he has been reading for 3 years now. Only to be left shocked for the context of the update he will be reading.


 On the 13th of November. The ex-empress also known as the infamous rebellion leader that lead the rebels to attack the Arnoult empire and caused a great deal of damage to half of the whole empire, was scheduled to be beheaded for all his crimes. 

 May it be Arson, High treason, attempt of murder of a member of the imperial family as well as embezzlement of the wherewithal for the inhabitants of the empire that was to be used to help the citizens that was affected by the war. 

 Below the heart of the Palace where the palace prison was located there was a big, black, metal door separating the outside world from the Dark, wicked, ill omened insides of the dungeon. The revolting stench of decaying bodies of past prisoners greets you with a sinister smile, handles made of pure silver iron rusting through time, complex locks that are hard to force open without it's keys. 

 Once you've gone inside you'll see a dark fill with moss underground prison, where the Ex-empress who was situated inside a dingy prison. 

 It wasn't only just the Ex-empress who was in the location but a few guards and the Adonis like Emperor of the Arnoult Empire.

 The Ex-empress was looking straight at the emperor as he slowly opened his mouth and said; 

 "What have I done wrong to you? All I did was love you wholeheartedly, almost exhausting myself to death with lessons that I had to learn just so I can stand beside you always, had I not meant anything to you at all...?"

 "...I've never asked you to do any of that yet you still did, you are to blame for your actions wasting all your energy and effort for naught"

 "All I did just to be by your side! I never complained with how you were always treating me!"

 The emperor was surprised by the sudden outburst of the Ex-empress

 "I never asked for your love, I stood by waiting for you to love me willingly with all your heart! I stood by you and defended you when nobles were criticizing and condemning you!"

 The emperor stood by giving an uncomfortable sound swallowing back his retorts.

 "Tell me, what did I do wrong for you to treat me like this? Like some piece of garbage that you threw in the trash left to rot after being useful to you!" 

 The emperor went quiet, he dared not look at the previous empress that previously stood with grace and elegance. The person at the very top of society was now locked inside a rusty and dirty prison yet he was still radiating with the same light as he did back then but it was coupled with lifeless eyes that had seen the death of many including loved ones.... 

 "... I know you don't love me much less like me, you abhor me"

 "I do not abhor you"

 "Your actions seem to say otherwise? I had at least thought that you would treat me with respect when we were married but no, not even an ounce of respect had I seen from you from all the time we've spent together" 

 The emperor was still quiet, clearly listening but not answering nor acknowledging anything. 

 The ex empress gave the emperor one last look of despondency as he had a moment of epiphany. 

 "I hope you live a happy life, I hope you treat them better than you treated me."

 "Sometimes it takes a break or even an execution to shake us awake and help us see that there is so much more to see than what I had settled for" 

 Emperor Leopold states mockingly as he laughs gloriously at his own words.

 "Still as sharp with words as ever." The ex-empress says with an unamused expression towards the emperor.

 "Oh and before I forget, just a quick reminder you should act according to your position. This will be my last advice towards you, your majesty" He says with not a single smile on his beautiful but pitiful face. 

 "Why do you say so?" As the emperor gives an uncomfortable look towards him. 

 "Hah, you're the emperor of this empire yet you do not know of the rumors surrounding yourself?" He says mockingly.

 "The nobles are running amok behind you yet you don't realize. There's also a rumor going around that you're just a wooden toy that moves when two beautiful faes move a string" 


 "With how things are going around right now, I wouldn't be surprised if your two 'little faes' won't survive the blow on their reputation and pride" 

 Says ex-empress Cameron with a amused smirk on his face only to be mercilessly cut off by the sc*m emperor. 

 "Nonsense! To dare mock me this way! And shall I remind you Elijah and Elias would survive and they have me to protect them! They fit perfectly with the nobility just fine" 

 "Oh is that so? I heard the nobles don't think highly of the nouveau riche who sleep with nobles just for a title and an illegitimate son born out of a wh*re-" 

 "Who do you think you're calling a sl*t! And as I have told you he will fit in perfectly with other nobles as if he were born as one from the beginning, they don't dare to challenge my authority! "

(Bro, stop cutting him off with his sentences he's about to die yet you dare interrupt his words and you don't deserve to talk to him you jerk ass 💀) 

 "Alright... Just tell him I told him to be cautious, at this rate you might die before me because of anger" 


 The emperor's sentence was cut off by the bell, signaling the execution of the empress. 

(Good job bell! The MVP title goes to the bell! (≧▽≦) 

 "Well, time to cut this conversation short. I bid your highness goodbye and also... Be wary of your decisions, mistakes will take a toll on you"

 The emperor didn't have time to ask him about the meaning of the last sentence, much less think about it since the empress was quickly taken away by the guards heading to the chopping block.

 "k*ll him!" 



 "You crooked cross!" 


 Yelled out by the citizens around the plaza, where the current empress knelt ready to be beheaded. 

 He knelt there with a remorseful appearance for he had recalled the innocent lives he cannot bring back. A desolate expression lay on his face for he was betrayed by the one he loved, disappointed because of his naive love for the emperor caused the life of his loved ones... 

 He raised his head and stared at the balcony where the emperor and his male consorts were watching him suffer all the lashing and curses. He lowers his head, for he will surely cry and let them see his weak state the he had promised to never reveal, he knelt there regretting his choices, regretting his love, regretting the first time he ever met the emperor. 

 Regretting Everything.....

 When it was time for him to be beheaded, he took one last look at the balcony and giving them his nastiest and coldest glare he could to show his hatred. Mouthing out "I.Hate.You.All" 

with a small sinister almost maddening smile. 


 The executioner cuts the rope, and; 


 With one felt swoop the blade in the guillotine fell with a spine-chilling glint as the blade falls and separates the head from the body. The head of the ex-empress fell to the ground causing an almost imperceptible plop. 

 Days passed after the death of the previous empress, everything quickly became normal like the empress wasn't beheaded right in front of them. Especially in the imperial palace, the next day after the day of the empress beheading, they threw a small banquet to celebrate. 

 A few years had passed and everyone lived prosperously forgetting about the empress, and his death, like he had not even existed, buried within history. 

 Emperor Leopold and Earl Elias had a child and got married to the emperor, while Elijah and the Emperor also had twins together, the emperor rejoiced and gave him the title of Prince Consort second only to the empress. Living happily ever after with their children. 

- The end -



(A/N: yes I rushed the ending here bcs this is not my story just a story in a story bcs I'm writing a story for a story but it won't actually be my story unlesssss ) 

 Aki: ........




 A phone went flying and hit the wall, breaking it's screen. 

 "F*ck! What kind of ending is that? You think I'll just accept that kind of shitty ending? Dream on!"

 He shouts. 

 'I regret reading this sh*tty ending novel. Despicable author for writing a sht story! I'll never listen to Haru ever again, The empress only loved the emperor unconditionally! He loved him until the end and got framed by that fly sh*t yet he's called the villain?!'

 The protagonist Elijah is too meek isn't he a man he should man up and fight with the jerk emperor! 

 A new male consort? The cunning and deceitful Elias of the Duchy of Adelaide? What the actual f*ck?!

 How much stamina does this guy have? Don't you have enough?! Curse you, you handsome rat emperor! 


 I almost felt bad for that white flower protagonist! 

 F*ck! Just because of that scum emperor had another mistress, he just had to frame the empress that did nothing to him just for the throne?! 

 Hah, I wouldn't be surprised if the protagonist gets framed also! 

 Also that handsome rat emperor! If your going to cheat why so hot you b*tch! I officially erase hot blond men from my top 10 types of male leads! (ノ`Д')ノ彡┻━┻ |'

 Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! 

(A/N: putang*na mo saket mo magsalita Ako gumawa sayu, ayusin mo ugali mo sna wla kang jowa buong buhay mo (T-T) 

 'They were supposed to face upcoming annihilation why the f*ck did they survive that?! Hah... Ofcourse the answer to that is easy to answer, if it isn't the Protagonist Halo and Plot armor then what else could it be?! 

 A magical queen of fairies that pops out of nowhere that the protagonist suddenly knows? F*ck this sh*t, I'm done with this! Screw them!|•




 'Huh? What he heck is it? Don't they know I'm very angry right now?'

 Aki picks up the phone from the ground and looked for the name of the caller. 

 'Oh it's just Haru and Ren'

 [Hey Aki! Did you see the ending of the novel? Please tell me you didn't.] - Haru 

 "Of course I saw it dumbass, I even saw the shitty ending. Too cliche, and why the f*ck would they decapitate the empress's head? Couldn't they just take away his title? He's from a prestigious household that's so not logical!" - Aki

 {Wow, chill out Aki hahah} - Ren 

 "Yeah, yeah. You can clearly see that the author didn't study first before making this sh*tty novel. I'm never trusting you again if you're ever going to recommend a new novel. Now if your done I'll go hang up" - Aki

 [Wait, wait, wait-! Just wait a second! Is this how you treat your bestfriends? How horrible! Ren, teach him how to treat his friends better!] - Haru 

 {Whatever do you mean, he's already treating you well by even answering your call dumbass. If I was him I would of blocked you.} - Ren 

 [Wow, heartless! Both of you are heartless! Why are you guys always targeting me?! I didn't do anything to the both of you!] - Haru

 "Whatever. Anyways, how are you doing now Ren?" - Aki

 [Oh yeah, how have you been doing in that new school Ren?] - Haru 

 {Oh y'know the usual, I'm doing quite well here} - Ren 

 And with that the three best friends chat a bit more until late at night. 

 "Guys, it's getting late and I'm feeling *Yawn* kinda drowsy. I'll hang up first"

 {Night Aki, Haru. Talk to you guys tomorrow, Bye} - Ren 

 [Good night guys, sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite!] - Haru 

 "Geez we're not children anymore, good night" - Aki

 {Oh shut it Haru, what do you think we are? 3 year olds? Sheesh rest well} - Ren 

 [Ahaha, fine I won't] - Haru

After ending the call, Aki went to the closet to get his sleeping attire/ pajamas then went to the bathroom. 

 After showering 

Aki sat on the bed and looked once more on his phone, thinking to himself.

'I feel so bad for the male empress he fell in love with a handsome playboy. if I were him I would slap the Emperor to the moon and leave his ass alone to die!'

~°• Wish granted •°~ 

" huh what? Who's there! Show yourself! " 

~°• Don't worry host we'll see each other soon... •°~ 

'what the hell?' 

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•| What download? Host? Data? What the f*ck?! |•

√ Host Transfer Complete

After that Aki's vision became blurry until fell of the bed and passed out. 

(A/N: finally! I finally finished chapter 1, I did say I would post it in the weekends but I just realized I had something scheduled and decided to post chapter 1 now, just finished it a while ago. 

If you see any mistakes in my story feel free to correct me, whether it be grammar, spelling mistakes, wrong names etc. It would help me improve and also when you criticize someone's work with it's flaw the author doesn't become arrogant and narrow minded, so I welcome criticism with open arms! 

Take care everyone, have a nice day/noon/afternoon/evening/night! 

Cya, tomorrow (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)