
I Transmigrated into an Otome Game as Heroin

Ryota suddenly finds himself trapped in the body of Elara, a beautiful heroine in the fantasy world of the Academy of Swords and Sorcery. As Elara, he must face difficult challenges: adapting to his new body, avoiding romantic paths with the handsome men who pursue him, and uncovering the secrets behind the game system, which seems to have its own hidden agenda. With the power of magic and the sword, along with the help of a mysterious system window, Ryota strives to change Elara's fate from a weak girl into a formidable hero. However, a great threat that wasn't in the original story begins to loom, forcing Ryota to make a choice return to the real world or accept his fate in the game.

Yuhi99 · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Window Systems

The next day, the atmosphere at the academy felt lighter. After the success of their first mission, the students seemed more relaxed and enthusiastic. However, amidst the crowd, Elara felt something strange. Although their first mission had gone smoothly, there was an odd feeling that kept nagging at her, as if there was something she still didn't fully understand about this world.

After breakfast, Elara decided to take a walk alone around the academy grounds. The peaceful morning atmosphere, with birds chirping and warm sunlight, should have calmed her mind. However, the strange feeling did not go away.

As Elara walked through one of the quieter gardens, suddenly a notification appeared before her—a transparent blue window floating in the air, just like the one that first appeared when she arrived in this world. However, this time the window was smaller, and inside it was written:

[System Window Active.]

Elara paused for a moment, staring at the window in disbelief. A System Window? Was this some kind of interface like the one in the game? As Ryota, she was very familiar with this concept a system that allowed players to view character stats, receive missions, and manage inventory. But why was this appearing here, in a world that now seemed so real?

Elara tried to interact with the window, and immediately, the window changed, displaying several options.

[1. Character Status] [2. Inventory] [3. Quests] [4. Skills]

Elara looked at the options with a mix of confusion and curiosity. Though it seemed strange, this could be a very useful tool to help her survive and better understand this world. After thinking for a moment, Elara decided to check her Character Status first.

The window changed again, displaying detailed information about her.

Name: Elara von Edelstein

Level: 15

Health: 100%

Strength: 18

Endurance: 15

Intelligence: 20

Agility: 17

Light Magic: 25

Swordsmanship: 22

Affiliation: Academy of Swords and Sorcery

Seeing these stats, Elara felt a mix of familiarity and alienation. As Ryota, she knew exactly how to interpret these numbers but now, as Elara, she felt that these numbers had a direct impact on her life. One thing was certain: these stats showed that Elara had great potential, but there was still much room for improvement.

"It's like an RPG," Elara muttered to herself. However, although she knew how this system worked, she also knew that in a real-world game like this, every action could have real consequences.

Elara returned to the main menu and selected Quests. Instantly, a list of missions appeared before her eyes. These missions seemed to consist of tasks that needed to be completed to progress further in the story, but what caught her attention was one mission listed as a Main Quest:

[Main Quest: Survive at the Academy of Swords and Sorcery and find a way to return to your original world.]

The mission left Elara stunned. It seemed that this world also recognized that she didn't belong here that she was an outsider trapped in the body of Elara von Edelstein. This was no longer just a game, but a struggle to survive and find a way home.

Before Elara could reflect further, a voice behind her startled her. "Elara, what are you doing here alone?"

Elara turned around and saw Seraphina approaching with a warm smile. "I've been looking for you. Are you okay?"

Elara quickly closed the System Window, feeling a bit awkward. "Yes, I'm just... thinking about some things."

Seraphina looked at her closely, as if trying to read Elara's thoughts. "You know, if something is bothering you, you can talk to me."

Elara smiled slightly. "I know, Seraphina. Thank you. I just need some time to reflect. A lot has been happening lately."

Seraphina nodded understandingly. "Alright, but remember that you're not alone. Now, let's get back to class. Professor Eldric is waiting for us."

Elara followed Seraphina back to the academy, though her mind was still filled with the new information from the System Window. She knew she had to find a way to use this system wisely, but she also had to be cautious. This world might have different rules, and every step needed to be taken with careful consideration.

That day, lessons at the academy proceeded as usual. Elara attended classes on swordsmanship and magic, but her mind kept returning to the System Window. She trained hard, trying to understand the limitations and potential of her new body. Every sword movement and spell she cast felt more significant now, as if she were mapping out the path for her future.

After class ended, Elara decided to distance herself from the crowd and return to her room early. There, she sat at her desk and reopened the System Window, this time selecting the Skills option. A list of skills she had mastered appeared before her, including some she hadn't been aware of before.

Several skills caught her attention, particularly those related to light magic and swordsmanship. Each skill had a description and a level, indicating how effective she was at using them. Elara realized that even though she had mastered the basics of light magic and swordsmanship, there was still plenty of room for growth.

One skill that piqued her interest was "Radiant Blade," a technique where light magic is integrated with sword attacks to create a powerful strike. This technique was at a low level and required further practice to reach its full potential.

With renewed determination, Elara decided to train this skill. She picked up the wooden sword in her room and began practicing, combining light magic energy with each swing of her sword. At first, the results were unstable the light often flickered out before reaching the sword, and the strength of her attacks was inconsistent. However, she didn't give up. Elara knew she had to become stronger, both in swordsmanship and magic, if she wanted to survive in this world.

As time went on, Elara began to feel improvement with each strike. The Radiant Blade started to show its power, with a steady light enveloping the sword every time she swung it. Though this was just the beginning, Elara felt she was on the right path.

As the sun set, Elara finally stopped practicing, satisfied with her progress. She knew this journey was still long, but every small step she took would bring her closer to her goal whether it was to survive in this world or find a way back to her original world.

Without thinking too much, Elara put away her sword and prepared for bed. However, before she could fully fall asleep, she noticed the System Window still active in the corner of her vision. It was a powerful tool, but also full of mystery.

Elara closed her eyes, trying to calm her mind, which was filled with strategies and plans. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, and she needed to be ready to face them.