
I Transmigrated into an Otome Game as Heroin

Ryota suddenly finds himself trapped in the body of Elara, a beautiful heroine in the fantasy world of the Academy of Swords and Sorcery. As Elara, he must face difficult challenges: adapting to his new body, avoiding romantic paths with the handsome men who pursue him, and uncovering the secrets behind the game system, which seems to have its own hidden agenda. With the power of magic and the sword, along with the help of a mysterious system window, Ryota strives to change Elara's fate from a weak girl into a formidable hero. However, a great threat that wasn't in the original story begins to loom, forcing Ryota to make a choice return to the real world or accept his fate in the game.

Yuhi99 · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Meetings with Other Characters

That day, Elara woke up with renewed determination. Though her body still ached from the intense sword training the day before, her resolve to adapt to life in this world grew stronger. She realized that to survive, she not only needed to master combat and magic skills, but also understand the social dynamics of the academy.

After breakfast with Seraphina, they walked to their next class, which was on strategy and combat tactics. This class was held in one of the highest towers of the academy, offering a wide view of the entire academy grounds and the surrounding forest. Elara could see other students training in the fields and a few birds flying freely in the clear blue sky.

Upon arriving at the class, Elara noticed that this room was different from the others. The walls were lined with maps, diagrams, and various models of battlefields. In the center of the room was a large oval-shaped table surrounded by beautiful wooden chairs. The students sat around the table, ready to learn about the art of war.

At the end of the table stood a middle-aged man with silver hair and a strong posture. He was Professor Adrian Valmont, a renowned strategist who had won many battles with his intelligence. His face was serious, and his sharp gaze was like that of an eagle, indicating that he was not someone to be taken lightly.

"Good morning, students," Professor Valmont greeted with a firm tone. "Today, we will discuss the basics of military strategy and how to use the right tactics to win battles. Remember, in battle, physical strength is only a small part of the equation. Intelligence, quick decision-making, and a deep understanding of the battlefield are the keys to victory."

Elara took a seat next to Seraphina, who seemed very interested in the material that would be taught. Some of the other students sitting nearby appeared more focused on light discussions about rumors and gossip circulating around the academy rather than the lesson that was about to begin.

"So, who do you think will be Elara's partner at the dance next week?" asked a female student with curly blonde hair, whom Elara recognized as Charlotte von Hildegarde, one of the most popular girls at the academy.

"Yeah, I'm curious too," another student replied enthusiastically. "Could it be that she'll go with Leonhart? They seem like a perfect match, don't they?"

Elara tried to ignore the conversation, but it was hard not to feel awkward. The dance next week was one of the major events at the academy, and she hadn't even thought about who she would choose as a partner. Moreover, she still wasn't used to the sudden attention she had been receiving since becoming Elara.

"Ignore them," Seraphina whispered calmly. "They just like to gossip. Just focus on the lesson."

Elara smiled and nodded, trying to shift her attention back to Professor Valmont, who was explaining various battle formations and when to use them. Each explanation was accompanied by examples from great battles of the past, making the lesson feel more vivid and engaging.

However, in the midst of the explanation, the classroom door opened, and a tall young man with golden blonde hair entered quietly. He was wearing the same uniform as the other students, but with an aura that was different more regal and full of confidence. Elara immediately recognized who he was.

It was Valerian de Montfort, the son of a high-ranking noble and one of the most talented students at the academy. In the game, Valerian was known as a graceful, intelligent, and charismatic character, but also somewhat mysterious. He was one of the main candidates to be Elara's romantic partner in the storyline, but in this situation, Elara only saw him as another challenge to face.

"My apologies for being late, Professor," Valerian said politely as he took a seat at the empty end of the table.

Professor Valmont merely gave a brief nod before continuing the lesson. However, Valerian's presence quickly drew the attention of many students, including Elara. She could feel Valerian's occasional glances toward her, as if trying to figure out who she really was.

After the class ended, many students began to gather around Valerian, asking his thoughts on the lesson or simply looking for a chance to talk to him. Elara felt somewhat relieved that she didn't have to face him directly right away, but she knew that sooner or later, an interaction between them would happen.

However, as she walked out of the classroom, Valerian suddenly stepped closer to her. "Miss von Edelstein," he called out in a calm, deep voice.

Elara stopped, turned around, and found herself face-to-face with Valerian. She looked into his clear blue eyes, and for a moment, she felt a nervousness she couldn't quite control.

"Yes, Lord de Montfort?" Elara replied, trying to keep her voice steady.

Valerian gave a slight smile. "I've heard many good things about you, particularly about your talent in swordsmanship and magic. Would you be interested in training together sometime?"

Elara didn't expect to receive such an offer. "Of course, I would be happy to. But, I still have a lot to learn."

"Don't sell yourself short," Valerian said with a warmer tone. "Your talent will shine with the right practice. I hope we can help each other."

After saying that, Valerian gave Elara a brief nod before turning and walking away, leaving Elara with mixed feelings. She didn't know if Valerian was truly sincere or just following the storyline predetermined by the game, but she felt that this encounter was important.

On the way to their next class, Seraphina teased Elara about their interaction. "It seems that Valerian is interested in you too, Elara. Have you decided who you'll choose for the dance next week?"

Elara could only laugh softly and shake her head. "I haven't thought about it yet. I have more important things to think about right now."

Seraphina smiled. "Don't worry too much. Whatever you decide, I'll support you."

The day continued with other equally challenging lessons, but Elara's thoughts kept revolving around her encounter with Valerian. This world was beginning to feel more complex, with each character she met bringing new dynamics and challenges. Even so, she knew that to survive and find a way out of this world, she had to be ready to face whatever came her way—whether on the battlefield or in social interactions.

After all the lessons were finished, Elara decided to spend some time in the library, trying to find more information about this world and possibly discovering clues on how she could return to her original world. However, before she could begin her search, she found the library already crowded with other students also looking for references for their assignments.

Amidst the crowd, Elara noticed a girl with long dark purple hair quietly reading in the corner of the room. The girl was Cassandra Morwenna, a talented sorceress known for her extraordinary intelligence and tendency to keep to herself. In the game, Cassandra was a character who was difficult to approach, but she played an important role in the main storyline.

Elara felt drawn to approach her, thinking that Cassandra might have useful information about magic or ancient artifacts that could help. However, before she could take another step, Cassandra lifted her face from the book and looked at Elara with deep violet eyes.

"Is there something I can help you with, Miss von Edelstein?" Cassandra asked in a soft yet cold voice.

Elara felt slightly intimidated by her gaze, but she remained calm. "I'm just looking for some references on light magic and ancient artifacts. Perhaps you could give me some suggestions?"

Cassandra observed Elara for a moment before nodding slowly. "There are a few books that might be useful to you. They're on the shelf over there, but be careful some of them are quite difficult to understand."

"Thank you, Cassandra. I'll be careful," Elara replied sincerely.

Cassandra returned to her book without saying anything else, leaving Elara with the feeling that the girl was more mysterious than she appeared. However, she was glad to have gotten a lead that could help her in her search for information.

Elara took the books suggested by Cassandra and sat at one of the quiet tables. She opened the pages, searching for information about magic and artifacts that might be key to understanding more about this world.

As the night wore on, Elara realized that she had spent hours in the library, immersed in the knowledge provided by those books. Although there was still much she needed to learn, she felt that each page she read brought her closer to her ultimate goal.

Unconsciously, Elara closed the last book she had been reading and let out a long sigh. This world was full of challenges, but she wouldn't back down. She would keep fighting, learning, and searching for answers until she found a way home.