
I Transmigrated into an Otome Game as Heroin

Ryota suddenly finds himself trapped in the body of Elara, a beautiful heroine in the fantasy world of the Academy of Swords and Sorcery. As Elara, he must face difficult challenges: adapting to his new body, avoiding romantic paths with the handsome men who pursue him, and uncovering the secrets behind the game system, which seems to have its own hidden agenda. With the power of magic and the sword, along with the help of a mysterious system window, Ryota strives to change Elara's fate from a weak girl into a formidable hero. However, a great threat that wasn't in the original story begins to loom, forcing Ryota to make a choice return to the real world or accept his fate in the game.

Yuhi99 · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Confusing Window Systems

The next morning, Elara woke up with her mind still preoccupied with the System Window. Despite her attempts to calm her thoughts the previous night, something about this system kept gnawing at her, making it impossible to stop thinking about it. She wondered why such a system existed in a world that seemed so real and what the true purpose of the missions she received might be.

After getting ready, Elara joined Seraphina and the other students for breakfast. The dining hall was filled with light chatter about lessons and activities for the day, but Elara remained uneasy.

"Elara, are you okay?" Seraphina asked with a concerned tone. "You seem a bit distracted."

Elara gave a faint smile, trying to hide her anxiety. "I'm just a little tired. I've got a lot on my mind."

Seraphina nodded, though it was clear she wanted to ask more. "You know, you can talk to me anytime. Don't carry the burden alone."

They continued their breakfast with light conversation, but Elara's thoughts kept spinning around the System Window. After finishing, they walked together toward their first class of the day, but before entering, Elara felt the need to take a further step to understand her situation.

"Seraphina, I need to check something. You go ahead first," Elara suddenly said.

Seraphina looked at her with concern. "Are you sure? You don't want to miss the lesson."

Elara nodded. "I'll catch up soon. There's just something I need to look into."

With some hesitation, Seraphina finally nodded and entered the classroom, leaving Elara alone in the corridor. After Seraphina was gone, Elara walked outside the academy building, searching for a quiet spot in the back garden where she could think clearly.

After finding a peaceful place under a large tree, Elara sat down on the grass and opened the System Window again. This time, she wanted to delve deeper into the functionality and purpose of this system. While it seemed like a very useful tool, there was a sense that this system was more than just an aid.

Elara opened the Mission option again and reviewed the list of available missions. Besides the Main Mission she had discovered earlier, there were several side missions listed, each with brief yet challenging descriptions. One mission in particular caught her eye

[Side Mission Discover the Forbidden Book in the Sealed Library]

A forbidden book? Elara felt intrigued by this mission. The Sealed Library might be a place she hadn't visited yet, and that forbidden book could contain important information that might help her understand more about this world or even about the System Window itself.

Elara pressed the Accept Mission button, and immediately, a small map appeared in the corner of the window, showing the location of the Sealed Library. According to the map, the library was located in a remote part of the academy, in the eastern wing that was rarely visited by students.

Wasting no time, Elara quickly made her way toward the Sealed Library, trying to avoid the curious gazes of other students who might wonder why she wasn't in class. The path to the Sealed Library felt quiet and mysterious, with corridors lit by dim torchlight.

When Elara finally arrived in front of a large wooden door that looked old and dusty, she could sense a strong magical aura around it. This door wasn't like a typical library door it had ancient symbols carved into its surface, symbols that seemed to be holding something very powerful inside.

"This must be the place," Elara murmured to herself.

She reached out and tried to open the door, but as expected, it was locked. However, Elara knew this wasn't an ordinary lock. She would need to use magic or find another way to open it.

Elara recalled the lessons on magic she had learned so far, particularly about unlocking spells and revealing secrets. With focus, she recited the unlocking spell taught by one of the professors in the magic class

"Revelare Portam"

Elara's hand emitted a soft glow that flowed toward the door. Moments later, the symbols on the door lit up, and the door creaked open slowly. Elara felt a cold draft emanating from within, sending a shiver down her spine.

Without hesitation, Elara stepped into the Sealed Library. The room was larger than she had imagined, with towering shelves filled with old books, some of which looked so ancient they were nearly crumbling. Candlelight flickered on the walls, casting moving shadows that added to the mysterious atmosphere of the place.

Elara walked between the shelves, searching for clues about where the forbidden book might be. Suddenly, the System Window appeared in front of her, providing a hint

[The book you seek is at the back of the library, on a hidden shelf]

Elara followed the hint and walked deeper into the library. At the back, she found a bookshelf that looked different from the others. This shelf was made of dark wood that seemed newer, though it still had an ancient aura around it.

When Elara touched the shelf, a section of it depressed, and with a quiet mechanical sound, a secret compartment opened, revealing a book bound in black leather adorned with an ancient emblem. The book looked old and full of mystery, but something about it drew Elara to read it.

However, before she could reach for the book, a deep voice echoed behind her "Who dares to enter this place without permission?"

Elara quickly turned around and found an old man in a black robe with a stern face staring at her. The man was the Master Librarian, the guardian of all knowledge in the academy, and he looked very displeased.

"What are you doing here, Miss von Edelstein" he asked in a threatening tone.

Elara felt her heart pounding, but she tried to remain calm. "I... I received a mission to find this book. I didn't mean to break any rules, sir."

The Master Librarian scrutinized Elara with a sharp gaze before glancing at the book she was holding. "That book is dangerous, filled with magic that should not be known by ordinary students. What makes you think you can handle it"

Elara didn't know how to respond. She knew that lying wasn't a wise option, but she also couldn't reveal the full truth. Finally, she said, "I just feel that this book might help me understand more about this world. Please allow me to read it."

The Master Librarian was silent for a moment, then sighed deeply. "Very well, Miss von Edelstein. I will give you a chance, but on one condition you must read it here under my supervision. If there are any signs that you cannot control its magic I will take it back."

Elara nodded obediently. "Thank you, sir. I will be careful."

With permission from the Master Librarian, Elara opened the book and began reading. Each page was filled with ancient spells and stories about the dark history of this world. The magic contained within was powerful, and Elara could feel the energy flowing through her body as she read.

However, on one of the last pages, Elara found something that made her pause a reference to the "Guardian of Dimensions" an entity said to oversee the balance between different worlds. According to the book the Guardian of Dimensions had the power to open portals between dimensions which might be the key to returning to her original world.

Elara felt her breath catch. This could be the crucial clue she needed. But she also knew this wasn't something she could handle alone. She needed more information and possibly help from others in this academy.

After finishing the book, Elara closed it and returned it to its place. The Master Librarian watched her closely but said nothing more. He simply gave Elara a small nod before disappearing into the shadows of the library.

Elara left the sealed library with many thoughts swirling in her head. Although she had discovered something important, there was still much she didn't understand. This world was filled with mysteries deeper than she had imagined, and Elara knew that this journey was only just beginning.