
I Transmigrated into an Otome Game as Heroin

Ryota suddenly finds himself trapped in the body of Elara, a beautiful heroine in the fantasy world of the Academy of Swords and Sorcery. As Elara, he must face difficult challenges: adapting to his new body, avoiding romantic paths with the handsome men who pursue him, and uncovering the secrets behind the game system, which seems to have its own hidden agenda. With the power of magic and the sword, along with the help of a mysterious system window, Ryota strives to change Elara's fate from a weak girl into a formidable hero. However, a great threat that wasn't in the original story begins to loom, forcing Ryota to make a choice return to the real world or accept his fate in the game.

Yuhi99 · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Arc 2: The Search for Power

After completing her first mission and successfully acquiring the Amulet of Aether, Elara began to feel that she had made significant progress in her quest to return to her home world. However, the next mission, finding the Orb of Lunaris, seemed to be a much more daunting task. This time, the challenges she faced might not only be about physical strength or magic but also about courage and mental resilience.That morning, Elara woke up with mixed feelings. On one hand, she felt stronger and more prepared thanks to the System Window that had rewarded her after completing the first mission. But on the other hand, she couldn't ignore the fact that every step she took brought her deeper into this world - a world that, despite its beauty, was full of dangers and unsolved mysteries.After breakfast, Elara decided to start preparing for the second mission by gathering her team back together. She knew she couldn't complete this mission alone, and their previous success had proven that teamwork was key.Seraphina, Valerian, and Edwin were already waiting for her in the academy courtyard when Elara arrived. They all seemed ready for the next challenge, although there was a slight tension in the air, perhaps because they realized that this mission would be more difficult than the first."Good morning, everyone," Elara greeted them with a smile. "Are you ready for the next mission?"Seraphina nodded enthusiastically. "Of course! After our success in the forest yesterday, I feel like we can face anything."Valerian, who was usually serious, also seemed more relaxed. "I agree. But we have to be more careful this time. According to what we know, the Orb of Lunaris is located in an isolated cave in the northern mountains. That place is known for its extreme weather and difficult terrain."Edwin, who was always analytical, added, "I've studied the map and the terrain conditions around those mountains. We need to bring enough supplies and make sure we're prepared for anything. Also, there are rumors that the cave is guarded by nocturnal creatures that only appear during a full moon."Elara nodded, appreciating the input from her companions. "Alright, we have to prepare ourselves as best as we can. We'll leave tomorrow morning, so use today to gather the supplies we need. And remember, this isn't just about physical strength. Our minds will be tested as well."They all agreed and began to prepare. Elara decided to visit the Magic Supply Shop located in the academy, a place where students could buy potions, amulets, and various other equipment. The shop was located at the back of the academy, in a small building surrounded by gardens filled with medicinal plants.As Elara entered the shop, a small bell above the door rang, alerting the shop owner of her presence. The shop owner, an elderly woman with long silver hair and sharp eyes, greeted her with a friendly smile."Good morning, Miss von Edelstein," the woman greeted her. "What can I help you with today?"Elara looked around at the items displayed on the shelves. "I'm preparing for a trip to the northern mountains. We need equipment that can help us survive in extreme weather, as well as some strong healing potions."The woman nodded wisely. "The northern mountains, huh? That place is quite unfriendly. You'll definitely need cold protection potions, as well as high-level healing potions. I also recommend an amulet that can provide light in the darkness, as the cave there is known to be very dark."Elara nodded in agreement and purchased everything she needed. After she was finished, she returned to her room to pack the supplies she had bought. While packing her bag, Elara couldn't help but think about what awaited her in the mountains. The System Window might provide clues and rewards, but the challenges they faced were real and could be fatal if they were not careful.That evening, Elara and her team gathered again to plan their journey. Edwin showed the map and explained the best route they could take. "We should start early to take advantage of the better weather in the morning. The northern mountains are known for their sudden weather changes, so we have to move quickly and stay alert."Valerian added, "Once we reach the cave, we have to work together well. I'll be at the front to protect you, while Seraphina can focus on healing and magic support. Elara, you should use the Amulet of Aether wisely. Your ability to attack and defend will be crucial."Elara nodded enthusiastically. "I'm ready. I've been training with the Blade of the Aether and feel more confident in my skills. We just need to stay united and support each other."After the meeting was over, they all returned to their respective rooms to rest and mentally prepare for the next day's mission. However, before going to sleep, Elara decided to open the System Window one more time and check her status.[Name:] Elara von Edelstein[Level:] 15[Strength:] 23[Endurance:] 20[Intelligence:] 20[Agility:] 17[Light Magic:] 25[Swordsmanship:] 22[New Skill:] Blade of the AetherElara felt satisfied with her progress. Although there was still much she needed to learn and improve on, each small achievement made her stronger and more prepared for whatever came next. She also chuckled a little at how seriously she took checking these stats - something she used to only do in games was now a part of her real life."Who would have thought I'd care so much about these things?" Elara smiled, feeling a little strange and amused thinking about how she used to be an ordinary guy who only cared about how to defeat the final boss in a game.The next morning, before sunrise, Elara and her team gathered at the academy gate, ready to begin their journey to the northern mountains. They all carried their well-prepared equipment, and the atmosphere among them was filled with fighting spirit."Here we go," Valerian said, gazing at the path stretching out in front of them. "We don't know what we'll find there, but together, we can definitely get through anything."Elara smiled, feeling lucky to have friends like them by her side. "We'll succeed. Let's show them that nothing can stop us."With high spirits, they began their journey towards the northern mountains, ready to face the next challenge and find the mysterious Orb of Lunaris. Although they knew that this journey would not be easy, they also knew that with their teamwork and strength, nothing was impossible.