
I Transmigrated into an Otome Game as Heroin

Ryota suddenly finds himself trapped in the body of Elara, a beautiful heroine in the fantasy world of the Academy of Swords and Sorcery. As Elara, he must face difficult challenges: adapting to his new body, avoiding romantic paths with the handsome men who pursue him, and uncovering the secrets behind the game system, which seems to have its own hidden agenda. With the power of magic and the sword, along with the help of a mysterious system window, Ryota strives to change Elara's fate from a weak girl into a formidable hero. However, a great threat that wasn't in the original story begins to loom, forcing Ryota to make a choice return to the real world or accept his fate in the game.

Yuhi99 · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Arc 1: Enter the Game World

Ryota Nakamura is a twenty two year old young man leading a simple and routine life. He works part-time at a small bookstore in the city, but his true passion lies in games especially otome games. Not because he's interested in romance, but because he enjoys the challenges and complexities often hidden within them.

That evening, Ryota sat in front of his computer, ready to try out the latest expansion of his favorite game, "Academy of Swords and Sorcery." This game is an otome set in a fantasy world filled with swords and sorcery, where the player takes on the role of a heroine trying to find love amidst the conflicts and intrigues of the academy. However, Ryota wasn't playing for romance he played for the challenges offered by the storyline and the hidden missions.

Ryota had just finished his work for the day and returned to his small, modest apartment. His cramped living room was filled with fantasy books, comics, and several action figures from his favorite anime. On his computer desk, a large monitor glowed warmly, waiting to be used. With enthusiasm, Ryota launched the game and chose to start the latest expansion.

But something strange happened when he selected "New Game." The computer screen flickered with unusual colors, and an unfamiliar electronic sound began to disturb his calm. Before he could react, his computer screen flared brightly, blinding him so much that he had to shut his eyes. He felt his entire body being pulled, as if gravity had suddenly shifted, and in an instant, Ryota was sucked into the screen.

When he opened his eyes again, Ryota was no longer in his apartment. He was standing in the middle of a vast field surrounded by grand buildings that looked like castles from another world. The sky above him was a bright blue, and a cool breeze swept across his face. The scent of fresh grass filled the air, reinforcing the reality that this was not the virtual world he knew.

"What... where am I?" Ryota murmured, still not fully understanding what had happened.

He looked down and was shocked by what he saw. He was wearing a white and gold academy uniform, but what was more surprising was his changed body. Long silver hair hung in front of his eyes, and his delicate hands and long legs confirmed that he was now in a girl's body. The soft voice that came out of his mouth further confirmed the change.

"This... a girl's body?" Ryota gasped. "No way... I've become Elara!"

Elara von Edelstein was the protagonist of "Academy of Swords and Sorcery," a noble girl skilled in both swordsmanship and magic. But how had Ryota become Elara? What had actually happened?

As confusion overwhelmed him, a light blue window appeared before his eyes, floating in the air like a holographic screen:

[Welcome, Elara von Edelstein, to the Academy of Swords and Sorcery.]

[Status: Active]

[Main Mission: Survive in this world.]

Ryota now Elara realized that he was trapped inside the game. This was no longer just a game; it was a new reality he had to face. But how was he supposed to survive in a world filled with magic and swords?

Elara recalled every detail of the game. The vast field where he was standing now was the main courtyard of the academy, where students often gathered before starting their day. In the distance, the academy's main building stood majestic with tall towers reaching up to the sky, surrounded by neatly arranged gardens and stone pathways. Every corner of this place was exactly like in the game, but now it felt more alive and real.

His first step was to head to the main building. He needed to better understand this situation and find a way to survive. As he walked toward the entrance, Elara tried to adjust to his new body. Although it felt strange, there was something familiar in the way this body moved perhaps because he had played as Elara for hundreds of hours in the game world.

Inside the academy, the atmosphere was busy and lively. Students walked through the corridors, talking excitedly about their lessons, assignments, and daily life at the academy. Their similar uniforms showed that they were all students here, but each person seemed unique with their own style.

Elara took a deep breath, trying to stay calm even though his heart was racing. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Elara! You finally came! I've been looking for you everywhere!"

Elara turned and saw a girl with long dark blue hair and bright eyes smiling warmly at him. The girl wore the same uniform with an emblem indicating her status as an upper-class student. She was Seraphina Ardent, Elara's close friend in the game, a strong and compassionate character.

Seraphina approached Elara quickly and pulled her into a brief hug. "I was almost worried something had happened to you. Come on, we have to get to class. Today's our first swordsmanship lesson, and we can't be late!"

Elara could only nod, still trying to comprehend what was happening. "Sure, Seraphina. Let's go," he replied, trying to mimic Elara's tone and behavior from the game.

They walked together toward the training room, and along the way, Elara tried to remember every detail about Seraphina. In the game, Seraphina was a loyal character who always supported Elara in every situation. She was also one of the romance options for the male protagonist, but in this situation, Elara didn't care about that what mattered was how he could survive and find a way out of this world.

The training hall was a large, open space surrounded by stone walls with tall windows overlooking the academy's back courtyard. In the center of the hall stood a tall man with black hair and a long robe, exuding an air of authority. This was Professor Eldric, the swordsmanship instructor, known for being strict but fair. He held a large wooden sword that looked heavy, and his sharp gaze scanned the students who had just arrived.

"Good morning, students," he said, his voice echoing throughout the hall. "Today, we begin our lessons in swordsmanship. The art of the sword is not just about strength, but also about balance, calmness, and honor. I expect all of you to be prepared for a rigorous lesson, because in real combat, there is no room for mistakes."

Elara stood in line with the other students, trying to calm herself. She remembered that Elara von Edelstein was a skilled swordswoman in the game, but Ryota had never actually wielded a sword before. This was going to be a significant challenge.

Professor Eldric started with a demonstration of basic movements, showing how to hold the sword, basic stances, and simple strikes. His movements were smooth and precise, reflecting countless years of practice.

"Elara von Edelstein," Professor Eldric suddenly called out, causing Elara to flinch. "Show us a basic strike."

Elara felt her heart race as she stepped forward. With trembling hands, she took the wooden sword that Professor Eldric handed her. It was heavier than she expected, and her balance felt off. However, she tried to focus, recalling all the practice she had done in the game, though this was far more difficult in reality.

With hesitant movements, Elara raised the sword and executed a basic strike as she had seen. However, her strike lacked the expected power, and she almost lost her balance.

Professor Eldric observed closely, his face revealing no emotion. "That will do," he said in a neutral tone, then moved on to the next student.

Elara felt embarrassed, but she also felt a determination to do better. This world demanded that she act and adapt. She couldn't just rely on the knowledge from the game she had to learn to become the real Elara.

After the training session ended, Elara's arms ached and her body felt exhausted. However, there was also a small sense of satisfaction she had made it through the first lesson, albeit with difficulty. As she walked back to the dining hall with Seraphina, she thought about her next steps.

"Seraphina, have you ever heard about ancient artifacts in this academy?" Elara asked as they sat down for lunch. She wanted to gather more information about this world.

Seraphina looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Ancient artifacts? Of course, there are many legends about such things. Why are you suddenly interested, Elara?"

Elara thought quickly. "I'm just curious. This academy is so large and full of secrets, I want to know more."

Seraphina smiled. "I see. Maybe we could look into it together. But be careful some of those artifacts are said to be very dangerous."

Elara nodded. "I'll be careful. Thanks, Seraphina."

That night, Elara returned to her room in the dormitory, her mind filled with plans and questions. This world was full of mysteries, and she knew that to survive and perhaps find a way back home, she would have to dig deeper.

Before going to bed, Elara opened her window and looked out at the starry night sky. She felt small in a world so vast and mysterious, but she also felt that there was a purpose awaiting her.

With newfound determination, Elara closed the window and lay down in bed. She didn't know what would come next, but she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Her adventure was just beginning.