
I transmigrated as a young bug catcher in Pokemon

Gray transmigrated to the world of pokemon. Armed with his newfound power and his past knowledge, can he survive this world? -beginner writer here -English is not my main language so pls criticize my work so that I can improve

BUG_TYPE_3L1T3 · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Chapter 8 Battle!

It's okay if you don't know what Pokéblocks are suitable for your pokemon because every store that sells Pokéblocks will have an instrument dedicated to testing your Pokémon physique. The staff in the store will recommend the Pokéblock to you based on the data measured by the instrument.Of course, that kind of equipment is very expensive, each store only has two.

There is also the special type Pokéblock, which is customized by some Peak Rank Breeders for some particularly powerful Pokémon, and because it is customized, the price is definitely not so attractive. Each piece is extremely expensive.

Of course, those wealthy families or corporations have custom-made the best Pokéblock for their pokemon's growth since they were children.

I will be buying some Beginner Rank Pokéblock first to see if it works.and If it doesn't work, I will buy intermediate rank Pokeblock. Sister Amelia recommended two Primary Rank Pokéblock suitable for Bug Type Pokémon.

The first is the blue-colored Pokéblock, which has a lighter flavor. The effect can increase the speed of Bug Type Pokémon. The second type is Pokéblock, which has a red color and a stronger flavor. However, it can boost the defensive abilities of Bug Type Pokémon.

I purchased several packs of each type of Pokéblock. Scyther can eat it alternately. However, Pokéblock is very expensive. Fortunately, the pokeblocks that I purchased are for Bug Type.

The price of Pokéblock is more closely related to the Attribute of the Pokémon; because everyone here believes that Bug Type Pokémon have the weakest Attribute, they sell it cheaply. Pokéblocks for Dragon, Psychic, and Ghost Types are also more expensive.

I tried to look around. The cheapest Dragon Type Pokéblock in Beginner Rank is ten times the price of Bug Type Pokéblock. It's no surprise that the average person cannot support the growth of a Dragon Type Pokémon because they will make you broke.

A new day has begun, and Gray has no classes today because it is Saturday. Scyther is really energetic to train, he wants to be strong to try and combat those Pidgeots, so he got Scyther out for training early due of yesterday's shenanigans. Scyther's motivation makes Gray very happy. Gray has also taken the initiative to train his physique, and has begun to increase the amount of their training today.

Gray discovered that Pokemon Moves are divided into four levels. Beginner, Proficient, Mastered, and Perfection.

Beginner, as the name suggests, is not yet well-trained.

Proficient refers to the ability to be really skilled and to be able to utilize it frequently. It also means that you can aim at the target with a better hit rate.

Mastered is one level above proficiency; Ability control has reached the level of flexibility, and the formidable power of Ability can be developed to its full potential. It exerts 100% of its available power.

Perfection is a difficult realm to reach; if a Pokémon's Maastery of reaches perfection, the ability employed can exert 120% or even more powerful strength.

Scyther's mastery of the three skills has now progressed to proficiency, which is near to mastery. Gray wants Scyther to be proficient in all of his moves before concentrating on his evolution.

They begin training Scyther's move once they have finished running and warming up.

Scyther's Quick Attack may now be used 21 times and has a very quick speed.

Fury Cutter's frightening power has also been greatly improved, and it now only needs 6 Fury cutter to cut down a tree.

Wing attack has also been honed and can now be use 17 times. Not to mention Scyther's Double Team move, which is the most improved of all. Scyther may now create three clones of himself, each with 50% of his strength.

Gray then took Scyther home to rest and eat after training. A new day has arrive and Gray immediately went to Viridian City Day Care after eating. On the surface, his plan is to assist his Aunt Jasmine with some minor task, but in reality, he wants to learn about the breeds of pokemons.

When Gray arrived at Day Care, he eagerly greeted Aunt Jasmine and the manager, Sister Amelia.

I ask Aunt Jasmine if I can assist her after seeing her busy appearance. Aunt Jasmine then happily agreed, and I began to assist her with some small task at the Day Care throughout the afternoon. While assisting, I observe Aunt Jasmine's Pokémon massage techniques and listening to her knowledge about Pokemon breeds.

I was overjoyed when I returned home in the evening. Because Aunt Jasmine taught me a Scyther-friendly massage technique. Don't underestimate the power of massage; there is a Pokémon masseur profession in this Pokémon world. They are experts in Pokémon massage. And their Massage can unlock the joints and assist Pokemon in relieving muscle tension.

Unblocking joints can help Pokémon fight more effectively. Massage also aids Pokémon growth and sleep. Every Great Family has a professional masseur who is dedicated to massaging their Pokémon.

I'm just waiting for Scyther to finish his dinner. After that I'm going to try the massage technique I learned today on Scyther.

Scyther then let out a series of relaxed Growls. And, in comparison to the previous massage, it was like comparing heaven and earth. After with the massage, I then recall Scyther into his pokeball and fell asleep.

It's Monday once more. However, before entering his class in the morning, Daphne spoke with Hideshi.

Gray was informed by Daphne that only 57 of the school's 300 or more students own Pokémon. There are more than 33 people, excluding those who are not interested in Pokémon battles. Only about 4 or 5 people in their class have Pokémon.

Despite the popularity of Pokémon Trainer, most families do not have the financial resources to send their children to a vocational school after they graduate.

Daphne then proposed, "How about we have a Pokémon battle?"

Gray then nods "Okay"

He wants to see the difference between Scyther and his classmates' Pokémon.

"Then it's settled," Daphne said, "the location is on the school's mountainside, and we'll be there after school."

After school, Gray followed Daphne to the mountainside.

Some of their classmates joined them. They are also interested in the Pokémon battle and have followed them to watch. One of our classmates offered to serve as the referee.

"This is a one-on-one battle," the referee explained, "and when one of your Pokemon faints or admits defeat, the game is over."

Daphne then happily send out her pokemon

"Go, Oddish"

The Pokéball emitted a flash of white light.

Oddish's silhouette on the ground is shown.

Gray also took his Poké Ball after seeing Daphne release her Pokémon.

"Come out, Scyther"

Scyther emerges from the white light in high spirits.

As the referee waved his hand as a sign that the battle has started, Gray then gave Scyther instructions

"Scyther, use Quick Attack."

"Oddish, avoid it,"

Oddish tried to avoid it, but Scyther was too fast for Oddish, and Scyther attack landed with a solid hit.

"Scyther, use Wing Attack."

Daphne is a little panicked when she saw Oddish who is injured and can barely move.

"Oddish, Absorb."

But with Scyther's attack, Oddish was hit hard and its attack didn't landed.

Oddish, who could barely stand, let out a weak growl, which frightened Daphne even more.

"Scyther, use Fury Cutter to end it."

"Oddish, Dodge!" exclaimed Daphne.

But it was a useless endeavor, as Scyther dashes over to Oddish and slashes him.

Oddish then fell to the ground and fainted.

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