
I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Once Yuki woke up, he suddenly became a Konoha's new Lord of Fourth Hokage. What about Minato Namikaze? Oh, he was looking at himself in the audience with envy and regret. Looking at the time again, now is already at the end of the Three Wars, and there is only one year left before the Nine Tails Rebellion. Yuki was flustered immediately. There is a great crisis of life and death outside, and an old man who led three-generation of Hokage has elevated power inside. This situation is very bad! Does Yuki wants to be a short-lived Hokage like Minato? Fortunately, the cheat system ability arrived on time. As long as Yuki's Hokage's reputation continues to increase, Wood Release Jutsu, Senjutsu, Flying Thunder God Technique, and so on can be exchanged. One year later. "Nine tails, you finally appeared! Eat my Sage Art Wood Release: True Thousand Hands - Top Transformed Buddha attack!" Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/KonohaHokage Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · アニメ·コミックス
228 Chs

Hokage Reputation

Yuki Senju was born in the Senju Clan. He is twenty-one years old and held the position of Jonin before the 4th Hokage, grasping the nature of the five elements of water, fire, wind, thunder, and earth.

Because of his outstanding performance in the 3rd world war and Hiruzen Sarutobi had to resign for the result of the 3rd battle. So he was recommended as one of the candidates for Hokage and was formally promoted to the 4th Hokage in the later discussions of senior officials.

In the Hokage's office, bits and pieces from twenty-one years old Yuki Senju constantly flashed in his mind.

After a long time, when he opened his eyes again, his eyes flashed with a cold and sharp light that had never been seen in a peaceful era.

This also meant that he had finally digested and mastered this body.

From this moment, he was the real Yuki Senju, and the outsiders could no longer see any difference.

"I didn't expect that there would be such an unexpected person in the Hokage."

Yuki, or rather, Yuki Senju, muttered in his heart.

However, changing the original version was not surprising since crossing over here could come true.

Yuki shook his head and soon focused on the most important strength.

As the only male left in the clan who had inherited the powerful physical energy of the clan and abundant chakra, the clan's strength was one of the best among the elite Jonins.

This was also one of the reasons why he could become the Hokage.

After all, if he wanted to become the Shadow of a Village, his strength had to convince the masses.

Of course, if he wanted to suppress Minato, who had mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique and become the real key to becoming the 4th Hokage, he would have to rely on the surname "Senju".

Whether it was the first generation, the second generation of the Hokage, or the influence of Tsunade's reputation as one of the Three Ninjas, he, the only male of the current Senju Clan, had a lot of political assets.

As for Minato, although his achievements were outstanding, he was still a civilian, and he was born far from Yuki Senju.

Even if the former became Jiraiya's disciple, many of Konoha's senior officials wanted to keep the position of Hokage from being passed down in the Naruto world.

There were all kinds of competitions between senior officials. In the end, under the compromise of all parties, he was able to suppress Minato with an extremely weak advantage, becoming the 4th Hokage.

This was also the result of the fusion of the original memory of Yuki and combined it with the original version of his previous life.

But then again, although Yuki Senju was proficient in five types of Chakra nature changes and had mastered many Ninjutsu plus the strong physical support of the Senju Clan, he had few rivals, even in Jonin. His strength was similar to Kakashi, who had mastered the power of Kamui.

But even so, he was far from being Nine-Tailed's opponent.

Even if he had taken precautions in advance, the masked man who controlled the power of time and space, who was also the elusive Uchiha Obito, couldn't guarantee that the other party wouldn't kill him.

Therefore, the key to everything was strength.

He still needed to be stronger.

Speaking of which, didn't all transmigrators possess the Golden Finger benefits?

Yuki raised his head and looked around. Seeing that no one was around, he said in a low voice,

"Golden Finger?"


"Indigo? Come and add some points!"


Yuki shouted for a long time just as he was about to give up, suddenly!

A "beep" sound rang out in his brain.

[Because the host has called out 'system' more than five times. Responding to the first law of space-time travel, the system generates the host. ]

[Greetings, esteemed host! The Hokage system has been serving you the entire time. ]

"That's why I have to call out' system 'five times a row. Only then will you make a sound." Yuki was powerless to retort.

Fortunately, since The Golden Finger had arrived, he no longer cared about it and began to watch it with great interest.

In short, a variety of Genjutsu and Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline Limit) could be provided in the Hokage system. He, as the Hokage, could master it one step at a time after spending a certain price, saving him from the middle learning session.

But there were two prerequisites for all of this.

To exchange for ability, you must first have its cultivation method. For example, if you want to learn some Ninjutsu directly, you need the cultivation scroll of this Ninjutsu in your hand, and Kekkei Genkai needs the blood of people with this bloodline.

The second is that you also need to consume something called Hokage reputation points in exchange for the ability.

The stronger the ability, the higher the reputation points needed.

For example, D -level ninjutsu required 50 reputation points, C -level ninjutsu - Fire Style - Great Fireball required 100 reputation points, B -level ninjutsu - Fire Style - Great Flame Destruction required 500 reputation points. As for the A -level ninjutsu, after that, there were four figures, and S -level ninjutsu required five figures to go up.

The Kekkei Genkai was more expensive.

For example, the Wood Style that Yuki longed for the most cost 500,000 Reputation points to exchange.

Good fellow!

So it was worthy of being called the strongest blood limit.

Fortunately, the system gave him a novice gift package allowing him to enjoy a discount on the first exchange.

In addition, he was a member of the Senju Clan. Although he couldn't use Wood Style like the first generation, his bloodline still had the hidden genes of Wood Style.

This reduced the prestige points he spent on Wood Style by more than half. In the end, he only needed 10,000 reputation points to exchange for it.

After reading all the above conditions, Yuki's eyes couldn't help but light up.

Putting aside the reputation points, if he were to change his identity, then the first condition would be to make a big blow.

After all, how could an ordinary person have the ability to collect such Ninja Scrolls? If he had one, he could spend more time learning it not to waste his reputation points.

However, he was now the 4th Hokage!

He was completely qualified to open up all the Ninjutsu available in Konoha, which meant that he could exchange for all of them.

Especially the forbidden technique of the Book of Seal.

Ordinary Ninjutsu can be learned by oneself, but what about these forbidden secret arts?

For example, Flying Thunder God's technique. Even Hiruzen, known as the Doctor of Ninja World, and even the extraordinarily gifted Sannin have not been able to learn it.

In the entire world, apart from 2nd generation Hokage, only Minato could learn it.

Yuki himself was not confident, but at this time, it was time to reflect on the system's value.

Thinking of all the powerful secret arts in his body in the future, if he hadn't wanted to maintain the prestige of Hokage, Yuki wanted to laugh out loud to celebrate it.

However, he did not have to endure it anymore because the column of the Hokage's prestige points was greatly drenched like a bucket of cold water.

"Why is my reputation points zero?" Yuki asked in disbelief.

The system coldly said: [The so-called reputation points are the points produced by the host's actions as the Hokage. The host has just been promoted to the Hokage and has yet to do anything, so the reputation points are zero. ]


Yuki was very helpless.

Now that he understood reality, he could only start all over again.

Come to think of it, how could he earn Reputation Points right now?

Doing big things?

Don't mess around. Now it's still a question of whether he can leave the office or not.

But the reputation of the Hokage concerns his strength, and strength affects his life, so he can't slack off in the slightest.

Yuki must think about it carefully. How can he get the reputation points as soon as possible?

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