
I, Superman's Younger Brother, got the Thanos Template

This is a translation!! I liked this mtl so thought about translating it for webnovel so it has a bit more reach!! _____________________ MTL Synopsis: Batman: "You can't deny that your brother Superman attracted Zod, and the battle between the two almost destroyed half of the metropolis, and countless people died in that disaster-you have to look at the death list that is enough to drown people Is it?" David: "He was adopted." The Flash: "Why don't you stand up like your brother and lead the heroes to rush to the front line to protect the world." David: "I don't have his power." Wonder Woman: "You mean Superman was punched flying by Darkseid, you go up and beat the Dark Lord in a military style?"... Traveling through the DC world, David found himself the newborn child of Superman's adoptive parents The next son, he was born to get the Thanos template. And as long as it affects the emotions of the characters in the plot, can it accelerate the integration of templates and open new ones? Hyperion Template - Loading, Million Star Sentinel Template - Loading! Celestial Judge Alitham Template, Complete Phoenix Force Template, Golden Planet Devourer Template... _________________ OP MC,STRONG TO STRONGER,DC,TRANSMIGRATION,NO ROMANCE _______________ This fanfic doesn't belong to me. Author: Purple Potato Can Fly mtl link: https://www.69shuba.com/book/49959.htm

TheBoredWriter69 · アニメ·コミックス
162 Chs

A Darker and More Dangerous Crises Brewing!!



The entire city was instantly frozen, and the terrifying low temperature threatened to kill people.


The Flash dared not stop for a moment, and continued running around, destroying parademons.

Once he stopped and departed from the speed force, he would be once again affected by the laws of physics, immediately freezing to death in an environment so cold that no living being could survive.

"So cold!"

Even Arthur, with his strong physique, couldn't help but shiver, looking up.

"Has nuclear winter arrived? 

Let me add some heat."

Although he also possessed an ordinary human physique, but was protected by a power ring, Hal Jordan noticed his friend's distress. Remembering him talk about his abilities, he shaped the green energy into a massive electric heater, releasing intense heat, melting ice and snow to resist the extreme cold, creating a safe breathing space for the Flash.


Catching the iron rod plummeting like an airliner that Kalibak had dropped, Clark looked up.

Diana and the others were drawn to this event that changed the environment, concerned about David's safety.

"Try this!"

A sensation of numbness and coldness washed over David as he looked at his arm. Like a volcanic eruption, scorching hot energy erupted, evaporating a short segment of ice on his arm.

Still somewhat numb, some flesh and blood cells were frozen and necrotic. He moved his arm and looked towards Mantis.


An invisible and colorless beam pierced through the sky, causing ripples in the air. It seemed that even space and time were distorted and warped under the powerful force of this move.

'Hypergravity Beam!'


David lifted his finger, and Mantis was sent flying as if hit by a supersonic high-speed train. A bloody hole appeared in its chest, and the wound didn't seem to be pierced through but rather forcefully collapsed, turning the flesh and bones in the hole into mush.

Blood sprayed into the sky as he steadied himself, clutching his chest in intense pain. Just as he was about to counterattack, another powerful and brutal blow followed immediately, its speed making it impossible to react.

"Your freezing ability is indeed formidable, with the potential to kill me."

The coin-sized wave beam crushed his bones like crushing biscuits. The arm, filled with surging cold, hung down. Mantis screamed in pain, David's eyes radiating a purple glow as he slowly approached, gathering strength to raise his hand for another attack.

"But unfortunately, you won't have another chance!"

Although Mantis's cold couldn't instantly kill David, if that cold air hit him firmly, freezing him directly wouldn't be a problem.

"Your body is weaker than I imagined."

Hit again, Mantis's body now had another bloody hole filled with flesh and shattered bones, and he was badly injured. David raised an eyebrow, surprised at the effectiveness of this attack.

"Although I'm not very proficient in this move yet, and the condensed beam doesn't concentrate the power very well, but it seems much easier to kill you than I thought."

Mantis's ability allowed him to easily survive the Tsar Bomb, the nuclear bomb with the most powerful human power that could move the continental plates. However, once his ability was ineffective, he instantly turned into a paper tiger.

Stripped of his powers, with only his physical defenses remaining, David blocked Mantis's most powerful card. Unfortunately, Mantis didn't have such a powerful physical body.

"For Darkseid!"

As the strongest warrior of Apokolips, Mantis's pupils shook violently, his face revealing a ferocity and fierceness akin to a wounded beast. Instead of turning to escape, he roared, releasing more of the cold air, and charged towards David.

"Willing to fight to the death?"

David raised his finger again, this time aiming at Mantis's head.


Without a doubt, it hit its mark.

The gravity wave beam moved at a speed close to the speed of light. After David aimed and lifted his hand, someone with a reflex speed slower than the speed of light had no chance of dodging.

The field strength that could effortlessly lift mountains condensed into a line, and Mantis's head exploded like a watermelon, thoroughly blasted to pieces!


Kalibak, gripping the Beta Club, couldn't hide his astonishment and lost his voice. He was blasted away by Clark, standing up and covering his chest, still in shock as he watched Mantis's lifeless body fall from the sky.

Steppenwolf seemed stunned as if he had been hit in the head. Diana, who looked like a goddess of war, leaped up, her incredibly sharp Sword of Vulcan slicing through the silver armored hind legs that had been broken by previous attacks. Blood sprayed, and the towering humanoid beast collapsed.

Swinging his axe with a roar, he sent Diana and Hal Jordan flying.

"Impossible, this world belongs to me! 

I've lost count of how long I've been exiled; I want to go home!"

Steppenwolf, dragging an injured leg, roared as he charged towards David, who had just killed the strongest among them.

David glanced at Steppenwolf, and the powerful gravitational field instantly bound him, grabbed his neck with gravity, and lifted him off the ground.

Previously, he couldn't condense the power of the gravitational field so much, but things were different now.

A powerful force pressed on Steppenwolf's neck; his vertebrae made a sound of unbearable strain, and his eyes widened with shock and anger.


Without mercy, David squeezed the air in front of him.

Steppenwolf's neck twisted at an abnormal angle, turning him into a corpse, which was then thrown onto the ground.

Among the three high-level beings who descended from Apokolips, two were now dead, leaving only the last one.

Everyone turned their attention to Kalibak, focusing on him, ready to launch attacks.

He didn't care about the gazes of the others, but when David's eyes turned towards him, Kalibak's body trembled. The fierce, beast-like face showed panic, and even the indestructible Beta Club in his hand couldn't bring him any sense of security.

"I can stop the attack and leave this planet."

"No wonder Darkseid doesn't like you," David said with cold eyes.

"You should learn from Steppenwolf and Mantis. At least they didn't surrender until death."

Despite his intimidating and monstrous appearance, exhibiting cruelty and brutality during his younger years, he now revealed the character of a bully who bullies the weak and fears the strong when faced with someone he couldn't overpower.

Such a son—how could the Dark Monarch, who was a ruthless murderer even within his own family, possibly like him?

"Shut up!"

Bringing up his long-standing pain, like tearing open a bloody scar, Kalibak's face turned red, and he exploded in rage.

"How could you know that? I'm going to kill you!"

His voice thundered, and his body shot out like a missile, swinging the Beta Club toward David. David raised his hand, restraining him in mid-air, shaking his head.

"I really want to see how your mind works. 

The reason Darkseid doesn't like you probably includes one more thing—stupidity!"

Earlier, Kalibak had leaped towards David, only to be caught by the gravity field, unable to exert force in the air and struggling to break free. David had tossed him aside like garbage, and now he seemed to have learned nothing.

"Looks are like an unevolved ape. 

The same goes for your brain—consistently lacking."

David reached out and, through the air, took the Sword of Vulcan from Diana's hand, manipulating it telekinetically.

Even if the hypergravity beam didn't concentrate its power intensely, it was still immensely powerful, but this move consumed a lot of his mental and physical strength.

He decided to conserve some energy by killing Kalibak like this.


The Sword of Vulcan, capable of cutting through matter at the subatomic level, plunged into Kalibak's chest. His massive head looked down in disbelief as he reached to pull it out. With powerful manipulation, the Sword of Vulcan made a horizontal cut, seamlessly slicing his heart in half.

Bright red innards sprayed out like a high-pressure stream of water, and the huge body fell to the ground.

"Fat... father."

Kalibak reached out, as if trying to grasp something, and then he gasped for breath and fell still.

Cyborg, who weakly stood up from the ground, witnessed this scene and cried in excitement. The monster that had killed his father was now dead.

"Is it over like this?"

Hal Jordan was somewhat dazed.

He had just personally fought this monster. His weapons, formed from condensed energy, were as fragile as glass in the hands of this giant, and the same went for Steppenwolf.

Batman and they fought the two alien monsters for so long without severely injuring them.

David killed the strongest of the three, and then killed the other two within half a minute of freeing his hands? 

How did it feel like this battle didn't need them? Could David alone face three opponents and still win?

In fact, Clark and Diana had depleted a significant amount of Kalibak and Steppenwolf's strength, allowing David to easily handle them just now. However, Hal Jordan had been busy fighting parademons and hadn't experienced the exhaustion of the group's combined battle.

With his hands free, Clark flew into the sky at his fastest speed, joining forces with the Flash to eliminate the remaining parademons.

Without a master, the Mother Box fell to the ground, once again silent.

The sky cleared, and at some point, it was already dawn. The vibrant morning sun radiated light, piercing through the clouds, and dispelling darkness and haze.

Standing beside the deserted city, everyone gazed at the newborn sunrise.

Except for David and his group, Hal Jordan, the Flash, Cyborg, and others felt a sense of surviving a disaster, and they almost missed seeing the sun rise again in this world.

"The world has changed.

A few years ago, humanity was still debating the existence of aliens.

And now, in just a few short years, one wave of alien invasion follows another."

The ashes of the parademons covered the ground in a thick layer, and as they looked at the devastated city, it gave the illusion of being in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. 

Batman spoke thoughtfully.

"We might need a team to protect this world."

"I remember you saying this guy is the son of a Universal Tyrant." Batman gestured towards the bodies on the ground and looked at David.

"That's right, although he's the least favorite son."

David replied.

Even though he had killed Kalibak, the matter was far from over. A greater dark danger was still brewing.

There is no telling when Darkseid could lead his Apokoliptian army to Earth.

'Not for the sake of his so-called son, but for the Anti-Life Equation on Earth.'

Currently, David still had a considerable gap in power compared to Darkseid.

A rare sense of urgency filled David's heart.

However, he didn't regret killing Kalibak. Darkseid's arrival on this planet was inevitable once the Mother Box detected the lack of protection from the World Engine and the Central Codex, connecting Earth to Apokolips.

"A team. 

What do you mean, like Power Rangers?"

Barry Allen joked.

"If we don't want the entire world to become a deserted wasteland like this one day, I believe it's imperative. 

When this planet beneath our feet is destroyed, we probably won't be able to escape unscathed."

Batman said.

David knew that this statement was directed specifically at him, fearing that he might not join the team proposed by Batman.

"Although I'm not too familiar with the outside world yet, I'm ready to face wave after wave of powerful enemies to protect this world created by the gods."

Diana, being the daughter of Zeus, felt it was her duty to guard humanity, created by the gods in their image.

Cyborg remained silent, glancing at his steel body. It seemed like he couldn't return to his previous life. Only by following the special people like himself could he feel less out of place.

"This is already part of my duty."

Hal Jordan rolled his eyes, seeing that Batman's proposal was agreed upon by everyone.

"But what do we call ourselves? The Super Eight?"

Today, he finally witnessed the dangers of guarding sectors. He wondered how other Green Lanterns repelled the constant threats from extraterrestrial enemies, repeatedly maintaining universal order.

He knew that the troubles encountered by Earth were just a fraction of what he was responsible for in his cosmic sector, with countless planets similar to Earth. 

Hal Jordan had no idea that the enemies faced by other Green Lanterns were far less powerful compared to the invasion of Apokolips. Dealing with the invasion from Apokolips was simply Hell-level difficulty compared to what he had to do in his designated cosmic sector.

Earth was a convergence point for various storylines, making it uniquely special.

"Um, isn't that a bit cliché?"

The Flash rolled his eyes, remembering something, and nervously looked at Superman.

"Ah, Superman, I wasn't talking about you."

"The name can be discussed later, It's just a codename."

Looking past Superman, who was smiling casually, Batman knew he would definitely join, and he turned to David.

"Are you planning to join this team, Beyonder?"

"Form a team, unite our strengths, and address global threats, protecting the Earth everywhere?"

David said.

"I'm not interested."

"Ah?" Hal Jordan couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed.

Beyonder was the strongest among them. Without Beyonder, they might not have been able to resist today's extraterrestrial invasion.

Batman also frowned.


Clark was about to persuade, but David interrupted.

"I can consider lending my name."

After resolving the situation with Brainiac, the gratitude and other emotions from humans increased his emotional points significantly. 

He still had no interest in flying around fighting crime, but when the world was threatened, he had to intervene. So, he decided to lend his name to the upcoming Justice League.

David's decision made everyone present to brighten up.


"Today is a day of great significance in human history."

In front of the United Nations Plaza, on the sunny lawn, the current Secretary-General of the United Nations stood behind the podium and delivered an impassioned speech.

"Many people, in cities around their respective countries, saw monsters in the sky without knowing that the world was just a step away from the abyss, and in the past few days, the world faced its most dangerous moments. 

It was these heroes behind me who stepped forward and saved us."

Satellites captured some scenes of David and others in action, displayed on the screens. The crowd in the plaza cheered loudly, applauding the heroes who saved the world.

"In every era of history, there have been heroes who were admired, guiding people in spirit..."

While the Secretary-General continued his speech, some of the people in costumes whispered to each other.

"Why are there only a few of us?"

Hal Jordan squinted and asked.

"Of the eight people who saved the world, only half of them have arrived?"


(~˘▾˘)~Don't forget to send your power-stones!~(˘▾˘~)

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