
I summoned a dragon girl

Hooder, a young student that can't use magic is bullied in the academy because of the fact. One day, he goes into a old library, finding a summoning spell book, that summons a female dragon hybrid. She gifts him her powers, and we follow Hooder and Delphyne as a old enemy comes to gain revenge on Delphyne.. [DROPPED]

Hooder_Man · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 4

The Phoenix flew around the area. "Argh!" He recover in the air. He swiped his wings outward, firey feathers flying towards a figure, red scales on their body. They flew towards the phoenix, dodging the firey feathers easily. They spun around and landed a kick to the phoenix's side. He flew to the side, breathing heavily. The figure began to breath fire towards the phoenix. His eyes widened, as he was caught into blast. Once the flames were gone, he fell out of the sky. He hit the ground hard, creating a small crater. "..."

The dragon hybrid landed on the ground, staring the phoenix down. "Damn you Delphyne.." He said, spitting blood. She blinked slowly, as her wings sprouted out. "I'm sorry Phoenix. But you hurt those I loved... I hope this fight taught you something, don't, fuck with me." She said, slowly flying up into the air. He closed one eye as he watched Delphyne fly away... His vision began to get blurry, and he began to feel sleepy.... 'One day, I'll beat you Delphyne...'


The Phoenix shook his head, trying to get that one-sided fight out of his head. 'Once I find her, this fight will be different.' He folded his arms, continuing to stare at the kingdom. 'She's been sealed for so long I'm sure she's rusty.' He smirked, "I've been training aswell, learning new abilities." He jumped down and flew over it. "Now the question is, when is the right time to strike?" He put a hand to his chin. He shook his head, "Man, just thinking of that dragon just pisses me off..."


The Phoenix watched Delphyne from a distance, as she spoke with her family. He gave a angry expression... Which turned into a smirk. He jumped down and landed. "I'll teach these pathetic dragons a lesson.." The Phoenix sprouted his wings as a firey shockwave erupted from his wings, things around him catching on fire.

He zipped towards Delphyne, with a punch. She looked over, as her eyes widened. The punch landed which sent her flying into a wall. He looked at the people watching. He held his hand outward towards them, firing blasts of fire at them, blasting them away. The Phoenix smirked as he watched the village burn. He snickered, then laughed. "Pathetic dragons!! Witness the power of the Great Phoenix!!" Then... one the houses exploded with fire. The sudden explosion caught The Phoenix's attention. Standing in the fire, was Delphyne, her eyes glowing with hate. Slowly, red scales began to cover her arms and cheeks. Her teeth got sharp, her fingers turned to claws. "You bastard..." She said, anger filling her tone. The Phoenix's eyes widened with excitement, "Now Delphyne! Give me a challenge!!" He got in a stance.

The two zipped towards each other at super speed. They clashed fists. Green electricity surrounded Delphyne, as she grabbed his fist and landed a nasty gut punch. The Phoenix's eyes widened. She then spun around and tossed him into the air. "Augh." She aimed her hands into the air, A large blast of electricity raced towards him. He smirked as he aimed his hands outward, his palms glowing orange. Then, a large blast of flames cut through the blast of electricity, due to being stronger. Delphyne jumped to the side. She looked around, noticing her unconscious family.

She frowned, looking up at The Phoenix. She jumped up as The Phoenix looked at her. She leaned back and kicked him in the gut. She then landed multiple punches to his body, before performing a dockey like kick knocking him back far. "Damnit... Why is she so strong?!" The Phoenix said to himself, as he recovered and flew back towards her. He threw a punch but she dodged it. He threw another but she dodged it aswell. He grunted and threw a combo of sloppy punches, that Delphyne was easily able to dodge or block. She grunted, leaned to the side and kicked him in the stomach. He spat out a bit of blood. She then spun around twice and landed a kick to the side of his head, knocking him away. He flew back, crashing into a mountain...

"Dammit!!" He shouted, punching the mountain, putting a crater in the boulders. Fire began to coat him in aura, as he zipped back towards Delphyne, screaming in anger.

She stayed in the spot, unfazed by The Phoenix's attack. "Take this!!" He shouted extending his fist outward. Before, it could land, Delphyne rose a hand and caught the punch with ease. His eyes widened. She looked at his hand, as she began to twist it. As she twisted it, the sounds of his hand cracking echoed throughout the silent area. He let out a painful scream as she finally broke his hand. "Argh!!!" Tears came out of his eyes, as she drew him closer, landing a punch to his gut... He spat out a large amount of blood, getting sent flying....

The Phoenix looked at his hand, grunting, "A bad memory. Well, that entire disgraceful fight was a bad memory..." He said, rubbing his head. He looked up, "But mark my words Delphyne. Things won't be the same as our last fight.. I'll make sure of that." He flew at super speed into the distance.