
I shook the horror realm with SCP

When a man is suddenly transported to a nightmarish realm with a mission to survive its terrifying challenges, his initial reaction is one of sheer panic. However, he soon discovers an extraordinary ability of his own—a power of horror more profound and terrifying than anything the horror realm has seen, The SCP Foundation. His journey unfolds as he navigates through a world teeming with unimaginable fears, using his newfound power to confront and overcome the relentless horrors that await him, eventually making the horror realm his home. 7+ chapters per week For future advanced chapters and exclusive content, visit Patreon.com/METLOM.

Metlom · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs


Dr. Helen arrived at Blackwood Grove, the moonlight barely piercing through the dense canopy of trees. She approached cautiously, her eyes scanning the shadowy surroundings. Just as she was beginning to feel uneasy, a figure stepped out from the darkness—Outsider.

"Outsider," she called out, the relief in her voice barely masking her irritation. "I came as fast as I could. We just got out of that horror copy, and now this? I haven't had a moment to rest."

Elijah, still maintaining his calm demeanor, nodded. "I appreciate you coming, Dr. Helen. There's something important I need to show you."

Helen sighed, her frustration bubbling over. "This had better be worth it. What's so urgent that it couldn't wait?"

He didn't answer directly, instead gesturing toward a hidden entrance camouflaged within the thick underbrush. "Follow me. It'll make more sense once you see it for yourself."

Helen hesitated but followed him into the forest. The path was narrow and overgrown, making it hard to believe that anything significant could be hidden in such a remote location. After a few minutes, they arrived at a heavy, reinforced door embedded into a hillside. Outsider stepped forward, activating a concealed panel. The door slid open with a mechanical hum, revealing the dimly lit interior.

As they entered, the sight that greeted her took her by surprise. Inside was a fully operational base, complete with armed guards, high-tech equipment, and a layout that suggested it had been there for some time. The guards snapped to attention as Outsider walked past, saluting him with respect.

Helen's eyes widened in disbelief. "What... how is this even possible? How is there such a large base here without anyone knowing?"

Elijah gave her a faint smile as they walked deeper into the base. "This is part of something much bigger, Dr. Helen. The SCP Foundation—an organization dedicated to containing and studying anomalous entities. This base is just one of many that have been operating in the shadows."

Helen glanced around, still trying to process what she was seeing. "The SCP Foundation... so it's real? You've been working with them this whole time?"

Elijah nodded, keeping his tone steady. "It's been in operation for a while. I just couldn't reveal it to you until now. But given the situation we're in, I need you on board. This base will be crucial for our next steps."

She frowned, skepticism creeping into her voice. "And I suppose you're expecting me to just accept all of this at face value?"

Elijah shrugged, leading her through the corridors. "You're a scientist, Helen. See for yourself. The evidence is all around you." He gestured to the advanced medical bay, the armory stocked with specialized weapons, and the control room monitoring various locations. "Everything you see here has been designed to handle the kinds of threats we've been facing."

Helen was silent for a moment, absorbing the information. She had to admit, it all seemed real—too real to be some hastily thrown-together ruse. "So... what's my role in all of this?"

Elijah turned to face her, his expression serious. "I need your expertise, Dr. Helen. Your knowledge and skills are invaluable to the Foundation's work. Together, we can make sure we're prepared for whatever comes next."

Dr. Helen looked at him, her mind racing as she processed everything she had seen. After a brief pause, she nodded. "Alright, I'll join you. This… this is too important to ignore."

Elijah's gaze softened slightly. "Good," he said, a hint of relief in his voice. Then, almost casually, he added, "It would've been a shame to use class C amnestics on you."

Helen stiffened, her eyes widening at the implication. The thought of losing her memories, everything she had worked so hard for, sent a shudder down her spine. She glanced at Outsider, realizing just how serious he was—and how much was truly at stake.

As elijah and Dr. Helen continued deeper into the base, they approached a secured door that required both a biometric scan and a passcode. The door slid open, revealing a small but meticulously organized lab filled with various monitors, chemical apparatus, and research equipment. Standing at the center was a tall, thin man in a lab coat—Dr. Klee.

Dr. Klee turned to face them as they entered, a slight smirk playing on his lips. "President," he greeted Outsider with a tone of respect and deference, "I was expecting you. Though I must admit, I didn't quite understand why you had to come all the way to our little base here in Blackwood Grove."

Elijah nodded in acknowledgment. "There are things I needed to discuss in person, Dr. Klee. Sensitive matters that can't be handled over a transmission."

Dr. Klee raised an eyebrow but said nothing more, his attention shifting to Dr. Helen. His eyes studied her for a moment before he spoke. "And you must be Dr. Helen. I've heard much about your work, your expertise in the field of bio-technology is truly fascinating"

Helen, still trying to absorb everything she had seen, nodded slowly. "I wasn't expecting any of this," she admitted. "Outsider—sorry, President—said that the SCP Foundation is an organization that works to save humanity, but I still don't fully understand."

Dr. Klee chuckled softly and gestured for her to sit down. "Ah, the SCP Foundation... It's a lot to take in, especially when you've been on the outside for so long. But let me clarify things for you."

He began to explain, his voice calm and measured. "The SCP Foundation is a global organization dedicated to containing and studying anomalous entities—things that defy the laws of nature, logic, and even reality itself. We operate in the shadows, ensuring that these anomalies don't threaten the world at large. Our goal is to protect humanity from things it isn't ready to understand."

Helen listened intently, her skepticism slowly giving way to intrigue. "And this base… it's all part of that? You've been operating here without anyone knowing?"

Dr. Klee nodded. "Precisely. This facility is just one of many. Each base is designed to study and contain specific anomalies. Here at Blackwood Grove, we handle cases that require isolation—anomalies that need to be kept far from civilization. It's a small operation, but crucial nonetheless."

Helen glanced around the lab, the pieces starting to fit together. "So, Outsider… the President… he's been working with you all along?"

Dr. Klee smiled, his tone shifting to one of admiration. "President is one of the reasons the SCP Foundation exists as it does today. His influence, his vision—it's what drives us forward. Without him, none of this would be possible."

Helen looked at Outsider, realizing how deep his involvement went. She had thought she knew him, but this revelation made her see him in a new light. "And you really believe that this Foundation… that it's the only way to handle these anomalies?"

Dr. Klee met her gaze. "I do. The world isn't ready for what's out there. But with the Foundation's resources and your expertise, we can make sure it's protected."

Dr. Klee leaned back, his expression serious. "It's not an easy job, Dr. Helen. But it's necessary. The SCP Foundation operates in the shadows because that's where these threats exist. And now, you're part of that world."

Helen took a deep breath, the weight of the situation settling in. "I see," she said quietly. "I guess there's no turning back now."

Dr. Klee nodded. "Welcome to the Foundation, Dr. Helen."

Helen, still trying to process everything, looked between Outsider and Dr. Klee. "So, what exactly will I be doing here?"

Dr. Klee leaned forward, his expression serious. "The SCP Foundation is expanding its reach into the Horror Realm because we've noticed an alarming trend. More and more people are being roped into the Horror Game. The Foundation has always operated in secrecy, but the situation is becoming untenable. We've had to adapt, which is why we've started building bases here, within the Horror Realm itself, to contain it from within, The Foundation has started to lose it's veil."

He paused, choosing his words carefully. "But containment failures happen more frequently in this realm. The anomalies here are... different, more volatile. We don't have many people with your expertise—someone who understands the Horror Game and can navigate its complexities."

Helen frowned, cutting him off. "So, what exactly is expected of me? What am I supposed to do in all of this?"

Elijah turned to Helen, his expression calm but firm. "We will need you to operate from this base, Dr. Helen. Your primary task will be to enter the Horror Realm and recruit more players like yourself to join the SCP Foundation. The players, as you know, are still a rarity, and their unique experiences make them valuable assets. We don't have strict requirements—if someone's not fit for regular duties, we can always find a use for them elsewhere."

Helen's stomach twisted as she realized what he meant. "You mean... D-Class personnel?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Elijah nodded slowly. "Yes. If they're truly beyond redemption or dangerous, they can be utilized as D-Class. It's not ideal, but it's necessary."

Dr. Helen shuddered, the memory of the document she once read about D-Class testing flashing through her mind. The cold, clinical descriptions of human lives used as fodder for dangerous experiments. The thought of condemning someone to that fate, even indirectly, made her skin crawl.

"But remember," Elijah continued, his tone gentle but unwavering, "your role here is crucial. You'll have the power to decide who can be saved and who can't. The choices you make could determine the future of the Foundation's operations in the Horror Realm."

Helen took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. The weight of responsibility felt immense, but she knew she couldn't back out now. "I understand," she said quietly. "I'll do what needs to be done."

Elijah gave her a reassuring nod. "Good. We're counting on you, Dr. Helen. Together, we can make sure this realm doesn't consume more than it already has."

As Dr. Klee observed the exchange between the president and Dr. Helen, a contemplative expression crossed his face. He couldn't help but be puzzled by President's decision. Helen was indeed an expert in biotechnology, but in the vast spectrum of the SCP Foundation's operations, such specialists were not particularly rare. Her involvement in the Horror Game added a unique dimension, but it didn't quite justify the immense responsibility president had assigned to her.

A dark chuckle echoed in Klee's mind as he entertained a troubling thought. What if Dr. Helen was somehow similar to SCP- 166 (Succbi girl), an anomaly known for its ability to captivate and manipulate individuals? The idea was absurd, yet it lingered in his thoughts. The potential horror of the President falling victim to such a being—someone who could exploit and control him—sent a shiver down Klee's spine.

He tried to dismiss the thought but couldn't shake the unease. The President had always been careful, astute, and immune to manipulation. Yet, the thought of a scenario where even someone of his caliber could be undone by an anomaly like SCP-166 was a disturbing possibility. Klee knew that the President had his reasons, but the more he pondered, the more he wondered about the real motivations behind this decision.

Dr. Klee sighed inwardly, forcing himself back to the present. He needed to stay focused. The implications of Helen's role in the Foundation's expansion into the Horror Realm were significant, and it was crucial that he and the president navigate this new phase with caution.

As he looked at Helen, who was now steeling herself for her new responsibilities, Klee couldn't shake the feeling that they were stepping into a much larger and more complex web of intrigue than anyone had anticipated.

Meanwhile Elijah revealed silently in his own thoughts. In the quiet corners of his mind, he relished the success of his subtle deception. The SCP Foundation, as he had presented it, was a grand illusion crafted with meticulous care, and Dr. Helen had walked right into it.

He chuckled inwardly, imagining her initial confusion and eventual acceptance. She was now part of his carefully laid plan, a golden goose he intended to keep close. she was not just a valuable asset; she was the key to unlocking more significant opportunities and, more crucially, an infinite source of belief points.

Elijah's thoughts turned to his grand vision. With Dr. Helen onboard, he could harness her skills to recruit others, expanding his influence and gathering more players like her. He saw it as inviting fellow geese into his wolf den—a cunning strategy to build a network of capable individuals who would further his goals and, ultimately, keep his belief point generator running indefinitely.

He envisioned the potential: a steady influx of resources, knowledge, and power flowing from this new arrangement. The Horror Realm, with its twisted challenges and anomalies, would become a playground where he, now with the Foundation's facade, could manipulate and exploit its secrets.

As he watched Dr. Helen and Dr. Klee discuss the new arrangement, Elijah's smirk widened. His plan was unfolding perfectly, and he was poised to reap the benefits. The horror game had become a means to an end—a way to gain control and consolidate power. And with his new 'foundation,' he was well on his way to achieving his grand vision.

You've reached the end of the chapter, Now Drop your powerstone unless you wanna become [REDACTED]

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