
I Shall Become The Strongest Dragoness!

What if your fictional character became you? What if after you became your fictional character, you were thrown in a world where there is no civilization? ..What if said fictional character isnt as strong as you thought it was? Or what if it is even stronger? It was the year 2097, August 23th when it happened, a change happened. Every human that had a powerfull imagination became their fictional characters, while those that lacked creativity succumbed in the new world. After the change, every living being were transported to a mysterious place, a world where everyone need to adapt to survive, a world that is way bigger than their past home land, a world with unthinkable dangers and a universe that is even more so. You will be acompaning Emilia, someone who loved action packed fantasy stories, comics and drawing. Though of the hundreds of fictional characters she created, she didnt expected to become this one.. "Ugh, why have i becommed Chronos? She was just supposed to be a stepping stone! A classic boo-hoo evil dragon for the protagonist to kill!" "But this body is also way smaller than it should have been! I am barely 140 centimeters! Chronos was supposed to be mountain-sized!" "Agh! If it has come to this, i might aswell become the strongest! I will never allow myself to be eaten by mere ogres!" =-=-=-= Expect grammar mistakes B) Though this is not my first book im still new to this whole thing, so be patient yes? I try to atleast post 3 chaps a week Try.

Egg_Lover · ファンタジー
45 Chs

[Tainzer Plains]

After a long walk, they finally arrive at Tainzer Planices!

The planice had grass everywhere though it was not tall. The sky was clear and the sun was shining happily, a perfect day to play outside.

Of course, if you didnt consider the dangers of this place.

The Tainzer planices had Tree Golems and occasionally Inferior Trolls that were as tall as 11-20 meters tall. There were no tree's to be seen aswell, just a continuos grassy planice.

Emilia and Dawn stopped walking, the fresh air was nice.

Dawn sat down on the grass and looked at the distance, it had been a long time since the last time she was here.

"You can look round, just dont get too near to the border."


"Yeah, Though the name has planice in it, there are some ravines that lead downwards, that place is infested with fungus. The poor soul that falls down there will have their body being taken by the fungus."

Emilia eyes widened, all she could think of was the word zombies.

"Do they infect other people with a bite?"

"No, they more likely would want to drag you down there to become one of them though."

"Is it okay for me to really wander around?"

"You will be fine! As long you dont get that close to the border that is. If you do that, big scary fungus ill grab your leg when you sleep, scary!"

Emilia just ignored Dawn attempt at teasing her and started to look around the endless grassy terrain.. But a few steps away from Dawn a huge came out of the ground making Emilia jump.


Dawn laughed at the sight of a Dragon getting scared of a mole. Truly a sight to behold. Soon enought, the mole started to attack Emilia, it rushed forwards and a drill made out of transparent green aura formed on the front.

"First you scare me, then you attack me?! You are asking for a beating!"

Once the mole was right infront of Emilia, she thrusted forward with her paws completely breaking the Aura drill and digging into the mole head, killing it easily.

"In the next life do not spook a beautiful dragoness like me!"

Dawn smiled from the back, Emilia finally seemed to be getting more comfortable with her surroundings, it was like watching a child to grow, so emotional!

While Dawn was thinking of that, Emilia looked at the dead mole, the smell of blood was exciting her senses telling her to eat it.

"But it is raw.. I mean it could taste good if i give it a try.. But wont i get sick?"

Emilia indecision was aparent, Dawn giggled and looked away, she opened her book and looked at some drawings.

There were some wolf humanoids that had their stomachs cut open with mushrooms comming out, she flipped the book once again and it had the image of Dawn together with two other wolfs.

"By now they should be dead of old age."

She sighed, she recorded that 132 years ago, her notebook was conserved with some Aura formation.

"I should get a new notebook, this one has only about 12 pages left.."

She closed her notebook, drowning in the nostalgia river, she didnt notice that the Aura of the are was getting better and more refined.

"Mmm, tastes like pork. I wonde rhow it would taste if i cooked it?"

Emilia had succumbed to her instincts and ate the whole mole, her scales was dirty in blood.

"How can raw meat taste this good anyway.."

"Chrono! Can you come over here?"

Dawn finally waked up, the Aura in the surrounding was being more and more refined to the point that it was starting to get suffocating to small animals. Emilia slowly made her way to Dawn, she still didnt notice that she looked like a glow stick.

"What is it?"

".. Do you usually refine spiritual energy when you eat?"

"I do what?"

Emilia sat down and slowly licking the blood out of her paws and scales.

"Like, your yellow patterns are glowing and refining the surrounding aura. You didnt know that?"

"..Oh they are shining!"

Dawn facepalmed, how could such a distinct trait not be noticed?

"Didnt your mother and father tell you about your glowing patterns? They look like some ancient scripture long lost in time!"

"Hmm.. I never really met mom and dad was always out."

Emilia recalled her parents, though her parents wasnt present for the most part of her life, he worked hard to get money so that Emilia could get good education and live well. They werent poor but they were lower middle class.

Emilia ended up getting a good job that gave her enought time to do what she liked, wich was drawing.

'..I wonder how i am going to grab a pencil with these sharp claws.. Are there even pencils here?'

A sigh escaped Emilia mouth. Dawn immediately hugged her small head as she thought that she perhaps said something that brought up bad memories.

"Sorry! I didnt mean to make you remember bad things..!"


Dawn slowly let go of Emilia head.

".. But dont you wanna go back to your home? There are probably some nice dragons there!"

'Home.. Can i even get back home? Is there even a home to come back to? What if a day here is a year out there or some crazy logic like that?'

While Emilia was in deep thought, Dawn decided to take in some of the Aura that Emilia was refining to try to refine her vessel as this was one of the few ways to get stronger besides moving to the next stage.

".. Emilia, did you know that the Aura you produce is atleast 20x better than that of the Holy Land?"

Emilia snapped out of her thoughts and answered.

"Is that good?"

"No. If someone knew about you they might take you away and brainwash you to be used as a Aura Refiner. Or even worse, there might be some that will try to get their hands on your body since you are pretty much a walking treasure."

"A-a what?"

Emilia was worried, besides the dangerous monsters on this planet, there were also people that would want to eat her? Literally of course.

"Just dont eat anything while we get into the big city's. Plus the Dragonfolks wont do nothing to you besides worship you as a deity or something. Kobolds would also treat you as an all mighty god aswell."

"But anyways, lets stop talking about bad stuff. Lets enjoy the day talking about something more intresting, like, do you have any interests?"

sorry if this one was a bit rushed, yesterday was my bday and i had school all day. Monday i was busy figuring out stuff for my party but nyway, didnt wanted to be more than 3 days without posting anything, hope yall enjoy!

Egg_Lovercreators' thoughts