
I saved a sex slave and she will be my new friend.

After defeating the Demon King, the only thing I want is to live a quiet life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and have friends. As long as I manage to fulfill one of those dreams, I will die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a Vampire and gave her a new life. "You will be happy again, I promise!"

Rotceh8292 · ファンタジー
35 Chs

CHAPTER 9- Visiting a zoo. Part 2.

CHAPTER 9- Visiting a zoo. Part 2.

Time ago.

"B-but… they were my… f-friends."

"I already told you I don't care! I told you not to waste time on nonsense!"

"B-but I was just I-I was playing ..."

A little 5-year-old Dreimo was slapped by his mother and she started kicking him on the floor.

"Stop saying stupid things! I killed them because I wanted to!"

After a couple of hits, she stopped hitting him.

"A client is coming soon, I can't keep hitting you."

She took him by the arm and lifted him up.

Despite crying, Dreimo's expression was cold ... An expression that reflects that he no longer cares about anything.

"You can't have friends."

—… "I know… I know."

(Pov- Dreimo.)

… Ahh... Seeing mothers with their children reminded me of my mother's whore ... My crazy mother was killing my friends simply so that I wouldn't have any ties to anyone, preventing me from getting help, as my own mother was prostituting me.

I did not receive any help, so I had to personally take care of the problem.

No, Dreimo! We promised to leave the past behind. Just focus on the present.

"They are cute, right?"

Yuik nodded.

We were watching the monkeys at the zoo.

The animals of this world and the other are similar, but they are very different.

In the other world there are more dangerous and rare animals.

"Let's keep watching."

It is the first time I have come with a friend to a place like this ... I always came alone ... I feel sorry for the Dreimo of the past ... But now my life got better.

I have a true friend and a normal job. I finally have the life I dreamed of.

And I hope it stays that quiet.

"Ah... We finally finished seeing everything."

Yuik nodded and I smiled.

"Do you like it?"

She nodded quickly.

"I see."

We were eating a hamburger, in the zoo cafeteria.

It was a long day, but very satisfying.

But it's time to retire, Yuik is already sleepy, I can see that in her eyes.

"I think we should go now."

Yuik finished the burger and nodded ... How adorable she looks with her mouth full.

Well, it's time to retire.

I got up and was about to crash into a girl.

"I'm sorry."

I managed to get away and avoid the crash.

"D-don't worry."

I turned to see Yuik.

"Let's go."

She got up and we left the place.

I am satisfied with the result today.

Yuik's mood improved. I could feel that she had a good time seeing rare animals for her and eating delicious food.

If she continues to get these results, I will be able to see a smile on her face very soon.

I must make sure that no man comes near her. She is not so afraid of me because I revealed that I am the hero Dreimo, the person who defeated the Demon King. I am someone admired by humans, she trusts me for that. But she is afraid of men because of the bandits who tortured her.

She must first get used to being with me, forget her past and get on with her life.

After that, I'll let men talk to her ... But not yet.

It will be a long process, but it will be worth it.

We went back to the other world and I put a bed next to the other bed in the room.

"Well, a bed for each one."

I yawned and went to bed.

"Good night, Yuik."

Yuik nodded and lay down on the bed.

Well, she didn't get that nervous. I am earning her trust.

(One week later.)

It's been a week since Yuik lives with me.

Fortunately, nothing bad or weird has happened.

Every day was very normal and calm, and that is very good.

Yuik is not as scared of me as before and is less nervous when talking to me.

Unfortunately, she becomes very nervous and scared when other people speak to her. If I want her to be independent, I must teach her to talk to people.

"I'd like to take this book with me."

"Of course. Can I see your card?"


Ahh... A quiet day at work.

What else can I order?

No God fucking my life.

No Demon tries to conquer the world.

This tranquility is great.


... No...

Ahh... Not him, please... Well, she... Ah, whatever.

"You're Dreimo, right?!"

I easily recognize that daring outfit.

If I didn't know her true identity, I would think she was a beautiful, hot girl.

Her too long white hair is unmistakable ... Wow... Her hair looks like a superhero cape. She let it grow too long.

Her blue eyes... This short garment... A mini shorts ... A black blouse that reaches up to the navel ... If I did not know her true identity, I would be excited.

"Good afternoon, lady. My name is Dreimo. Let me finish my work and I will be happy to assist you."

She took me by the suit and got too close to me.

"Are you the hero Dreimo ?!"

—... "No. I know we have the same names, but ..."

"Don't lie!"

She tried to hit me and I closed my eyes cowardly.

—... "Why didn't you defend yourself?"

Hehe. I knew she was going to stop. She can be an aggressive girl, but she doesn't kill innocents.

"L-lady, please leave me. I'm not the hero Dreimo, we just have the same names."

"Tsk. I know it's you."

—... "Sorry if I offend you, but ... Don't you think that if the hero Dreimo is in hiding, he would choose a different name?"

—... "It's true, Dreimo is smart ... But I'll be watching you."


She released me and left the library ... So agressive.

"E-excuse me, are you okay?"

"Don't worry, lady... Should I change my name? Even the guild master mistook me for him when he met me ... Ahh... I'm unlucky."

Lunchtime, my favorite time of the day.

"Pizza and hamburgers. Junk food, but it doesn't affect us. We can eat all we want!"

Yuik nodded and we started eating.

"Ah. Eating with someone is more relaxing."

We were eating at our house, in 30 minutes we must go back to work.

We must take advantage of the time we have.



Yuik spoke to me, in her own way, and showed me her notebook.

She says: "Who was the girl that bothered you?"

"Ah, you saw that ... She is called "Seirak", she is the third princess of this country."

She was surprised and wrote: "But the King only has male children."

"Yes... She is a man."

She froze for a few seconds and wrote: "Man? But she is very beautiful."

"Yes... Magic can do incredible things."

Although I was the one who made her a woman... Literally.