
I saved a sex slave and she will be my new friend.

After defeating the Demon King, the only thing I want is to live a quiet life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and have friends. As long as I manage to fulfill one of those dreams, I will die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a Vampire and gave her a new life. "You will be happy again, I promise!"

Rotceh8292 · ファンタジー
35 Chs

CHAPTER 5- A day of shopping. Part 2.

CHAPTER 5- A day of shopping. Part 2.

A little 5-year-old Dreimo, who has black hair, is crying on the floor, playing with two dolls.

But, despite crying, his expression is the same as Yuik's ... He has an expressionless face ... A hopeless look.

"I want to die… I don't want them to keep touching me."

Hands came out of the floor and began to touch his body.

"I don't want to, Mom ... I don't want to."

(Pov- Dreimo.)

I opened my eyes... Ahh... The nightmares will never end ... I've gotten over my past, but nightmares don't go away.

I'm not so traumatized anymore ... Why do I keep having nightmares?

Um… Well... It doesn't matter. I just have to ignore them.

… A note on my chest?

I took the sheet of paper.

I got up and stretched my arms ... Ah… The floor was cold, but comfortable.

"I hope it's not a threat from that useless Goddess."

… Oh, it's a thank you note from Yuik… "Thank you for giving me a place to sleep" ... What a nice gesture ... I am glad that her are grateful.

I watched her sleep for only a few seconds and left the room.

I don't want her to catch me watching her and think I'm a pervert.

"I just confirmed two things."

Number 1: I finally have a friend! Ah… My former colleagues considered them my friends, but they were in love with me, they did not behave like true friends ... And my only male friend betrayed me.

Number 2: I'm not in love with her ... I thought I would live the cliché of saving the pretty girl and falling in love with her, but ... I am not attracted to her.

I don't care about her past, after all, we both suffered almost the same ... I have never fallen in love ... Never... Ah… I don't think I can get a girlfriend ... Well, I have a friend, with that I agree ... I just hope she doesn't fall in love with me.

For now, I just want a friend ... A trusted person in my life ... Someone to drink together, discuss, have fun, etc ... I guess that's what friends do.

"I better not think about it for now."

"Did you have sex with her?"

—… "Sant, don't you have a job as a Goddess? Stop wasting time."

Sant appeared next to me.

"Just answer my question."

"No. I didn't have sex with her. And no, I'm not in love with her or have feelings for her. And I don't feel anything for you either. Happy?"

"Yes... Although that last thing hurt me to hear it."

She sat down in a chair and smiled.

"Won't you buy me breakfast?"

"Normal people don't eat breakfast with Gods."

"It's true... You are Mr. "normal". Fufu. How long will you keep playing at being a normal person? The human most hated by the Gods is far from normal."

"I hate that title."

"You deserve it. Or do you prefer your old title?"

"Shut up."

"Ah... Did you get mad?"

I sighed and walked over to her.

"I want to ask you a favor. If you do, I'll be your friend."

"Fufu. I will step forward. What do you want?"

"Torture the bandits I killed. Give them the worst punishment you can ... And for all eternity."

"It'll be a pleasure."

She got up and winked at me.

"We are childhood friends again. We're one step closer to fulfilling the cliché of childhood friend romance."

"It'll never happen."

"Fufu. You can't escape your destiny, darling ... And you know it perfectly."

She disappeared.

Ah… She only shows up to give me headaches ... At least I made sure that the bandits who made Yuik suffer will suffer for all eternity.

"A bit of this ... A bit of that ... Yeah… Fine... I finished!"

Eggs with meat ... That's all.

"I wish I knew how to cook."

But at least I garnished the food with sauces and condiments ... I hope it tastes good.

… I heard footsteps.

I turned to my left. Oh, she woke up ... She looks adorable with tousled hair ... Not like the useless Goddess who has her hair tousled to differentiate herself from her mother's bitch. Unlike Yuik, Sant looks weird, but cute ... I hate to admit it, but she's cute. Yuik is adorable with tousled hair.

"Good morning, Yuik. Sit down, the breakfast attempt is ready."

She began to write in the notebook ... Oh, she's getting used to it.

She showed me what she wrote.

She says: "Good morning, Dreimo."

"Thanks. Take a seat."

She nodded slowly and sat down on the table.

I put the plates on the table and sat next to her.

"Please make it edible. Please make it edible."

I tasted the food and almost threw up.

I overdid it with the salt ... And with the pepper ... And the lemon ... And the oil ... And with everything.

—… "We better go to a restaurant. I bought you a dress to go out. I will buy you more clothes, but you will choose it, I don't know anything about clothes."

My fashion sense is weird ... I don't care... I only wear clothes that look comfortable.

When I was working as a hero, I was forced to wear flashy clothes to have something that would set me apart from others.

I decided to wear white clothes with unnecessary ornaments ... Ah… I looked ridiculous, but everyone said I looked great ... I don't understand fashion.

I changed my clothes and put on a black suit to go out.

Yuik is wearing a cute red dress… I don't know if it's cute or not ... I don't know anything about fashion ... But it looks good on her. I made sure it had no cleavage and was long. I'm sure she feels nervous and scared when other people see her ... And she is beautiful. She will definitely catch the attention of men.

We left the house and began to walk together through the streets of this great city.

She was clearly nervous and scared, she doesn't stop staring at the floor as she walks.

She feels insecure.

… If I hold her hand, she will be scared ... It will take her longer to get used to the freedom. She still doesn't trust anyone.

Surely men disgust her ... If I take her by the hand, she'll be scared of me and probably faint.


I stopped and offered her my shirt sleeve.

"You can hold my shirt while you walk so you won't get lost. I would offer you my hand, but I have them sweaty. Do not worry, with me you will be safe. I promise you that there is no one in this city who can defeat me."

Nor in this world.

She nodded and took my shirt sleeve.

Perfect. We continue walking together.

… She is still shaking and looking at the floor.

Um… Well... It's still too early for her to smile again... It will be a long road, but I promise that you will be happy again.

I will do whatever it takes to see a true smile on your face.

You deserve to be happy. Live a calm and happy life.

You will be happy again, I promise!