
I saved a sex slave and she will be my new friend.

After defeating the Demon King, the only thing I want is to live a quiet life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and have friends. As long as I manage to fulfill one of those dreams, I will die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a Vampire and gave her a new life. "You will be happy again, I promise!"

Rotceh8292 · ファンタジー
35 Chs

CHAPTER 29- Buying clothes. Part 2.

CHAPTER 29- Buying clothes. Part 2.

Our work today ended. After a long day working to earn our bread, we need to eat a delicious meal.

But before we eat, we need to buy winter clothes. I don't want Yuik to ... Ah... Our immune system is very good, it is almost impossible for us to get sick. But we must buy the winter clothes because Yuik feels cold.

"In the capital they sell better clothes, but here they also sell nice clothes."

I think the guildmaster's wife isn't selling winter clothes yet, but I'll go see if she has.

Yuik is holding my shirt as we walk. It's her way of feeling calm, and I understand her perfectly.

Today is the 24th of month 10. Something that most existing worlds share is their calendar. In this world a year is 12 months long, months are 30 days long, and a week is 7 days. They don't get names.

Too basic a calendar, that's why I modified it.

Today is October 24. I named the days and months myself. And I forced the most important rulers of the world to accept this change.

Months and days without names was ridiculous ... Huh?

Yuik released me. Why?

I turned to my left... Ah...

I stealthily pulled my smartphone out of my pocket and took a picture of Yuik, who is buying flowers to a little girl with scales on her skin. An adorable reptilian girl ... Snake girl? It is the same.

I like that nice side of her. Although we have the same past, she is completely different from me. I became a complete son of a bitch when I broke free from Sant's mother's control, but she is still nice.

Unlike me, she is happy helping people, and I am happy when I cause people pain.

That is why I make sure that the people I cause pain are bad people. I don't want to be the same Dreimo from the past because ... Because, if I torture an innocent person, I would enjoy it. I enjoy the pain of others. I vowed never to hurt an innocent person for fear of going back to being the same person.

I think the King is an exception. He is someone very kind and is admired by everyone for being the only normal human who could fight the Demon King. But I left him traumatized by my actions. I couldn't help it, that son of a bitch was a protagonist with a harem. I consider him a protagonist with a harem because his adventure is worthy of having a manga or novel. And he had harem. When I heard his story and that he had a harem, anger took over my body and I couldn't help but hit him every time I saw him.

That King reminded me too much of a stupid God who made fun of me for being used as a sex toy. "How's your ass doing, Dreimo ?! Did it hurt when those tentacles entered your butt ?! " He said that while laughing like crazy. He had a harem of 10 beautiful women, and I ... I... Ah... It really pains me to say it, but the past can't change. They were Goddesses too, and I raped them in front of him. I beat him to almost death and shoved tentacles up his ass. Ah, and I also used Orcs to destroy his butt and mouth with their huge penises. I raped his wives in front of him to make him feel miserable and powerless. I put him through all that suffering for making fun of me.

I have done so many horrible things in the past, which I am very sorry for. I hate rape, but I have raped women in the past. My only excuse is that I was not 100% in control of my body. After killing Sant's mother and freeing myself from her control, my body was so used to causing pain, that when I had the opportunity to torture someone, I did it without hesitation. My body moved by itself, I could not control it completely. It took me time to control my actions, but I had already done too much damage.

I have tortured, raped, murdered, forced Gods to suck dick from disgusting Orcs, Goddesses fight each other in mud to death, ate the babies of the Gods, forced Gods to eat their own children, forced young children to see how their parents were murdered by me, and a long and disgusting etcetera.

"Thank you very much, Miss!"

But Yuik is not the same as me. If I die, I will go to hell ... No, I will not go to hell, the God in charge of souls would destroy my soul. I do not deserve to go to paradise or hell, my punishment will be to cease to exist and not have the opportunity to reincarnate.

But if Yuik dies, she will go to paradise and meet her family again.

Seeing Yuik stroking the head of that little girl makes me realize what a horrible person I currently am. Yuik reminds me too much of little Dreimo who got excited when his mother taught him about her work as Goddess of love. I was someone so ... well ... Ah, I better forget that, the past is not worth remembering.

Yuik came back with me and offered me one of the flowers she bought.

"For me?"

Yuik nodded and I smiled.

"Thank you."

I took the flower and looked at it ... It smells good.

I stroked Yuik's head.

"Thank you very much, Yuik."

We continued on our way. Yuik is too nice to someone like me. I don't deserve to receive that kindness. Even I admit that I don't deserve to be happy. I have caused a lot of pain to innocent people. I literally caused the end of the world in many worlds, causing millions of deaths and much suffering. I don't deserve to have the quiet life that I'm having. I don't deserve to feel happy ... The only thing I deserve is a life full of pain and loneliness, and that punishment would be a very short one.


I turned to see Yuik.

"Do you want to go get something to eat first?"

Yuik nodded quickly.

"Come on, I know the perfect place."

"T-thank you."

It is never too late to start over and leave the past behind.

The androids who escaped on the orders of the mad scientist, were sitting on the bank of a river, fishing with homemade fishing rods.

Behind them were the lifeless bodies of three adventurers, two girls and a boy.

"Personality absorbed and analyzed. Complete procedure. Personality adoption finished."- Said the three.

The three sighed and Hana, the android with the appearance of a 15-year-old girl, smashed the fishing rod and became furious.

"Son of your fucking mother!!! Father, you are an ungrateful son of a bitch!!!"

"S-sister, what's wrong with you?"- Said Tim, the android that looks like a 5-year-old boy.

"A young girl shouldn't say bad words, Hana!"- Said Elizabeth, the android that looks like a 25-year-old woman.

"Shut up, busty! Why did our father give you big breasts and he didn't give me anything ?! It is not fair! Why must I be a table?!"

"O-older sister, I-I think our sister absorbed a flawed personality."

"Hana, you're scaring our brother, stop saying bad words!"

"Tsk! You fucking crybaby. Now, what are we gonna do? We have already absorbed the personalities and memories of these people. What do we do now?"

"I don't know. I guess we should find Dreimo and kill him, that's our only purpose in life."

"But, older sister, we don't know what this Dreimo is like. We only have the description of his appearance."

"Then we must investigate. Let's go to the nearest guild to find information."


"No, we must pretend that we are normal people. Let's walk, not fly. Remember that our father told us that we should act like normal people. Let's go."

"D-does it... suit me ... g-good?"

Mmm... Yes, I think it's okay. Pink clothes match her brown skin. I see it well.

"It looks excellent on you, Yuik. We are going to buy that set of clothes as well."

Again I ended up buying a lot of winter clothes. I ran out of money, but it was worth it. I have savings in the other world, so I don't worry about food. All these clothes were worth buying.

Now that Yuik has gotten used to being with me, she is no longer as shy as she was before. She tried on all the clothes I gave her and asked for my opinions. What great progress in our relationship! I like Yuik's shy side, but I also like that she becomes less shy with me.

We left the store with boxes in our hands. [Magic Storage] is a unique skill of those who have the job of [Hero]. I can't use it in public.

"This is the first time in a long time that I have to buy clothes for the cold season. I don't know much about fashion, but I think we'll look good with this. By the way, Yuik, is there anything you want? Christmas is coming."


"Ah, that's right... At home I will tell you the details."

We got home and left our clothes in our closets.

Well, we have clothes to survive the winter.

After putting the clothes away, we sat together at the table.

"Christmas is a celebration of world 15, but there are also more worlds that celebrate Christmas. At Christmas, friends and family exchange gifts. It is a way of showing trust, love and friendship. I could never celebrate it in this world because ... Well, nobody knows that I'm from another world, only you know. It is the first time in years that I will celebrate. It is celebrated on December 25. Would you like to celebrate it with me?"

Yuik nodded quickly.



I must give her the best Christmas of her life! And her first Christmas. I have to make a great and delicious Christmas dinner and buy her a great present.

Ah... I think I will also invite Sant. How can I invite her to the party without Yuik getting suspicious? I'll think of something later.

(Pov- Saoko.)

"Hey Saoko, you're amazing at soccer!"

"Why don't you join the club?!

"You were amazing!"

"Yes... Thank you."

I got away from all those pesky girls.

I... I... I don't know what to do. The only reason I wanted to be handsome and strong is to make my ex-girlfriend fall in love and then break her heart like she did with me, but ... But... God damn it! I can't get revenge! All girls are attracted to me except girls I want to be attracted to me!

Candy ignores me and the others too! And they don't ignore me to pretend they don't care about me, they don't really care about me at all!

This... This... This doesn't make sense.

I left the school, not caring that it was raining. I don't care about the rain, I don't mind getting wet ... I don't care about anything.

Walking while the rain hits me calms me down.

I... I don't know what to do. I don't know.

God damn it...! Damn...

"I hate my life."

I sat on a park bench ... My life no longer has any meaning. I can't get revenge on the people who hurt me ... I can't do anything.

Damn... Damn...!

Lightning struck Saoko's head, causing his instant death. Too unexpected a death.

Was it bad luck? Was he unlucky enough to have the lightning strike exactly on his head? Not exactly.

"This became boring. Dreimo has a normal life, Max has the skills and levels, now I want something different. Saoko, you were the most boring, and I don't like that. I want you to amuse me!"

Saoko was unlucky enough to be deemed boring by the Supreme Goddess.

Huh? Suddenly I lost consciousness. What happened to me...? Huh?

W-wait... I-I feel weird.

M-my hands feel weird.

I look at my hands ... T-this must be a joke. This must be a joke!


I-I can't talk... N-no... This must be a bloody joke!!

Why did I turn into a cat?! N-no, this must be a mistake!

"How adorable!"

Huh? Uwaaaah! Giant hands caught me! Is he a giant man?!

Ahhhhhh! That man is an Orc!

"They were born healthy, daughter."

"I want to caress them!"

"Not yet, daughter. They are small. You have to wait for them to grow a little more."

A-a girl with pig ears and tail ... Ah... Ah... Ahhhhhh!!!!! What's happening?!!